Gimmel Page

The Gimmel גימל is the only letter that has 4 letters when spelled out completely. This makes its first level of being spelled out having a gematria of 83. Please see below for words with that same gematria that will help you to understand and enhance your relationship to the Gimmel.

The meaning of the word Gimel has four different potential translations. They are “to nourish,” “benevolent,” "camel," and “a bridge."

Here are the Gimmel descriptions from the "Secrets of the Hebrew Alefbet” by Daniela Abravanel.

The Letter Gimmel גמל or גימל has a gematria value of 3. The Sages of the Kabbalah teach that the letter / word Gimmel has three different essences.

Resistance to the Difficulties of the Journey

The Planet Mars

Three daily Prayers

These three essences relate to the three meanings of the Hebrew Letter sequence גמל:

The animal known as a Camel

One who performs kind deeds

Acts of Kindness

The letter Gimmel has two pronunciations depending on whether the letter has a dagesh (a dot) or not. Without a dagesh the letter is pronounced like the English letter G – a hard G. With the dagesh it is pronounced as similar to the English letter J.

Mental Stimulation that Helps connect to the essence of the letter Gimmel.

Thanks to the courage and strength of the letter, which is associated with the archetype of the camel, humanity can overcome the test of crossing the desert, which is a place without water-a symbol of the Torah-and full of dangers and perils. For this reason, the Sefer Yetzirah Associates the letter Gimmel with the planet Mars, which represents the divine power to overcome difficulties.

The above paragraph helps to start the mental perception of the Letter with the essence.

Jacob's Search for Sustenance

The Gimmel גמל takes us into the realm of journeys which includes the idea of riding camels. The letter's name forms the words gamel which translates as Camel and gomel which translates as one who performs kind deeds. The action of performing kind deeds is a demonstration of the soul's ability to share with and nourish others.

Jacob, the third patriarch is associated with Gimmel, the third letter. In contrast to Isaac, who never left the land of Israel, Jacob spent most of his life in exile traveling on camels. He had to measure himself against the hard reality of work, the responsibilities of caring for his large family, 12 children at the outset and eventually the 70 souls with whom he descended into Egypt to save them from famine. Jacob's perception of divinity took place in a world where work, trials, and struggle against difficulties were an integral part of spiritual growth.

Sefer Yetzirah associates the Gimmel with Mars, the planet of strength and war, also associating the letter with the gift of wealth. The conquest of wealth is not only a material goal. If we want to become a Gomel Chasadim, one who performs works of charity, thus obeying one of the tenets of Judaism, we must learn to earn and support ourselves through honest labor in the vocation that corresponds to the spiritual root and characteristics of our soul.

Balancing of Contrast

The letter Gimmel has the numerical value of three. The number three is a construction of two opposing factors that must be balanced by a third entity that completes them through its mediation.

Rabbi Yehuda Liva known as the Maharal of Prague explains that the oneness of the Alef denotes the ultimate perfection that is only possible within God, while the dualism of the Bet implies diversity, heterogeneity, multiplicity, and incompatibility. The Gimel, in this paradigm, represents truth in the capacity to neutralize, to integrate the divergence between two contrasting forces and blend them into a harmonious whole. Referring to this principle, King Solomon said: I threefold cord will not be severed quickly.

A clear example of the need to add a third element to reconcile two opposite ideas is seen in the attributes of the three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The first patriarch personifies Chesed which is Loving Kindness without compromise, and the second personifies Gevurah, justice without compromise. Individually, neither of these true to life principles could run the world and it would not last long if it was based only on goodness or only on severe justice. Yet if the world were to be run by these two opposite attributes together, they would be in constant friction with each other. The world can only find its proper balance with the concept of the EMET - truth which was personified by Jacob.

Truth decides when to use goodness, when to use justice, and when to mitigate one with the other in the same way: the patriarchs complemented each other. Even though each had distinct characteristics, they were each a part of the other inter-including complementary elements that created the unity on which the roots of Israel take hold and grow. Since Jacob specifically was the patriarch who created the balance between the attributes and having teachers of his father and grandfather, our sages called him the greatest of the patriarchs.

