Per the sages, it is good just to say the Name of a Tzadik. Of course, the more one learns about each individual Tzadik strengthens one's connection to that Tzadik and assists in the Channel of connection between you and he/she. As we develop more information about a particular Tzadik his or her name will appear as a Link. Otherwise, it will just be listed below the date.

One spiritual ritual recommended by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov is to say the Names of the Tzadikim starting with Adam and Chava and continuing until today. This list will be added as a link when it is available. In the meantime try doing this ritual with the Names of all the Tzadikim who passed in an Hebrew month.

Here is a link to make a donation or to purchase a spiritual gift to help support the building of this list.

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  • Below are the Tzadikim who celebrate their Hilulah during the month of Shevat - שבט from the 21st to the end of the month.

    21st Shevat - אכ שבט starts Evening of January 22 2022

    Rabbi Yehudah Leib Chanales of Lublin (1596) ben Rabbi Meir of Lublin, the Maharlach, author of VaYigash Yehudah

    Rabbi Yitzchak ben Rabbi Mordechai of Neshchitz (1868), author of Toldos Yitzchok

    Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Yehonoson Galante (Galanti) II of Yerushalayim (1620-1689), often known as Rabbi HaMagen, was the son of Rabbi Yehonasan, who was the son of Rabbi Moshe Galante the elder (1540-1614) who studied with Rabbi Yosef Karo. He wrote two halachic works, Elef HaMagen, which includes 1,000 responsa on various topics, Zevach Shelamim on the Talmud and Korban Chagigah on Tractate Chagigah. He strongly argued against the popularity of Shabsai Tzvi. His grandson was Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Leib Alter of Ger, the Sfas Emes. Among his students were Rabbi Chizkiyah De Silva, author of Pri Chadash (which is printed in the standard edition of the Shulchan Aruch), and Rabbi Yaakov Chagiz and his son Rabbi Moshe Chagiz. Refusing to accept the title of “Chief Rabbi” that was offered to him, he coined a new title-"Rishon Le'tzion". He is sometimes called Rav of Jerusalem anyway.

    There is a story that Rabbi HaMagen left his beloved city of Jerusalem for Damascus on a mission for the community. While in Damascus, Rabbi Galante heard of an Arab sheik who was said to possess miraculous healing powers. The sheik would say, "This one will live, this one will die," and his words came true. More than this, the sheik was said to be proficient in the so-called seven branches of worldly wisdom. The rabbi, who was also well versed in the known branches of wisdom, was intrigued by the sheik's seeming ability to decree with such certainty something which was not in the realm of human hands. Our Sages tell us that the key of life and death is not handed over to anyone - not even an angel; God retains that key for Himself alone.

    Rabbi HaMagen's curiosity was so intense that he sent the most influential Jew in Damascus, called the parnas, to tell the sheik that a very wise Jew from Jerusalem would like to meet with him. The sheik, having previously heard of the rabbi's wisdom, was delighted to meet with him in his villa, and quickly turned the conversation to the central issue. "I have heard that you are a wise man," said the sheik. "Is it true that you are knowledgeable in such-and-such a wisdom?" "Yes, the Lord has granted me a little knowledge of this wisdom," answered Rabbi Galante. In order to test him, the sheik commenced to ask Rabbi Galante a series of difficult questions. Rabbi Moshe answered each query in depth and to the point. "My beloved friend," smiled the sheik. "I have enjoyed your company immensely. I would be very pleased if you could come to my palace again, say once a week. I see that we have much to discuss." Two days later, the sheik sent two of his servants to the rabbi's residence, with an invitation for another audience with him. "Peace be with you!" said the sheik, embracing his dear friend. "Since you left here, I have been thinking a lot about our conversation. I could not wait any longer to see you again and therefore I sent for you now.” Both seated on cushioned pillows in one of the sheik's opulent lounge rooms, again the sheik asked Rabbi Galante if he was versed in another one of the seven branches of worldly wisdom. And again he began to ask Rabbi Galante questions. Once again, he was astonished by the rabbi 's breadth of knowledge. As the conversation drew to a close, the sheik asked his friend, "If I have found favor in your eyes, would you please come every other day to me?" Rabbi Galante agreed to his request.

    At each new meeting, they discussed another one of the seven branches of wisdom. Each time, the sheik felt a greater bond with the rabbi. At last, the sheik confided in his companion: "To be truthful, my friend, I am lacking certain preparatory details concerning the last branch of wisdom. Without these, I am unable to fully grasp and use this branch. Do you have a comprehensive understanding of it?” The Rabbi replied: ”Yes." Falling at his feet, the sheik pleaded with Rabbi Galante to teach him everything he knew.The rabbi responded that he was willing to teach him, on condition that he taught him concerning another body of wisdom. The sheik was dumbfounded. "What do you mean? You are wiser than me. How can there be a branch of wisdom that you are not proficient in?” The rabbi replied: "There is a wondrous body of wisdom that you know, of which I am wholly ignorant - you can pray for a sick person and see into the Book of Life and Death. I lack this wisdom.”

    "Therefore," concluded Rabbi Galante, "if you will reveal to me this wisdom, I shall teach you what you want to know.” The sheik returned slowly to his seat. "Your request is impossible to fulfill. I have sworn to my forefathers not to divulge the secret to anyone.” "Likewise," responded Rabbi Galanti, "I am also sworn not to teach this wisdom I possess to anyone else. Yet, since it is of great benefit for me to acquire this new knowledge, it is permissible to do so and does not abrogate my oath. You should feel the same; remember, you are not selling it for money; you are exchanging and sharing wisdom. With this new knowledge you will be enlightened and have total command of all the seven branches of worldly wisdom." "In that case,” said the sheikh, “listen carefully to me. Return to your abode. When the sun is about to set, take a vow to fast for two consecutive days. At your last meal, be sure not to eat meat or drink wine. After eating, immerse in a pool of water and dress in fine garments. Throughout the two days, meditate on repentance and immerse often. Then, on the third day, return to me."

    "I agree to everything you say," answered Rabbi Galante, and returned home and followed all of the conditions laid out by the sheik to the letter. At the beginning of the third night, Rabbi Galante decided to refrain from breaking his fast. He wanted to experience this secret wisdom in a true state of humility. When Rabbi Galante appeared before the sheikh the next morning, his host immediately noticed how weak and feeble he looked. "I see you have fulfilled everything I requested.” "Yes," answered Rabbi Galante. "I am still fasting now."

