Gematria Class

Gematria is a type of numerological study that may be defined as one or more systems for calculating the numerical equivalence of letters, words, and phrases in a particular Hebrew text. These systems are used for the purpose of gaining insight into interrelating concepts and for finding correspondences between words and concepts. Although not identical, gematria is also in the same orbit as the so-called "Bible Codes" and "Equi-distant Letter Sequences" (ELS) that have become fashionable recently.

There are 10 Major methods of gematria corresponding to the 10 Sefirot. The relation of the gematria method to the corresponding Sefirot is not well known. Also, there are many different methods which are subsets of the major types. Generally i will not indicate the relationship except for a few methods.

According to most practitioners, there are several methods used to calculate the numerical value for individual words and phrases. When converted to a number, words/phrases can then be compared to other words/phrases and similarities drawn. I list the most common Hebrew gematria methods below. Also, these are links to the various types of gematria including their numerical values and charts for each gematria type.

  • רגיל Ragil - Normative - Regular - Normal - Usual
  • Mispar Mussafi - מושפי משפר
  • Mispar Gadol means Large Number - this uses final letter forms as a different value than the regular number.
  • Small Number Katan - This is a well used method of gematria
  • Ordinal Gematria - The number that is the location in the order of the Alef Bet.
  • At Bash Method is generally considered the balanced system
  • רגיל Ragil - Normative - Regular - Normal - Usual

    The Ragil Method is the method that most people mean when they use the word gematria. Remember gematria is a Greek word that is also the shoresh for geometry. Thus, there are specific rules of the different gematria methods. Gematria along with Astrology is referred to as a "spice of Torah" in the Talmudic section called Pirkei Avot. This is usually translated as "Ethics of the Fathers." Actually, this is a corrupted translation as there are many teachings in this section other than Ethics and Morals. This statement about gematria is one of these teachings.

    What is a spice? Is a spice necessary for us to eat food? Or for our general health and nutrition? In my opinion Spice is not a superfluous item in our food and cooking. Spice is necessary both for general health and or nutrition as well as for us to realize that food without spice will not be eaten. Spices are a creation of HaShem in order to fulfill the purpose of Creation which is to share pleasure with the Creatures.

    Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is given an assigned number, beginning with one for Aleph, two for Bet, and so on. The tenth letter, Yood, is numerically equivalent to 10, and successive letters equal 20, 30, 40, and so on. The letter Kaf near the end of the alphabet, equals 100, and the last letter, Tav, equals 400. This method is sometimes called "Ragil." Using this method, you simply add up each letter of a given word (or phrase) to determine its numerical value:


    א=1 ב=2 ג=3 ד=4 ה=5 ו=6 ז=7 ח=8 ט=9 י=10 כ=20 ל=30 מ=40 נ=50 ס=60 ע=70 פ=80 צ=90 ק=100 ר=200 ש=300 ת=400 ך=20 ם=40 ן=50 ף=80 ץ=90


    Shalom שלום =

    300 + 30 + 6 + 40 = 376

  • Click to return to the links to other gematria methods.
  • Mispar Mussafiמושפי משפר = Added Beauty to the Number

    In the Mispar Mussafi method, the value of a word (or phrase) is the standard gematria value plus the number of letters in the word (or phrase). For example, the value of the word shalom (Shin, Lamed, Vav, Mem) is 300+30+6+40+4 or 380, and the value of the Name YHVH (Yood, Hey, Vav, Hey) is 10+5+6+5+4 or 30.

    The Torah teaches that one should not add or detract even 1 letter. This teaching does not apply to gematria. When we add 1 for each letter we see from the Name that we are adding beauty. This is enhancing the regular gematria number. Let us look at how is it possible to perceive an added beauty to the Name of HaShem. There is a tradition that when Mashiach comes HaShem will be spelled Yood Hey Yood Hey instead of Yood Hey Vav Hey. This change of Name to יהיה translates as the verb "to be" in the future tense. This is teaching us that in addition to the Power and Beauty of HaShem now, in the future this Power and Beauty will grow to a higher level.