In as much as Tiferet תפראת is beauty which is the harmonizing principle between Chesed and Gevurah, always favors Chesed, the letter Gimmel also represents God's eternal Goodness. Without Chesed which is divine goodness, creation could not exist or survive for even an instant. Day after day God renews the spirit of life, thus performing the act of ultimate kindness. The essence of Chesed is called Gemilut Chasadim. Gemilut Chasadim, translates as performing acts of kindness, is rooted in God, as it is written: all the paths of the Lord are rooted in your kindness and truth for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies. Even God's acts that human beings find incomprehensible at first, such as death, are actually an expression of Divine Chesed. As the sages teach all that the compassionate one does, he does for good, even when it does not appear to be good at all. This was a case for example with the death of Moses: he desired all his life to enter the land of Israel, but God only allowed him to see it from the top of a hill. Yet his death was an act of kindness: Kindness to us, since it allows us to grow individually until we are able to bring the Mashiach Moshe. It is kindness to Moshe in that he reincarnates as a spark in every generation so that he is able to see how his teachings have been planted, sprouted, and grown and then He will enter the Land as He desired as part of the Mashiach.

The Three Prayers

According to Talmudic tradition, the three daily prayers were instituted by the three patriarchs: the morning prayer by Abraham, the afternoon prayer by Isaac, and the evening prayer by Jacob. Judah HaLavi explains the deep meaning of the statement: the time of prayer for a pious person is like the seed in the fruit of time, while the day's other hours are for him like paths that lead to them. Thus set times for prayers give a sense to the succession of days and nights just as Shabbat the Sabbath is the fruit of the week. The divine blessing that is elicited by one Tefilah lasts until the moment of the next one.

The Talmud adduces the obligation for periodic prayer from the verse, “to proclaim your grace in the morning and your faithfulness in the evening.” The destinies of each: Abraham appeared in the sun's light as it rose: he lived loved and was respected by all because he was the Prince of God. Isaac in contrast, lived on in the encroaching darkness of the afternoon: he experienced only difficulties, which forced him to seclude himself within himself and with his family. The fulfillment of God's statement to Abraham that your descendants will be strangers begins with Isaac. Jacob's destiny was to live in the shadows of the night, in exile. But despite their differences, all three patriarchs found their way toward the divine one through Tefilah - Prayer. The Zohar helps us understand: in the morning we find God's grace through the Chesed of Abraham, while the afternoon and evening prayers are more directed toward God's sternness, personified in the life of Isaac and truth personified in the life of Jacob.

Animals Archetypes in the Service of Man

Camel – Gamal in Hebrew

Thanks to his courage strength and desire to help his master, the camel's name in Hebrew as we noted is another form of the name of the letter Gimmel. The Gamal helps human beings to overcome the trial of crossing the parched and dangerous desert. The spiritual lesson we learn from the camel is the ability to reduce our needs to a minimum. When necessary this marvelous animal can abstain from drinking for 30 days. The camel best performs a genuine act of self limitation forgoing its own needs for the sake of others. This is reminiscent of the primordial soup contraction that preceded the creation of the world, called Tzimsum. God introduced His infinite presence into Himself, limiting it in order to give creation the space it needed to exist. A person who strives mightily and makes great sacrifices in order to reach an altruistic goal exhibits the same selfishness.

The relationship between the Gimmel and the Gamal, evidence of how to dialogue with the cosmic soul of animals, is of basic importance in our spiritual path and Judaism. In the Kabbalah, the transcendent level of the soul is called Hayah/Chayah which translates as living but can also be translated as animal. The conquest of states of higher understanding therefore take us through the revelation of cosmic animals, spiritual archetypes that help us come in contact with the vital force of creation. This concept appears for example in the Talmud, in the statement from the Pirkei Avot: be as bold as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a deer, and strong as a lion to carry out the will of your father in heaven. In the Talmud, it is even written that if we had not received the Torah, we could have learned certain positive traits from the animals.

In the Scriptures, God reveals himself to man through animals as well. Noah follows Adam in communicating with the divine spirit through living creatures the Raven and the Dove. They tell him when the flight has ended and when it is time to leave the Ark. Cosmic animals appeared to the prophet Ezekiel as part and parcel of his vision of the chariot, the basic structure of Jewish mysticism, symbolizing God's desire to communicate with us through the vitality found in his creatures.

I would like to mention a few personal experiences in this connection. One day, at Ain Getty, as I was immersed in profound meditation, a gazelle appeared before me. In the Bible, the gazelle is one of the animals that represent the Shechina. At the conclusion of the Song of Songs there is a verse "flee, my beloved, and be like a gazelle". It went up to the waterfall and stared at me for a long time, seeking contact with the eyes of my soul that it started making sounds it became clearer and clearer until I could distinctly hear the words God is only love. HaShem is the love. The four letter name itself is proof. If pronounced it would be similar to the Hebrew word Ahavah - love.