    The sheik then led his guest to a locked room to which no one but he alone had the key. After they entered, the sheik locked the door behind them. From there they came to a second locked door. This one opened into a magnificent garden. In the middle of the garden was a spring of fresh water. Butterflies danced in the air. The spring flowed into a pool before continuing along a narrow channel. Next to the spring was a bench with two white cloaks on it. "We must first immerse here before dressing in these white garments," whispered the sheik. Silently they immersed and donned the new garments. The sheik then led the rav through the garden. Finally, hidden behind a grove, they came to an edifice of exquisite beauty. The double doors of the structure were made of pure silver, with marvelous engravings on them.

    "Beware," the sheik said in a hushed voice. "Follow after me with utter fear and trepidation.” The sheik opened the doors. Upon beholding the extraordinary beauty inside, Rabbi Galante was spellbound. The fragrance was otherworldly. Before them was a chamber. In the entrance to the chamber hung a curtain with precious stones sewn in it. The sheik bowed on the floor seven times before the curtain. Rabbi Galante froze in his place. Was there an idol inside? The sheik motioned for him to bow. His head began to swim. He closed his eyes, and as if in a stupor fell on the floor and whispered, "I shall place God before me always." He had never felt such a state of awe in his life. "Now," whispered the sheik, "you may enter, and there you will find the secret you seek."

    Rabbi Galante stood up and pushed aside the curtain and entered the chamber. On the walls hung tapestries of gold and silver. On the wall facing the curtain hung an exquisite tablet with an engraving of a menorah and four Hebrew words: Shivity Adonai Le'Negdi Tamid ("I shall place God before me always.") The Ineffable Name of God was spelled out in large, bold letters. Rabbi Galante was overjoyed to see this. He had not bowed in vain! He bowed again and retraced his footsteps into the antechamber.

    Outside in the garden, Rabbi Galante inquired of the sheik, "You told me that inside the chamber I would find the answer. But more than what my eyes saw was not revealed to me.” "My dear friend, let me explain” said the sheikh. “The four large letters you saw in the tablet are the name of the Creator of the world. When I am asked to pray for a sick person, I immerse in the pool and enter into the chamber. Before opening the curtain, I pray wholeheartedly. When I open it and gaze at the tablet, I see one of two things. Either the four-letter Name is glittering and sparks of light seem to emanate from it, or it is dark and unclear. If it is shining, I know the sick person will live, and if it is cloudy I know he will die. With this, I have now revealed to you a secret that no other human being knows."

    When Rabbi HaMagen returned to his residence, he wept and cried. "Woe unto us on the Day of Judgment," he lamented. "Look at this gentile - because he honors the Name of the Creator to such an extent, he is privileged to have such Heavenly secrets revealed to him. But we, the Jewish people, what can we answer? We are even more qualified to have God reveal this to us. Yet, look at us and how we approach the Name of our Lord!”

    Rabbi Yechiel Meir Lifschitz (Lipschutz) of Gustinin [Gostynin; Gastinin] in Poland (1816-1888). He was a disciple of Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotsk and of Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh of Radzymin, after whose death he became chassidic leader in Gustinin. His teachings appear in Merom HaRim and Mei HaYam. He was known as the “Baal HaTehilim”. The Kotzker said that he was one of the 36 hidden tzadikim of his generation

    Rabbi Yaakov Weidenfeld of Tchebin, the Kochav MiYaakov (1894). His one volume of responsa, entitled Kochav MiYaakov, was a mere fraction of the thousands of responsa that he wrote, but which were lost in the two world wars. Rabbi Yaakov’s glosses to Seder Taharos and Talmud Yerushalmi were written in one day, as is indicated by their original title, Hagahos Chad Yoma.

    Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua Rabinowitz, the Bialer Rebbe (1901-1982). Born in Biala, Poland, to Rabbi Yerachmiel Tzvi, the son of the Divrei Binah of Biala and a direct descendent of the Yid Hakadosh. The Divrei Binah passed away when Yechiel Yehoshua was only 4, and tragically, Rabbi Yerachmiel Tzvi passed away shortly thgereafter at the age of 26. In 1919, Rabbi Yechiel married Beila Chana Pesha, and in 1924, he was formally installed as Rebbe of Biala, and set up court in Shidlitz, with a population of 200,000 Jews. He was exiled to Siberia with his family in 1940. In 1947, he moved to Eretz Yisrael, living in Tel Aviv for 8 years before setting up his beis midrash and kollel in Zichron Moshe in Yerushalayim, where he remained for the next 27 years. He authored the sefer Chelkas Yehoshua.

    Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel ben Rabbi Mordechai Brim, Rosh Yeshivas Tiferes Yisrael of Ruzhin-Yerushalayim (1986)

    22nd Shevat - כב שבט starts Evening of January 23 2022

    Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk (1787-1859). Born in Goray, near Lublin, Poland, Rabbi Menachem Mendel received a thorough Torah education from his father, Leibush Morgenstern, a zealous opponent of Chasidus. After his marriage at 14, his father introduced him to the world of Chasidus. Thereafter, he became an ardent follower of the Chozeh of Lublin and Rav Simcha Bunam of Pshis'cha, whom he eventually succeeded. Rabbi Menachem Mendel was a new type of chassid. If the Baal Shem Tov embodied chessed, Rabbi Mendel represented din. While the Baal Shem sought to reach all the people, Rabbi Mendel knew that what he sought could only be attained by the elite. The Baal Shem lifted the people up, Rabbi Mendel rebuked them for their inadequacies and always demanded more. Rabbi Leibel Eiger was entranced by Kotzk, to the despair of his father, Rabbi Shlomo. Rabbi Mendel and Rabbi Mordechai Yosef of Ishbitz had been close friends and disciples of Rabbib Simcha Bunim of Pshischa. After Reb Bunim’s passing Rabbi Mendel became Rebbe. However, because of Rabbi Mendel’s extreme aloofness the two friends were traveling on a collision course. Finally, on the Simchas Torah of 1840 there was an irrevocable split between the two and Rabbi Mordechai Yosef left with his chassidim to form a new chassidus. Most prominent among his students were the Chidushei Harim of Ger and Rabbi Chanoch of Alexander.

    Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Leib Eiger (1816-1888). A grandson of the renowned Rabbi Akiva Eiger, Rabbi Leibel was born in Warsaw. He learned under Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Alter, later known as the Chiddushei Harim in Warsaw. The Chiddushei Harim used to say, "True misnagdim don't really deserve to be punished, because they fight chassidus for the sake of heaven. Therefore, they are punished with a punishment that is not really a punishment – their sons become chassidim." At 20, he married and moved to Lublin where he davened at the Shul of the Chozeh. There, he befriended Rabbi Yisrael, the Chozeh’s son. He then moved to Kotzk. He became a rebbe after the Rebbe of Izbitza passed away in 1854. After his death his son, Rabbi Avraham, printed his sefarim “Toras Emes” and “Imrei Emes.” He is known as Rabbi Leibele Eiger, author of Toras Emes, grandson of Rabbi Akiva Eiger.

    Rebbetzen Chaya Mushka Schneerson (1901-1991).

    Rabbi Yehuda Zev Segal, HaLevi the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva (1910-1993 CE, 5670-5753 Hebrew calendar), was born to Rav Moshe Yitzchok and Roize Segal. in Europe, Rav Yehuda’s father, at the age of 19, had been drafted into the Czar's army, where he insisted on observing mitzvos as best as he could. One day, as Rav Moshe was searching for water, he fled to the border and crossed over to Germany. From there, he headed to Manchester, England, where he settled and Rabbi Yehuda was born. At the age of 20, Rabbi Yehuda Zev went to study in Eastern Europe at the Mir, where he learned with Rabbi Chaim Shmulevitz. He formed a close bond to Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein, whom he referred to as “mori verabi.” In the winter of 5693/1933, Yehuda Zev's parents asked him to return home because they had found a suitable shidduch for him, Yocheved, the youngest daughter of Rav Shlomo Zalman Cohen, a Gerrer chassid from Gateshead, England. After they married in 1934, he learned at Gateshead, a fortress of ultra-Orthodox Judaism, with its own highly regarded yeshiva. However, he moved his family to Manchester after German bombers attacked Gateshead in 1940. During World War II, Rav Yehuda Zev secured sanctuary visas in England for as many war refugees as possible, and the Manchester Yeshiva opened its doors to young refugees fleeing the Nazi inferno. As the war intensified, the yeshiva expanded its rescue and relief efforts, organizing daily shiurim for young men who due to the war were unable to attend yeshiva full time. Rav Yehuda Zev opened his own home to many of the young refugees. During this period, Rebbetzin Segal assisted her husband in all of his rescue efforts, and was one of the organizers of the community's efforts to prepare food packages for new arrivals from the displaced persons camps. She also helped her husband raise funds for the yeshiva, and was like a mother to its students. On April 16, 1950/5710, he was officially inducted as Rosh Yeshiva. During the last decades of his life, Rav Yehuda Zev was flooded by requests for blessings, and he related to every single request with deep emotion. Yet in his humility, he often said of his brachos, "A blessing given by an ordinary person should never be insignificant in one's eyes." At simchas, he was caring and emotional, and as he danced before a chosson, his face would literally glow, but Rav Yehuda Zev is probably best known for his dissemination of the awareness of the importance of not speaking lashon hara. "I have set Hashem before me always," was Rav Yehuda Zev's guiding principle. Shortly before Shabbos, Shevat 21, 5753/1993, he suffered a stroke and on Friday night, 22 Shevat, he returned his soul to its Maker. Thousands of people attended his levaya. In accordance with a request he had made while alive, he was buried in Manchester - and not in Eretz Yisroel - so that England's Jews would have a place to visit and pour out their hearts. He had also asked to be buried among children, and in a place that kohanim are able to daven.

    Rabbi Shalom Flam, Strettiner Rebbe (1929-2003). Born in Montreal, he was the fifth of eight children born to Rabbi David Flam, the Olesker Rebbe, and his Rebbetzin Sarah, the daughter of Rabbi Moshe Langner, the Strettiner Rebbe of Toronto.

    23rd Shevat - כג שבט starts Evening of January 24 2022

    Rabbi Aharon ben Chaim Avraham HaKohen Perachia (1627-1697). He was a wealthy man and was appointed chief rabbi of Salonika in 1688. He authored a responsa called Parach Mateh Aharon.

    Rabbi Yehoshua (Shaya’le) Rokeach of Belz, fifth son and successor of Rabbi Shalom, the Sar Shalom, founder of the Belz dynasty (1825-1894). He married a granddaughter of the Oheiv Yisrael, the Apter Rebbe. After Rabbi Shalom was nifter in 1855, the Belz Chasidim had no leader for two years. Rabbi Yehoshua replaced his father two years later, in compliance with his father’s wishes, despite the fact that Rabbi Yehoshua had 4 older brothers. He led the Belz Chasidim for 39 years. He was also the founder of Machzikei HaDas, perhaps the first Orthodox Jewish organization to be involved in government politics. Some of his discourses are published in Ohel Yehoshua, a supplement to the book of his father's teachings, Dover Shalom. He was succeeded by his second son, Rabbi Yissachar Dov.

    Rabbi Moshe Kliers (1874-1934). Born in Tzefas, he married the daughter of a prominent talmid chacham of the Slonim community in Teveria, and he went to live there. At the age of 26, in response to a request by Rabbi Shmuel, the Slonimer Rebbe, Rabbi Moshe founded a yeshiva (Ohr Torah) by the kever of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness by the shores of the Kineret. Rabbi Moshe was involved in the Teshuva Campaign of 1914, and authored the sefer Toras HaEretz.

    Rabbi Asher Eliach (1952-2004). Born in Yerushalayim's Shaarei Chessed neighborhood, he learned at Yeshivas Kol Torah, where he cleaved to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Later, he studied at Yeshivas Ponovezh under Rabbi Shach, Rabbi Povarksky and Rabbi Rozovsky, He learned maseches Eruvin with all of the Rishonim and Acharonim over 20 times, becoming an expert on the subject, and numerous chareidi communities consulted with him. He was involved in the setup of eruvin in every part of Eretz Yisrael. For the last 5 years of his life, he served as mashgiach at yeshivas Rabbenu Chaim Ozer. He died suddently of a heart attack during a Melava Malka.

