Hebrew Letter Notariken No 3

We have discussed three different methods of Notariken Transformation. One is called Atbash, one is called Albam, and one is called Atbach. Please remember there are two forms to the Atbach method, one includes all of the letters and one includes only the 22 regular letters.

AvGad Method א ב ג ד

This method is referred to as the forward letter substitution. This is because we move one letter to the left which is the forward movement of the Aleph Bet. This method is related to the Sefirah of Keter since it is the first method that would appeal to someone who is thinking about different methods.

Here are the letters that are substituted

א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת

ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת א

As you can see, just move each letter one letter to the left.

The Ginas Enas teaches that the Avgad method is a corruption of the Aleph Bet caused by Amalek. He uses the verse in Exodus Chapter 17 Verse16 which apprears translated here.

ויאמר כי-יד על-כס יה מלחמה ליהוה בעמלק מדר דר

And he said: 'The hand upon the throne of the LORD: the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.'

Please note that the word throne and HaShem are spelled incompletely. Rashi teaches that HaShem made a vow that he would not utilize either the Throne or spell his Name completely until Amalek is removed from the world.

It is important to note that the fulfillment (the spelling out) of the Yood and Hey of HaShem's Name is the gematria of 11 which is the gematria of the missing letters of HaShem's Name. This indicates that HaShem is truly never incomplete, but only in the illusion.

Atbah Method - א ת ב א

This method is the next one that might be considered after the Avgad method is realized. This is because the letters are substituted for the letter to its right, just the opposite of the Avgad method. Here are the substitutions.

א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת

ת א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש

This is considered as the left method, or the judgmental method. We will return to the Avgad - Atbah - Atbash methods later in our discussion.

Achas Beta Method א ח ס ב ט ע

This method relates to the Sefirah of Zeir Anpin.

Achas-Beta (אחס בטע) is a method of alphabetic transformation wherein the first 21 letters of the Aleph-Beit are initially divided into three equal groups of seven letters, which are then tripled together in "direct order": The first letter in each group--Aleph, Chet, and Samech; the second in each group--Beit, Tet, and Ayin; etc. The final letter Tav is added to the seventh triplet. The transformation pattern is one of "revolution" within each triplet, i.e. Aleph transforms into Chet which transforms into Samech which transforms into Aleph, etc.

Here are the transformations

א ח ס

ב ט ע

ג י פ

ד כ צ

ה ל ק

ו מ ר

ז נ ש ת

The gemara discusses the Achat Beta transformation as a method of understanding the Halacha from the verse Exodus Chapter 12 Verse 15 as explained below.

שבעת ימים מצות תאכלו אך ביום הראשון תשביתו שאר מבתיכם כי כל- אכל חמץ ונכרתה הנפש ההוא מישראל מיום הראשן עד-יום השבעי

Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; howbeit the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses; for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel.

We are told that the Halacha to stop eating Chametz on the 14th of Nissan at the middle of the day comes from this verse. Do you see a connection? Without the Achas Beta you can not. With it the word Ach spelled Aleph Caf transform into the word Chetzi spelled Chet Tzadi. Chetzi means half way or half. Without these transformations we could never understand the relationship of the Halacha to the Torah. It also helps us to relate to the different levels of wisdom expressed in the Torah itself.

The Ginas Enos points out that the letter Caf in Ach is the 11th letter of the Aleph Bet and thus represents the half way part and thus is hinting to the halacha.

Ayik Bekar Method א י ק ב כ ר

This method is somewhat unique. It takes the 5 final letters and adds them to the end of the 22 regular letters, thus giving a total of 27 letters which are divided into 3 sets of 9 letters each. Each transformation is made up of one letter from each set in order. Please see below.

א י ק

1 and 111

ב כ ר

2 and 222

ג ל ש

3 and 333

ד מ ת

4 and 444

ה נ ך

5 and 555

ו ס ם

6 and 666

ז ע ן

7 and 777

ח פ ף

8 and 888

ט צ ץ

9 and 999

What makes this method unique is its gematria. The small gematria of each group is the same. It actually grows from 1 to 9 in steps of 1. The sum of the gematria of each group of three letters is also unique (please see above). As we progress up in small gematria we are actually adding an Aleph with its spelled out gematria of 111 to each row. All of this is demonstrating the unity of all of the letters.

Rabbi Zvi Elimelech of Dinov points out that the factors of 111 are 3 and 37. 37 is the gematria of the word / name Hevel which means breath. If we determine that we have 3 times 37 in the first structure above and 6 times 37 in the second and we continue to determine these factors we will find that there are 135 37's in this structure. 135 with the Colel is the gematria of the word Kol or Voice. Sound is produced when air or breath is passed through 3 organs. The trachea (wind pipe), larnyx (voice box), and pharnyx (nose and mouth). So we see how this transformation is relating to sound and voice which are the tools of creation.

Read page 74 to 77 to explain why this method is known as the method of the tithes. Listen to the recording to hear it all. It is truly amazing and should cause you to reconsider your own system of giving charity. Of course it takes an increase in certainty to acheive this level.