Basic Class 6 - Binding by Striking Part 2

Last week we taught you the principles of Binding byS. This week we will be teaching the shortcuts to what to do when you are not sure what to do or how to do it.

I am presenting here an essay that relates modern science to the teachings of the Torah.

Superdeterminism & Free Will

by Reb Akiva @ Mystical Paths

The tag line of our blog is mishna from Pirke Avos (Ethics of our Fathers), “Everything is foreseen but free will is granted.” (Pirke Avos Chapter 3, Mishnah 19) Halacha Yomit quotes on this: The Rambam explains this to mean that everything is foreseen by HaShem, Who can foresee everything until the end of all generations. The Tanna then proceeds to teach us that one should not think that since HaShem already knows whatever is bound to happen, an individual has no free choice. This is truly not the case; rather a man has free choice to do whatever he pleases. Rashi explains likewise in his commentary on Masechet Niddah (16b) where he writes: “All of an individual’s happenings and occurrences are the result of a Heavenly decree besides for fear (awe)of Heaven which is mandated by the individual’s own free choice.”

Sounds a mystical and spooky, or at least one of those very high level religious statements that we can generalize and ignore.

Now along comes Scientific American and demonstrates that modern quantum physics AGREES!!!

Quantum-Physics(Scientific American) Superdeterminism... It’s a weird and downright disturbing idea. The sober way to put it is that physicists are never able to conduct a fully controlled experiment, since the experimental setup they choose is not strictly independent of the processes that created the particles. Even if the experimentalists (conventionally named Alice and Bob) live on Earth and the particles come from quasars billions of light-years away, they share a common past in the very early universe. Their subtle interdependence creates a selection bias, misleading physicists into thinking that no deeper level of physics could explain the particle coordination, when in fact it could.

The dramatic version is that free will is an illusion. Worse, actually. Even regular determinism—without the “super”—subverts our sense of free will. Through the laws of physics, you can trace every choice you make to the arrangement of matter at the dawn of time. Superdeterminism adds a twist of the knife. Not only is everything you do preordained, the universe reaches into your brain and stops you from doing an experiment that would reveal its true nature. The universe is not just set up in advance. It is set up in advance to fool you. As a conspiracy theory, this leaves Roswell and the Priory of Zion in the dust.

That said, one person’s conspiracy is another’s law of physics. Lots of things in the world seem conspiratorial at first glance, but are the result of well-established principles. The fact the moon spins on its axis at exactly the same rate it orbits Earth (thereby keeping the same face to us, or nearly so) is not the work of a cabal, but of laws such as the conservation of angular momentum. In the opening panel discussion of the conference, ’t Hooft speculated that some new law of physics might harmonize particles’ properties with humans’ measurement choices: “What looks like a conspiracy today may be due to a conservation law we don’t know about today.… It’s incredible until you find it’s mathematical necessity.”

It’s a deep detailed as yet unproven (maybe unable to be proven?) theory that says… Everything is foreseen but free will is granted!!!

What did we learn last week?

Last week we learned the 4 steps that create miracles in our lives. The 4 steps of Binding by Striking. Let's review what they are.

1. STOP YOUR REACTION (YOUR SELFISH REACTION). Remember your reaction is always selfish.

2. Have an internal conversation as to what is the motivation behind your reaction

3. Transform your selfish consciousness to a sharing conversation.

4. Do an Action, any action. It can be the same action as what your reaction was or something else entirely. The action you do will have a sharing consciousness.

Sharing an experience from this week

Rules for LIfe

The tool of Binding by Striking as specific corollaries that apply to different times and life patterns within our lives. So let's look at these rules and see when to apply them.

HaShem is One and thus our lives are One yet we see things separated and thus we can see our lives as three different patterns. 1) Everything is turning up Roses; everything we touch turns to Gold; 2) Everything we touch is turning to that 4 letter word that is one of our body functions. It is not the opposite of gold because gold but the opposite of food that tastes good. 3) A middle period where some things go right and somethings don't.

When you are in the middle period of your life the tool of Binding by Striking is the best tool available. Please try it and use it. It will prove itself to you. Remember it is a lifetime learning process. Learning how to use it and learning about yourself.

Binding by Striking is a tool that works because it goes against your human nature. It takes you out of your comfort zone. This spiritual principle is what creates miracles in your life.

Now how to you take the principle of going against your nature when things go smoothly in your life? Human Nature is to take credit for things going smoothly in your life. Your business is doing well. Who caused that? Obviously your ideas and implementation of those ideas. Your family life is running smoothly, how come they are so happy? Obviously do are doing something right and making them happy. Is this the true method of the way the spiritual world works?

Remember everything has a spiritual cause. What is the spiritual cause of everything running smoothly? This kind of period in your life is given as an opportunity to prove that you are in control of your natural human responses. The natural human response is to congratulate yourself on doing such a good job. To really be proud of yourself and the good job YOU are doing.

The simple rule to follow when you find yourself in a period where everything is working well is to remember that you are doing nothing and to be appreciative to the Creator for all that you are receiving. If you can remember to have the unconscious consciousness to thank the Creator this period will continue to manifest in your life. When you forget to remember to thank the Creator in the time frame of the Creator it will change back to that middle pattern.

When you are in a pattern of everything going wrong. What do you think is the spiritual cause of that kind of period. It is a test to reduce your ego. This kind of period is best exampled by the idea of a toothache or a headache. When people of our generation get a headache they reach for a temporary solution. A solution like Aspirin or Excedrin or Bufferin. These solutions do not want to be permanent and the people who take them make sure that they are not permanent because of their consciousness. The Kabbalists teaches us that that any form of pain suffering or chaos is not the way the world is meant to work and that we CAN have a desire and a solution that is permanent.

That simple permanent solution is to ask for more headache right now.

The truth is you will receive more headache right now. It will get worse right up to the maximum pain you can take. Then it will go away and never come back. Sometimes it takes a few experiences depending on the amount of pain one needs to cleanse their overall need for a headache.

The simple tool is to ASK FOR MORE PAIN, OR CHAOS,

Now that you are through laughing. Why don't you try it the next time you have a headache. i have and i know that it works. The reason it works is the human being will do anything to relieve pain. When you ask for more pain you are going against your nature. When you go against your nature you are doing Binding by Striking. when you go against your nature by saying thank you during the stage 1 period you are using Binding by Striking. Try it you will find it works. Do not believe me just try it.

Any Questions?