    Rabbi Avraham Lopes Cardozo (1914-2006) was appointed Chazzan of Congregation Shearith Israel, the historic Spanish and Portuguese synagogue in New York City, in 1946. The congregation had been founded in 1654 in Lower Manhattan by the first Jewish settlers in North America. Rabbi Cardozo was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1914, the great-grandson of the Chief Rabbi of the Sephardic community in Amsterdam, and attended Yeshiva Etz Haim in that Dutch city. His was a rabbinical family that traced its origins to the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th century, when the Jews were expelled. In 1939 he was appointed by Queen Wilhemina of the Netherlands to be the rabbi of the Sephardic community in Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, now Surinam, and in 1951 he married Irma Robles of Surinam. Soon after he left Amsterdam, the Nazis invaded the Netherlands, killing tens of thousands of Jews, including Rabbi Cardozo's parents and his siblings. Rabbi Cardozo (who preferred the address Reverend), published several books of liturgical music, including "Music for the Sephardim" and "Sephardic Songs of Praise” and he maintained the position of Chazzan at Congregation Shearith Israel for 40 years, continuing there to 1986. On June 7, 2000, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands presented to him the decoration of Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau, for his work in preserving Dutch Jewish culture. At the age of 91, on February 21, 2006, Rabbi Cardozo (now father of Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo) died in Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, New York, after a sudden heart attack.

    24th Shevat - כד שבט starts Evening of January 25 2022

    Rabbi Shaul Halevi Mortorah (Mortira), Av Beis Din of Amsterdam, author of Givat Shaul, a collection of fifty sermons on the Pentateuch, selected from 500 derashot written by Morteira. The Givat Shaul explains how each law in this portion corresponds to an event in Moshe’s life: the laws of a slave because his brothers were slaves; the laws of maidservants because of what he saw with Yitro’s daughters. Moshe wanted the people to see that the laws of the Torah address and direct every detail of life, and protect us from the type of suffering the people had experienced. This was his life. This is how he placed the laws “before them,” in an accessible manner that would speak to each on a personal level. He was a Dutch rabbi of Portugese descent, born c. 1596 in Venice, Italy, died 10th February, 1660 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. When in 1616 Morteira escorted the body of the physician Elijah Montalto from France to Amsterdam, the Sephardic congregation of Beth Jaacob in Amsterdam (House of Jacob) elected him hakam in succession to Moses ben Aroyo. Morteira and Isaac da Fonseca Aboab (Manasseh ben Israel was at that time in England) were the members of the mahamad, the political arm of the community, which pronounced on 27 July 1656 the decree of excommunication ("cherem") against Baruch Spinoza, previously one of Mortorah's star pupils. Morteira was the founder of the congregational school Keter Torah, in the highest class of which he taught Talmud and Jewish philosophy. He also preached three times a month, and received an annual remuneration of 600 guilders and 100 baskets of turf. Morteira's polemical sermons in Hebrew against the Catholic Church were published, but his Portuguese writings against Calvinism remained unpublished.

    Rabbi Avraham Yechiel Michel of Halberstadt ben Rabbi Uziel, author of Nezer Hakodesh (1730)

    Rabbi Shlomo Margulies, Rabbi of Zelitschek, a close talmid of the Baal Shem Tov. He wrote: “How well do I know with what great holiness he, the Baal Shem Tov, conducted himself, with such piety and separation from worldliness. But he especially put his efforts and energy into the service of the heart – prayer. He prayed with complete divorcement from the body and from everything material – hitpashtut he-gashmiyut – and with tremendous d’veikut with the living God.”

    Rabbi Shabtai Shaltiel, Rabbi in Yerushalayim (1846).

    25th Shevat - כה שבט starts Evening of January 26 2022

    Rabbi Yisrael ben Rabbi Zev Volf Lipkin Salanter (1810-1883), founder and spiritual father of the Mussar movement. Born in Zager (near Kovno), Lithuania, to Rabbi Ze’ev Wolf Lipkin, a descendent of the Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Yisrael became a close talmid Rabbi Zundel of Salant, who introduced him to the classic works of mussar. In 1840, he became rosh yeshiva of the Rameillas Yeshiva in Vilna, and later opened a yeshiva in Kovno. A compilation of his thoughts were recorded in a sefer, Or Yisrael, written by one of his closest talmidim, Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer of Petersburg. Among his other close disciples are Rabbi Simcha Zissel Ziv of Kelm, Rabbi Yosef Yozel Hurwitz of Novardok.

    One organization that follows the teachings of Rabbi Salanter in the order of Mussar is the "Salant Center." They ask for email address to be sent to them in Honor of the Hilula of Rav Salanter. The email address to send suggested names of people who might be interested in learning Mussar is

    Here is an excerpt from the English translation of "Ohr Yisrael" published by the Salant Foundation and Targum Press.

    "On one occasion, Rav Yisrael was carrying a gift. A colleague asked, "Where are you taking the gift?" Rav Yisrael responded, "I am delivering it to a certain individual." His friend asked, "Why don't you send the gift with a messenger?" Rav Yisrael responded, "The Torah obligates me to personally deliver the gift." His friend was puzzled, "I am not familiar with any such law?"

    Rav Yisrael explained, "The Talmud (Yevamos 78b) tells us that when HaShem judges a person for a misdeed, at that very moment He recalls the good deeds of the person. We understand from here that if we feel someone has done something wrong, it is important to reflect on their good deeds. In this way, we will not lose our perspective. Instead of magnifying their improper conduct, we will see them as a good person who made a mistake."

    "This is the reason I am delivering the gift. A certain Rabbi acted improperly and it is my duty to speak to him about his behavior. It is a Mitzvah to emulate the attribute of HaShem. Since I must tell him that he acted improperly, I must remember and mention that he is a Torah scholar. Therefore, I am honoring him with a gift, even though at other times I would not necessarily do so. Yet under the circumstances I am obligated because 'at the time of judgment is the time to mention his good deeds."

    "How elevated were his paths! How deep were his thoughts - to inspire him to find this precious attribute of HaShem and conduct himself accordingly. Human nature is just the opposite. When someone harbors resentment against someone, he will forget all of the person's good points." Has V'Shalom

    May we realize the vital importance of keeping our perspective in our relationships by always mentioning and remembering the good qualities of others.

    Rav Mordechai Pogramansky, the Iluy from Telz (1950) [1946].