A few months ago I received another deep message from the animal world. I was going through a crisis of doubt and fear regarding my future. I asked God for encouragement, and when I raised my eyes, I saw a squirrel in front of me. It was leaping from one branch to another, from one tree to another, without the slightest fear happy in its own lightheartedness its own bravery and its abilities to keep itself safe without falling. I had often observed squirrels which are sacred animals to the American Indians. Interestingly the Hebrew word for squirrel is Snia, which is very similar to Sinai the site of the revelation. Whenever as on this occasion I had never been eyewitnesses to the Squirrel perform such daring feats, so heedless of the danger. As the author Paul Cole would say, the soul of the world was crying at me, "Bring, bring back your lightheartedness coat; live in the presence and have faith in your ability to face the future."

Ger - Converts

In recent years, large numbers of Gentiles called Gerim in Hebrew and Goyim in Yiddish have expressed their desire to convert to Judaism. Compared to the number of gerim who joined the pact of Abraham in the past the proportions are enormous. There are some obvious reasons for this longing, which today's rabbis who have not yet found a way of judging the sincerity of aspiring converts are approaching with caution. First, we are nearing the end of times and according to the Baal Shem Tov, the souls of Gerim are actually Jewish souls. For reasons that Providence has not yet revealed, these souls will be required to incarnate themselves in the society of the goyim – strangers or “other nations” and undertake the long weary path back to their spiritual roots. These years just before the coming of the Messiah, or the last chance these Gentiles have to convert, just as they are the final opportunity for Jews still far away very far from their souls to come home. A year after my book was published in Italy, I started receiving letters and emails from aspiring converts. They often described dreams that prove to them that they belong to the Jewish people.

Below are three of the most significant stories:

Anna of Ravenna had a dream of standing before a cupboard covered by richly embroidered fabrics. The door of the covered cupboard opened, and in front of her she saw two containers of sacred writings. They were topped with silver pummels that turned into two candles. She was immersed in peace. Then the candles went out and she cried out, aghast, my faith my faith has gone she cried.

Anna had never seen a Sefer Torah or an Aron - the ark in which Torah scrolls are housed in synagogues, but her soul remembered them well. I explained to her that what she had seen was Sefer Torah in an Ark, probably on Shabbat since the candles were lit. Today, Anna is studying Hebrew and the Torah, and anxiously searching for a Rabbi for understands her desire to relight her Shabbat candles.

Angela of Catania had three similar dreams in which she was in Rome, running down the street, fleeing from men in black suits. In the last dream she entered a house where other people were hidden. The house was small, dark, and gloomy. Then she entered a room on the upper floor. The light was bright and the room full of peace. There were benches and she went to sit where her name was written. The peace was interrupted by screams from the lower floor, they're here. Hurry; send the children away through the Terrace. She went down to help the children climb over the parapet and then she heard people breaking down the door.

After those three agonizing dreams, Angela listens to the voice of her soul guiding her to recover her Jewishness. As she now understands from her dreams and from her meditations, her last Gilgul was interrupted by Nazi fascism. She started reading books about Judaism and the Torah and since then her painful dreams have ceased.

Sylvia a yoga teacher in Milan also had some terribly distressing dreams until she started the conversion process. Her dreams started with a date 1943, and then the concentration camps in Germany appeared. She dreamed she was standing in front of the heavens, but she did not go in. Instead she helped the Germans deport her Jewish brothers inside. Sylvia's dreams also continued until she started studying Jewish history and then she read memoirs of the capos. At that point she realized that she had been one of them in her previous incarnation. Today Sylvia organizes courses on Judaism in her yoga centers and helps other Jewish souls find their way home.

The second reason for this phenomenon has to do with the unprecedented diffusion of the truth about Judaism made possible by the recent revolutions in publishing and the Internet. The ancient control by the church over spirits is over. Today, Christians who have the strength to overcome inertia and the prejudice so deeply ingrained in their unconscious by their early teachings from their society (for example, by learning the catechism, which until it was revised a few years ago, inculcated immature minds with anti-Jewish propaganda) have the information they need to understand the real meaning of burnout monotheism and the Catholic Church's role in the persecutions suffered by the Jews throughout history.

chanoch's Commentary

The opinion of the Catholic Church's role in history are solely those of the writer Daniela Abravnel. The Kabbalists see this role differently and it is a long explanation - too long for this discussion today.

Mass Conversions of the Lost Tribes

The conversion of entire populations descending from the 10 lost Tribes is also significant here. In the last 50 years Rabbi ElieYahoo Avihail has received thousands of requests to convert entire populations living in India Afghanistan Africa Mexico and Peru, who claim to be the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. Through his intensive traveling Rabbi Abigail has helped many of them to be allowed to convert to Judaism and return to Israel. For example thousands of people from Burma who had immigrated to Israel five years ago converted, proudly joining their brothers in the Israeli army, the universities, and the synagogues. This adds a new color and spirit of genuine faith to the Jewish state. In contrast, Israel has been adversely affected by the indiscriminate immigration of almost 1,000,000 Russians many of whom are not Jewish, importing into Israel strong secular and materialistic attitudes inherited by living in an atheistic country.