    Shalom שלום =

    300 + 30 + 6 + 40 = 376 +4 = 380

    Mispar Gadol = Large Number

    The mispar gadol method is the same as the Ragil/Regular/Standard method (above) but counts the final forms (sofit) of the Hebrew letters as a continuation of the numerical sequence for the alphabet. These sofit letters are assigned from 500 to 900, respectively:


    א=1 ב=2 ג=3 ד=4 ה=5 ו=6 ז=7 ח=8 ט=9 י=10 כ=20 ל=30 מ=40 נ=50 ס=60 ע=70 פ=80 צ=90 ק=100 ר=200 ש=300 ת=400 ך=500 ם=600 ן=700 ף=800 ץ=900


    Shalom שלום =

    300 + 30 + 6 + 600 = 936

    As we approach the manifestation of the Mashiach the final letter gematriot will become meaningful. This is because some people will have changed sufficiently that their connection to different energies will be based on this final letter value while for others who do not change sufficiently will need to continue to connect to the energies using the Ragil method.

    Mispar Katan - Small Number

    The Mispar Katan method calculates the value of each letter as its standard value but simply truncates all of the trailing zeros. Thus, the Gematria of Chet is 8, Tet is 9, but Yood is 1 (not 10), Kaf is 2 (not 20), etc., Peh is 8, Tsade is 9, Qof is 1, Reish is 2, and so on:


    א=1 ב=2 ג=3 ד=4 ה=5 ו=6 ז=7 ח=8 ט=9 י=1 כ=2 ל=3 מ=4 נ=5 ס=6 ע=7 פ=8 צ=9 ק=1 ר=2 ש=3 ת=4 ך=2 ם=4 ן=5 ף=8 ץ=9


    Shalom שלום =

    3 + 3 + 6 + 4 = 16

    This is a well know method that is used quite extensively by earlier generational Sages. The ARIzal recommends that we do not utilize this method because when we truncate the zero's we veil a significant amount of energy. All Sages have always cautioned that one should not use gematria based on one's own intellect. Gematria should only be used when it has been heard directly from a teacher or they have read the writing directly themselves. This is especially true with the "small number" gematria, yet it is also true for all gematria methods.

    Ordinal Value Method

    Using this method, each of the 27 Hebrew letters is assigned an ordinal value from one to twenty-two. For example, Aleph (the first letter) equals 1, Bet (the second letter) equals 2, and so on up to the final Tsade (the last letter), which equals 27:


    א=1 ב=2 ג=3 ד=4 ה=5 ו=6 ז=7 ח=8 ט=9 י=10 כ=11 ל=12 מ=13 נ=14 ס=15 ע=16 פ=17 צ=18 ק=19 ר=20 ש=21 ת=22 ך=23 ם=24 ן=25 ף=26 ץ=27


    Shalom שלום =

    21 + 12 + 6 + 13 = 52

    This method is used to clarify certain relationships when the ordinal value of a word is compared to the regular gematria. An example is the word Shalom having an ordinal value of 52. 52 is the number related to the Tetragrammaton associated with Zeir Anpin and Yesod. Yesod has an alternative Name as Shalom.

    At Bash Method

    Using At Bash, each letter (of a word or phrase) is exchanged with its "opposite" letter and then the result is calculated. "Opposite" letters are determined by substituting the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet (Aleph) with the last letter (Tav), the second letter (Bet) with the next to last (Shin), and so on. The table below shows the values of individual letters:

    The term At Bash is used for both gematria and notariken. Notariken is the Greek term for letter substitution. Do not make the mistake of thinking the term At Bash applies only to gematria. Also, make sure you know what the Kabbalah Sage is describing, Notariken or Gematria.

    I will also point out to you at this point is Kabbalah teaches that any word or phrase with the same gematria can be substituted in a verse from the Tanach. Make sure you learn this well.


    א=400 ב=300 ג=200 ד=100 ה=90 ו=80 ז=70 ח=60 ט=50 י=40 כ=30 ל=20 מ=10 נ=9 ס=8 ע=7 פ=6 צ=5 ק=4 ר=3 ש=2 ת=1 ך=30 ם=10 ן=9 ף=6



    Shalom שלום =

    2 + 20 + 80 + 10 = 112

    When we compare the At Bash method of balance with the normal value of 112 we find that Shalom is related to the unity of the three Names Adonai Ehiyeh and HaShem. Also Elohim and HaShem.