    Reb Shabsai, father of Rav Israel of Koshnitz (1761)

    Rabbi Ephraim Zelaznik, born to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. In 1956, he became one of the first talmidim in Brisk, under Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveichik. He taught at Yeshiva Eretz Tzvi for most of his life (1931-2005)

    Rabbi Zalman Ury (1924-2006). A great-great-grandson of Rabbi David Teveli, author of Nachalas David, Rav Ury was born in Stolpce, Poland, and studied at Yeshiva Etz Hayim in Kletzk under Rabbi Aharon Kotler from 1934-1941. At the start of World War II, he was interned in a Siberian Concentration Camp, while his parents and siblings died at the hands of the Nazis. He spent the remainder of the war in Samarkand, Uzbekistan where he met his wife, Eva. They married soon after the war ended and emigrated to the United States in 1947, where he received his semicha at Lakewood. Rabbi Zalman received his B.S. from Washington University, St. Louis, then moved to Los Angeles in 1957. He earned his M.A. in Education from Loyola University and his Doctor of Education at UCLA. For 47 years, Rabbi Ury worked with the Bureau of Jewish Education, building and nurturing the yeshiva day school system. Under his direction, yeshiva enrollment in Los Angeles increased from less than 1,000 talmidim to more than 5,500, and the number of schools increased from five in 1960 to 21 by the time of his passing. He wrote over 100 articles and educational materials for journals and books, and authored the books, “The Musar Movement,” and “The Story of Rabbi Yisrael Salanter.” In 2001, he published Kedushas Avraham, a two-volume work containing chidushei Torah, mussar teachings and correspondences with gedolei Yisrael, including Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Rabbi Henkin and Rabbi Simcha Wassermann, as well as an essay on his rebbe Rabbi Yosef Aryeh Leib Nanedik hy”d – the mashgiach at Yeshiva Etz Chaim. For many years he served as Rav of Young Israel Congregation of Beverly Hills.

    26th Shevat - כו שבט starts Evening of January 27 2022

    Rabbbi Shaul ben Rabbi Elazar Brach of Kashau (1940), author of Shaul Sha’al.

    Rabbi Yaakov ben Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Landau (1986), Rav of Bnei Brak.

    Rabbi Ephraim ben Rabbi Benzion Borodiansky (1990) of Yeshiva Kol Torah, author of Binyan Ephraim.

    Rabbi Yaacov Landa He is a Chasid of 5th Lubavich Rebbe

    Rav Yaakov (ben Moshe Yehuda Leib) Landau, Rav of Bnei Brak (1893-1986). At the age of 13, he went to learn in Lubavitch under the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Shalom Ber, the Rashab. At the age of 19, he replaced his father as Rav of Kornitz, and later became the emissary of the Rashab in Lubavitch. When the Bolsheviks began persecuting rabbanim, Rav Yaakov moved to Latvia, where he became close to the Rogachover Gaon. It was there that he married. In 1934, he moved to Eretz Yisrael, soon becoming Rav of Bnei Brak, a position he kept for the next 50 years.

    Rabbi David ha-Levi Segal (c. 1586 – 20 February 1667), was one of the greatest Polish rabbinical authorities. Born in Ludmir, (Vladimir) Volhynia, Segal was the son of Samuel ha-Levi Segal. His family was famed for scholarship. His father Samuel was the son of a famous scholar Rabbi Isaac Betzalels. He had an older half-brother called Rabbi Isaac Halevi, a great Talmud scholar who founded Yeshivoth in Vladomir, Chelm and Lvow Poland, and was the author of two books on Hebrew grammar, called "Siach Yitzchak," and "Brith Halevi." This great man dearly loved his younger brother, and became his first teacher and counsellor for many years.The affection between the two brothers never diminished in later years, and they continued to correspond with each other in writing after they had been separated. A part of this correspondence has been preserved. These letters are of great interest not only because they testify to the deep friendship and love that existed between the two brothers, but also because they contain an exchange of scholarly opinions on many problems of Jewish law.

    In addition to his scholarship, David's father was well to do, so that the young prodigy David, who had shown unusual talent for study, was fortunate enough to grow up in an atmosphere of both wealth and learning. His early, happy youth was in marked contrast to his later years, when he suffered great hardships and poverty, as we shall see later. He became a reputed Talmudic scholar, and married the daughter of Rabbi Joel Sirkis of Brest, whom he frequently quoted in his works. He was also a Mohel. As was customary in those days, Rabbi David stayed in his father-in-law's house for several years, during which be applied himself fully to the study of the Talmud and Posekim (codifiers). This period served him as a good preparation for the great contribution which he himself was to make to this immense literature.

    After continuing his Torah studies for several years, he left his father-in-law's house to make a home of his own, Segal and his family moved to Kraków. He was then appointed chief rabbi of Potelych (Polish: Potylicz), near Rava, where he lived in great poverty. Later he went to Poznań, where he remained for several years. Around 1641 he became rabbi of the old community in the famed city of scholars - Ostrog, (or Ostroh), in Volhynia. There Segal established a famous yeshiva, and was soon recognized as one of the great halakhic authorities of his time. In Ostrog, Segal wrote a commentary on Joseph Caro's Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh De'ah), which he published in Lublin in 1646. This commentary, known as the Turei Zahav ("Rows of Gold"), was accepted as one of the highest authorities on Jewish law. Thereafter, Segal became known by the acronym of his work, the TaZ. he accepted the position of rabbi in a small town, a position he changed several times for other small towns. During this time he suffered poverty and want, and was stricken by other misfortunes also. Several of his children died in infancy, but overall Rabbi David Halevi enjoyed a peaceful period of teaching and writing.

    However, Segal and his family had to flee the massacres of the Cossack insurrection under Bogdan Chmielnicki in 1648–1649. They were fortunate enough to leave Ostrog before it was captured by the Cossacks. He succeeded in saving also his priceless manuscripts. Segal went to Steinitz near Ostrau, Moravia, where he remained for some time. Not happy in Moravia, he returned to Poland as soon as order was restored, where he was invited to become rabbi of Lvov (Lemberg), and remained for the rest of his life. In Lemberg, Segal was appointed Av Beit Din (head of the rabbinical court). When Rabbi Meïr Sack, chief rabbi of Lemberg, died in 1653, he succeeded him in this position as well. However, a cruel blow was struck at the ageing rabbi when three years before his death, in the spring of 1664, he lost his two older sons, Rabbi Mordecai and Rabbi Solomon Halevi, who were murdered in a pogrom in Lemberg. His wife had died long before; now Segal married the widow of her brother, Samuel Hirz, Rav of Pińczów. His third son from his first marriage, Isaiah, and his stepson, Aryeh Löb, were the two Polish scholars who were sent — probably by Segal, or at least with his consent — to Turkey in 1666 to investigate the claims of the pseudo-Messiah, Shabbetai Tzvi.