Once the conversion of millions of believers in the Bible will be accepted by the highly cautious rabbis and the Israeli government which seems to believe that aliyah should be restricted to populations with a Western cultural and technological background allows them to come to Israel, many present problems will be solved. They will join us in the new Israeli society being built by the immigrants and people born there together.

Additional Insights into the Gimmel

This 4 letter fulfillment also is connecting to two of the Names of God HaShem and Adonai. Both Names have 4 letters. We also learn how the square fulfilling of the Gimmel Name connects to HaShem directly. Here is the example:

ג = 3 = 3

גי= 13 = 4

גימ= 53 = 8

גימל= 83 = 11

This method ends with a small gematria of 26 the same gematria of the Name HaShem.

The Gimmel also connects to the month of Ziv - Iyar indicating its connection to the ability to harmonize and heal the energy of the Alef, which is unity, and the Bet which is multiplicity. This comes from the components that make up the Gimmel when written by the scribe. The Gimmel is composed of a Zion and a Yood as a foot. The zion is composed of a Vav and a Yood. Thus we have the word Ziv זיו.

The Letter Gimmel - The Gift in the Garden

Later that morning, the Queen met her daughter near the Alef Gate, and together they strolled around the magnificent garden.

No words were spoken. None were needed. Two hearts for joined as one as mother and daughter walked hand-in-hand amidst great beauty and great love.

After a while the Queen stopped walking and turned the Princess toward her. She stroked her daughter's hair and said, a gift awaits you in this garden.

The Princess loved gifts. Immediately, she let go of her mother's hand and ran into the midst of the garden. Where could the gift to be?

All afternoon she searched. She climbed trees and looked at their branches. She rambled through bushes and crawled through flowerbeds. She even turned over rocks and peeked beneath them.

With skinned knees, scraped elbows, dirty hands, and a sweaty brow, she returned to where her mother had stood all the while. Mother I thought you said a gift awaited me in the garden. Well, I searched and looked everywhere but where is the gift you promised me?

The Queen smiled at her daughter and touched her cheek. The Queen said “indeed you found the gift I meant for you to find.” Her daughter was very confused. She did not think she had discovered anything at all.

When the Queen saw her daughter knit her brow in puzzlement, she explained “today you looked at your world very closely. You touched the world, and it seems as though the world touched you.” The Princess looked and saw, indeed she, the Princess, had grass stains on her skirt and smudges of dirt on her socks and feet. She had twigs in her hair and petals from assorted flowers of every color had fallen into the pockets of her blouse. Truly everywhere she had searched, the world had left its mark on her.

“Today, you explored the world carefully,” the Queen continued. "You approached every blade of grass and each petal as if you were discovering them for the very first time. I can think of no finer gift to give my beloved child than the opportunity to look at the world closely and see it as new.”

They sat down together, the Queen and the Princess right there in the middle of the garden. The sun was beginning to set. It was almost time for the moon to rise and rule the skies.

As they watched the setting sun paint the heavens with streaks of red, orange, and violet and the Queen reverently whispered, “the beginning of wisdom is wonder, and the spark of wonder is kindled in the person who sees the world as new.”

Can you describe How this story relates to the Letter Gimmel?

The essence of the Gimmel is self-restraint as in not drinking when it needs to go long periods without water. Nourishment and benevolence as well as being a bridge between different aspects that allows them to be useful and meet each other without creating chaos.

A perfect example is the metal of a pot being the third item in boiling water. There is water; there is fire; and the metal is the bridge between them to avoid chaos.

Hebrew words having the same letters as Gimmel

גמל Camel, recompense, mature

גלם raw, rough, raw materials

מגל sickle, scythe

מלג boiling water

למג Meg, to or for Meg, Mag

לגם took, drank, sipped

Hebrew words with same Gematria as Gimmel = 83

בהמול Flurry, bustle, clamor, hubbub, tumult

בהמלו in his words

בליליא That very night

בעבדה With her servant, With her slave

גדעו his cutting, cut off

גלילי Galilee, roll, cylinder, roller, region, spool,province

גלמוד lonely, solitary, lonesome, desolate, forlorn, barren, sterile

המבול the flood

חנכה inaugurated, launches

יאזניה balance, Yah will balance