    Mispar HaKadmi Method = Front Number

    With the Mispar Hakadmi method, each letter is the sum of the all the standard gematria letter values preceding it. Therefore, the value of Aleph is 1, the value of Bet is 1+2=3, the value of Gimmel is 1+2+3=6, and so on.


    א=1 ב=3 ג=6 ד=10 ה=15 ו=21 ז=28 ח=36 ט=45 י=55 כ=75 ל=105 מ=145 נ=195 ס=255 ע=325 פ=405 צ=495 ק=595 ר=795 ש=1095 ת=1495 ך=75 ם=145 ן=195 ף=405 ץ=495


    Shalom שלום =

    1095 + 105 + 21 + 145 = 1366

    Mispar HaPerati Method = the particular number

    With Mispar Haperati, the value of each letter is the square of its standard gematria value. Therefore, the value of Aleph is 1*1=1, the value of Bet is 2*2=4, the value of Gimmel is 3*3=9, and so on. The table below shows the values of individual letters:


    א=1 ב=4 ג=9 ד=16 ה=25 ו=36 ז=49 ח=64 ט=81 י=100 כ=400 ל=900 מ=1600 נ=2500 ס=3600 ע=4900 פ=6400 צ=8100 ק=10000 ר=40000 ש=90000 ת=160000 ך=400 ם=1600 ן=2500 ף=6400 ץ=8100


    Shalom שלום =

    90000 + 900 + 36 + 1600 = 92,536

    Mispar Shemi Method = My Number Name

    Millui or full-letter filling - The value of each letter is equal to the value of its name (the spelling of the name of the number comes from the Talmud). Therefore, the value of the letter Aleph is (1+30+80) = 111, Bet is (2+10+400) = 412, etc.


    א=111 ב=412 ג=73 ד=434 ה=6 ו=22 ז=77 ח=418 ט=419 י=20 כ=100 ל=74 מ=80 נ=106 ס=120 ע=130 פ=81 צ=104 ק=186 ר=510 ש=360 ת=406 ך=100 ם=80 ן=106 ף=81 ץ=104

    Some letters have multiple spelling outs. These letters have multiple gematriot for the Mispar Shemi Method. These letters are Bet; Hey (3 gematriot); Vav (3 gematriot); Zion; Nun; Pey; Koof; Tav.


    Shalom שלום =

    360 + 74 + 22 + 80 = 536

    Other methods of Gematria dealing with words, phrases, and verses

    Generative and Degenerative

    i am using an example of the word Echad to explain these methods. They are not easy to understand.

    Echad is Alef + Chet + Dalet = 1 + 8 + 4 =13

    Generative system is to develop the word like a plant that grows step by step from a seed. The degenerative system is done in reverse. The internal gematria is composed of the degenerative plus the generative gematriot.

    Echad Generative (using numbers only to make the example easier to follow).


    1 + 8 = 9

    1 + 8 + 4 = 13

    Total = 23


    4 + 8 + 1 = 13

    4 + 8 = 12


    Total = 29

    Internal Gematria = 29 + 23 = 52

    Easier rule to calculate internal gematria is the normative value times the number of letters plus one. In the case of Echad 13 x 4 = 52

    Composite Numerical Value

    This is a teaching of the ARI. The gematria of a composite letter is made up of the gematria of the component letters. An example is Alef which is formed from two Yoods and two Vavs or two Yoods and one Vav. The composite numerical value is 26 or 32.

    I have also seen a method that seems to be very powerful. i do not know the Name, yet it adds the ordinal method to the regular method. Here is the chart for this method.


    א=2 ב=4 ג=6 ד=8 ה= 8 ו=12 ז=14 ח=16 ט=18 י=20 כ=31 ל=42 מ=53 נ=64 ס=75 ע=86 פ=97 צ=118 ק=119 ר=220 ש=321 ת=422 ך=511 ם=613 ן=714 ף=817 ץ=918


    Shalom שלום =

    321 + 42 + 12 + 613 = 988

    If you look at the numbers in the above chart, as a student of Kabbalah, you will realize that there are a number of the Names of God. Names like Elohim, Ana Bekoach, El, as well as the number of Mitzvot. Also, one should realize with this system one can subsitute an Ayin in the verses from the Tanach that has the word Elohim. This applies to the other Names of God as well.