    Most of Segal's works were published long after his death. The Turei Zahav (טורי זהב - "Rows of Gold”) was published by Shabbethai Bass in Dyhernfurth in 1692. The title is subtitled Magen David ("Shield of David", after Segal's first name) in many editions. Both commentaries (Taz and Magen Abraham), together with the main text, the Shulchan Aruch, were republished frequently with several other commentaries, and still hold first rank among halakhic authorities. Two years before the publication of this work, Judel of Kovli, in Volhynia, a kabbalist and Talmudic scholar who wrote a commentary on Orach Chaim, gave money to have it published together with the Taz. His wishes were never carried out, but his money was used to publish another of Segal's works, Divrei David ("The Words of David"), a supercommentary on Rashi (Dyhernfurth, 1690). Segal also authored responsa which, though sometimes quoted from the manuscripts, were never published. He and Shabbethai Kohen (the ShaK) are among the greatest halakhic authorities among the Acharonim. In 1683, the Council of Four Lands declared that the authority of the Taz should be considered greater than that of the ShaK, but later the ShaK gained more and more in authority.

    Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Elazar Leiner (Lainer)(ben Gershon Henoch)(born 1929), Rebbe of Radzin, son of the Baal Hatecheiles and great-grandson of Mordechai Yosef of Izhbitz. He was the author of Tiferes Yosef. He was succeeded by his son, Rabbi Shmuel Shlomo, and then by his son-in-law, Rabbi Avraham Yissachar Engrand. Rav Shaul Broch (or Brach) of Kashau (1940).

    27th Shevat - כז שבט starts Evening of January 28 2022

    Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Elazar ben Rabbi Gershon Henoch Leiner of Radzin (1929) author of Tiferes Yosef.

    Rabbi Alexander Sender ben Rabbi Ephraim Sender Shor (1737), author of Tevuos Shor.

    Rabbi Yosef Zundel Hutner, Rav of Eishinshok, author of Bikurei Yosef (1919).

    Rabbi Mordechai ben Rabbi Simcha Shmuel Shulman (1982), son-in-law of Rabbbi Yitzchak Isaac Sher and Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka in Bnei Brak

    Rabbi Menachem Nochum ben Ahron Twersky of Chernoybyl (1871) was named after his great-grandfather, the Meor Einayim. He passed away about a year before his father on Shabbos Shkalim/ Mevarchim - Parshas Mishpatim. His father made reference to this by saying: הִנֵּה אָנֹכִי שֹׁלֵחַ מַלְאָכִי לְפָנֶיךָ “Behold I send my Malach before you”. This is a slight change from a posuk in Mishpatim.

    Rabbi Elazar Rokeach (1758-1837). Born in Stanislow, Poland, he was the son of Rabbi Arye Leib and a grandson of the baal Ateres Poz of Lask. When he was 13, he celebrated three landmarks: his bar mitzvah, his engagement and his completion of Shas. At the age of twenty, he became rav in Piltz, Poland. During this period, he wrote his sefer Sheilos Uteshuvos Shemen Rokeach in which he printed his correspondence with the Noda Beyehuda. In 1800, he accepted rabbonus in Tritch. In 1812, he took over the rabbinate of Ransburg, and it was there that he waged his famous battle against the reformer Aaron Chaviner. Together with the Chasam Sofer, Rabbi Akiva Eiger and Rabbi Chaim Banet, he fought against the reformers in letters that are printed in the sefer Eileh Divrei Habris.

    Rabbi Yosef Zundel Hutner (1846-1919). Born in Dvinsk, he was taught by his father at an early age. At the age of 25, Rabbi Yosef Zundel published Bikurei Yosef. (In the introduction, he bemoans the passing of his young wife.) Thereafter he moved to Bialystok, where he remarried and learned bechavrusa with Rabbi Meir Simcha Hakohen of Dvinsk. In 1897, he became Rav of Eishishok.

    Rabbi Mordechai Shulman (1982), son-in-law of Rav Chaim Yitzchak Isaac Sher, he succeeded his father-in-law as Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka. His only son was Rav Nosson Tzvi Shulman, who married a daughter of Rav Yechiel Schlesinger.

    Rav Dovid Moshe (ben Dov Ber) of Chortkov (1914-1988). Born in Boyan, Ukraine, to Rabbi Dov Ber of Chortkov. He moved with his family to Vienna as a youth. When his grandfather, Rav Yisrael, the Chortkover Rebbe, died in 1934, he was succeeded by both of his sons, Rav Nachum Mordechai, and Rav Dov Ber. When Rav Dov Ber tragically passed away just two years later, Rav Dovid Moshe humbly refused to take his place. Shortly after Kristallnacht (November 9, 1938), Rav Dovid Moshe moved to England and settled in the London suburb of Edgeware. In 1968, he married Leah and was blessed with three children. In 1988, he gave his final shiur in Golders Green.

    28th Shevat - כח שבט starts Evening of January 29 2022

    Rabbi Mordechai ben Rabbi Moshe Gedalia of Zvhil (1979), descendant of the Magid of Zlochov.

    Rabbi Alexander Sender of Zholkov, (1660-1737). He was the son of Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Shor, Magid of Lvov, and was orphaned as an infant. In 1704, Rabbi Alexander Sender went to live in Zholkov (Zolkiew) where he remained for the rest of his life, devoting himself to study and writing and earning his living working in a distillery. He was the author of Tevuos Shor, first published in 1733, on shechita and kashrus. He was a great-grandnephew of Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Shor, the author of a sefer by the same name, Tevuos Shor, a condensation of the Beis Yosef. Some say his Hilula is 27 Shvat

    Rabbi Emanuel of Preshedvorz (1802-1865). Successor to his father, the Rebbe Reb Yeshayale (1831).

    Rav Yosef Dovid (ben Yitzchak Isaac) Zindheim (Sinzheim; Zunzheim; Sintzheim), (1745 (or 1736) - 1812). He was born to Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Sintzheim, Rav of Treves (Trier) and Niederheim (Niedernai) in the Alsace region on the border between France and Germany. At the age of 20, the Reb Yosef Dovid married Esther Medelsheim. In 1778, his wife's wealthy brother, Naftali Herz (aka Cerf Berr de Medelsheim) established a yeshiva in Bischeim (near Strasbourg), and he appointed his brother-in-law Rabbi Sintzheihem to be Rosh Yeshiva. It was also at this time that Rav Zintzheim began composing his monumental Talmud commentary on Shas, Yad Dovid. He also wrote Shelal Dovid on Chumash, Da'as Dovid on the Shulchan Aruch, and an encyclopedia of halachic and Talmudic topics called Minchas Ani. He was appointed to the Assembly of Jewish Notables convened by Napoleon (1806), appointed president of the Great Sanhedrin, and named by Napoleon as inaugural chief rabbi of Central Consistoire.

    Rabbi Mordechai Goldman, Zvihller Rebbe (1979). Son of Rav Gedalya Moshe. Note: Novohrad-Volyns'kyi (Russian: Novgorodvolynsk, Yiddish: Zhvil, Zhvill) is a City in Zhytomyr Oblast, Volhynia, Ukraine.

    Rabbi Menachem Nachum Twersky of Chernobyl, the Rachmistrivka Rebbe (1840-1937); son of Rabbi Yochanon; grandson of Rabbi Menachem Nachum (author of Meor Einayim). His cousin, who had the same name, had his yartzeit yesterday. He passed away in Eretz Yisroel

    Rabbi Shalom Zelig Steinmetz, elder Vizhnitz chasid Rav Ephraim Ezra Laniado, author of Degel Machaneh Ephraim Rav Yosef Friedlander (ben Tzvi Hersh), Liska Rebbe, author of Tzvi V'Chammid (1971). Arriving in the United States in 1947, he was one of the first Rebbes to establish his kehilla in Boro Park. He was a successor of the Ach Pri Tevuah, the Tal Chaim, and the Shaarei Hayasher. He was succeeded by his son, Rav Tzvi Hersh Friedlander, author of Chamudei Tzvi.

    Rav Mordechai (ben Gedalya Moshe) Goldman, the Zvihller Rebbe (1979). Note: Novohrad-Volyns'kyi (Russian: Novgorodvolynsk, Yiddish: Zhvil, Zhvill) is a City in Zhytomyr Oblast, Volhynia, Ukraine.

    Rabbi Ephraim Ezra Laniado, author of Degel Machaneh Ephraim

    Rabbi Eliezer Alpa (originally Potshnik) (1896-1990). Born in the Russian town of Ulshan, he joined the Novardok school in Charkov when he was only 11. During that period, he studied incessantly with his chavrusa, Rabbi Chaim Shmulevitz, the future Rosh Yeshiva of Mir. During the ravages of World War 1, the bachurim moved to Poland and joined the Novardok yeshivah's branch in Bialystock. There, Rabbi Eliezer learned b’chavrusa with Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky, the Steipler Gaon. He married Shulamis, the daughter of Rabbi Meir Karelitz. Under Rav Karelitz' recommendation, he headed a yeshiva in Galician city of Gorlitz, but he did not remain long because, in 1935, the Chazon Ish and other prominent rabbanim urged him to settle in Eretz Yisrael. At first, he moved into the one-room home of his uncle, the Chazon Ish, where the Steipler Gaon and his wife were also staying. Not long afterwards, Rabbi Eliezer decided to move to Haifa in order to found a yeshivah in that spiritual wasteland.

    Rav Shmuel Binyamin Rosenberg, senior Rosh Mesivta of Yeshivas Beis Avraham-Slonim (1957-2005). A descendent of the Chasam Sofer and the Kesav Sofer, he learned for many years at Slonim and married the daughter of Rav Shmuel Weinberg, one of the heads of Chinuch Atzmai and the son of the Birkas Avraham of Slonim. His brother-in-law, Rav Tzvi Weinberg, is rosh kollel Slonim in Yerushalayim.

    Rabbi Nesanel Quinn (1910-2005), menahel at Mesivta Torah Vodaas for almost 80 years. Rabbi Nesanel’s parents’ Reb Zalman Pinchas and Devorah Miriam were neighbors of the Rogochover Rabbi in Dvinsk, Lithuania, and were childless for 10 years. Upon the advice of Rabbi Shalom Ber of Lubavich, they moved to America. They were promised a family and arichas yomim; they had 5 children, and she lived to 111 years. Rabbi Nesanel was a talmid of Rabbi David Leibowitz. He later became the talid muvhak of Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendelovitz, at Torah Vodaas, and stayed there as an educator. In conjunction with his first yahrtzeit, the sefer Birkas Moadecha on Mesechta Beitzah will be released [along with] a supplement, Zichron Nesanel, which includes short stories abiout Rabbi Quinn and letters he wrote

    29th Shevat - כט שבט starts Evening of January 30 2022

    Many people do a Daylight Fast for Erev Rosh Chodesh

    Ilan Ramon (1954 - 2003) was a fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force, and later the first Israeli astronaut for NASA. He was the space shuttle payload specialist of STS-107, the fatal mission of Columbia, in which he and six other crew members were killed in the re-entry accident. At 48, he was the oldest member of the crew. Ramon is the only foreign recipient of the United States Congressional Space Medal of Honor, which he was awarded posthumously. Ramon was born in Ramat Gan, Israel, to Tonya (1929–2003) and Eliezer Wolferman (1923–2006). He grew up in Beersheba. His father was from Germany, and his family fled Nazi persecution in 1935. His mother and grandmother were from Poland, and were Holocaust survivors, having been in Auschwitz. They immigrated to Israel in 1949. His first name, Ilan, means "tree" in Hebrew. Ilan changed his last name from Wolferman when he joined the IAF just as many other Israeli aviators did.

    Rabbi Eliyahu Habachur Halevi “the Ba’al Hatishbi,” famous Hebrew grammarian (1549).

    Rabbi Yitzchak Yerucham Diskin, the Maharil Diskin (1839-1925), He was born in Valkovisk, Russia, the son of Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin of Brisk and Rebbetzin Hinda Rochel. He started studying gemara on his own at the age of 5. After his Bar Mitzvah, he studied in seclusion for 14 hours a day. At 16, he left for Volozhin. After his father’s petira in 1898, he was asked to succeed him as president of the Diskin Orphanage and head of the Ohel Moshe Yeshiva. At first, he refused, but in 1908, when he saw that Yerushalayim’s Torah institutions were in danger due to Zionists’ efforts to destroy them, he decided to make aliya. Together with Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, he fought against the Maskilim (enlightenment). Both of them were elected honorary presidents of the charedi Vaad Ha’ir, which soon became known as the Eida Hacharedis.

    Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the Alter of Slabodka (1849-1927). Born in Rasei, Lithuania, he was orphaned at an early age and was raised by a relative in Vilna. He became a devoted follower of Rabbi Simcha Zissel, the Alter of Kelm. Rabbi Nosson Tzvi organized a kollel of ten men in Slabodka in about 1877. He began a yeshiva katana there and was later instrumental in starting the yeshiva in Telz and having Rav Eliezer Gordon appointed as Rosh Yeshiva. He founded the Slabodka Yeshiva in 1884. In 1897, the Yeshiva split over the teaching of mussar. Seventy of the 300 students sided with the Alter and formed a new yeshiva, Kenesses Yisrael. In 1897, he founded the yeshiva in Slutsk and appointed Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer its Rosh Yeshiva. After World War I, the yeshiva in Kletzk, headed by Rabbi Nosson Tzvi’s disciple, Rabbi Aharon Kotler, developed. He also helped Rabbi Shimon Skop develop yeshivos by sending his own students. In 1909, a yeshiva was set up in Stutchin, led by his disciple, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Chasman, and the Lodz yeshiva was the first outpost of mussar in Poland. His influence was also felt in long-standing yeshivos, as his disciples became parts of them. His son, Rabbi Eliezer Finkel, became rosh yeshiva of Mir, for example. In 1925, he fulfilled a long-standing personal vow by moving to Eretz Yisrael, settling in Chevron. His discourses are collected in Or Hatzafun.

    Rav Chananya Yom Tov Lipa (ben Yekusiel Yehuda) Teitelbaum (1836-1904), author of Kedushas Yom Tov. Born in Stropkov, Slovakia, to the Yital Lev, who was a grandson of Rav Moshe Teitelbaum, the Yismach Moshe. Rav Chananya's primary teachers were Rav Chaim of Sanz and Rav Yitzchak Eizik of Ziditchov. At the age of 28, he became Rav of the small town of Tesh, a position he held for 19 years. After his father's petira in 1883, he succeeded him in Sighet, Hungary. His most famous contribution to Sighter Hasidus is the work Kedushas Yom Tov, a commentary on the Chumash. After him it would become customary for the Rebbe of Sighet to author a commentary on the Torah. By 1941 there were 10,144 Jews living in Sighet, comprising 39% of the town. In the Holocaust the town was liquidated via deportation to Auschwitz. But, the community lives on in America and Israel. Rav Chananya had no children with his first wife, a marriage that lasted 14 years. He remained childless for many years with his second wife as well, until Rav Chaim of Sanz gave him a bracha. Indeed, he had two sons, Rav Chaim Tzvi of Sighet, and Rav Yoel, the Rebbe of Satmar. After his death in 1904 it was not clear which of his sons would succeed him. Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum was his oldest son, and thus the apparent heir; but Joel Teitelbaum was the most famous of his children. Rabbi Joel accepted a position as the posek and Av Beis Din of the town of Satmar, and Rabbi Chaim Tzvi took inherited leadership of Sighet. After the death of Rav Chananya in 1904 it was not clear which of his sons would succeed him. Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum was his oldest son, and thus the apparent heir; but Joel Teitelbaum was the most famous of his children. Rabbi Joel accepted a position as the posek and Av Beis Din of the town of Satmar, and Rabbi Chaim Tzvi took inherited leadership of Sighet.

    Rabbi Zalman Sender (ben Moshe) Kahana-Shapira, born in Nisowiz, in the Minsk region of Russia, to Rabbi Moshe Shapira, av beis din of Lida and son-in-law of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin. Rabbi Zalman Sender learned under the Beis HaLevi and his son, Rabbi Chaim Brisker, in Volozhin. He married and lived in Kobrin, where he raised 5 children (4 boys and a girl). When his wife tragically passed away, he married the widow of Rabbi Binyamin Wolf Hayahalomstein, Rav of Maltsch, and moved to that city. He eventually became Rabbi of Maltsch and started a yeshiva there, Anaf Eitz Chaim, modeling it after Eitz Chaim of Volozhin. In 1902, he moved the yeshiva to Kriniki where he became Rabbi. Among his students there were Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky and Rabbi Aharon Kotler. In 1921, he moved to the Shaarei Chesed section of Yerushalayaim. (1851-1923)

    Rabbi Nosson Horowitz (2001), Rabbi of K’hal Sheiris Yisrael of Williamsburg, then Rabbi of Kehillas Bais Yisrael of Monsey. He was born in Vienna, the son of the Riglitzer Rav and grandson of the Altshteter Rabbi and the Liminover Rabbi (the Meoros Nosson), for whom he was named.

    30th Shevat - ל שבט which is Rosh Chodesh Aleph Adar starts Evening ofJanuary 31 2022

    Rav Moshe of Zaloshin, (1788-1831) author of Mishpat Tzedek, Tikkun Shabbos, and Geulas Yisrael. In 1815, he was appointed leader of the chassidic community in Zaloshin.

    Rabbi Menachem Mendel ben Rabbi Boruch Bendet of Shklov (1827), one of the most famous talmidim of the Gra. He was known as an expert in Kabbala, and made aliyah to Eretz Yisroel in 1808.

    Rabbi Eliyahu Habachur Halevi “the Ba’al Hatishbi,” famous Hebrew grammarian (1549).

    Rav Shmuel Abba (ben Baruch) of Horedneka [Horodenka] (1895), son of the Imrei Baruch of Vishnitz. The town of Horodenka sits on the Dneister River some 30 miles from Chernovtsy, in the shadows of the Carpathian Mountains. Kiev is 250 miles northeast of Horodenka and Lviv (Lemberg) is 110 miles to the northwest. This area was also known as Galicia when under Austro-Hungarian rule. Jews first settled there under Polish rule during the middle of the 17th century. According to the census of 1765, there were 863 Jewish families in Horodenka. According to data of 1890, 4340 of the 11,162 inhabitants of the town and 7 of the 18 members of the municipal council were Jews. By the end of the 19th century a local Benei Zion society had been founded, which by 1897 consisted of about 150 members.

    Rav Yerucham Fishel Perla (1846-1934) was born in Warsaw in 1846 and studied under Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin in Lomza and under Rav Yosef Dov Halevi Soloveitchik. While he was still young, he was offered prestigious rabbinates, including in Lublin and Krakow, but he turned them down so he could continue his studies. He is known for his encyclopedic commentary to the Sefer Hamitzvos by Rav Saadiah Gaon.

    There are two days of Rosh Chodesh Adar This year of 5782 /30th Shevat starts Evening of January 31 2022 / Evening of February 1 2022 is Rosh Chodesh Day 2 / 1 Adar 5782.