Basic Class 5 Hand Out for Binding by Striking

Binding by Striking is the strongest individual tool that Kabbalah teaches. To understand this tool will take a bit of time to explain. The tool itself is very simple. It has only 4 steps to do. It is not easy to do these steps. Let me repeat this. It is simple to do; yet it is not easy to do. It is a tool that takes a life time of practice. The goal of this tool is to teach your body to do this first step automatically. That is why it takes a lifetime of practice.

Astrology, Modern Physics, Religion, One God Mindset

All monotheistic religions have a great difficulty with Astrology especially Hebrew Astrology because it works. When one knows there is one Creator/God/HaShem/other Name/ then Hebrew Astrology does not present a problem.

When one is practicing a religion, one finds Hebrew Astrology very disconcerting. This is because religion teaches you to be a good person, to be a better person today than you were yesterday, to receive pain, suffering, and punishments when you do not do what the ONE CREATOR tells you to do at least according to the ONE Man Or Group of Men who determine what that is.

Now along comes Hebrew Astrology which teaches that whether you do a good thing or not, your future is known and there is no truly good reason to become a better person today than you were yesterday (Chas V' Shalom).

In other words this is the age old philosopher's question: Do i have free will or is everything already known and pre-ordained?

That is why for 2000 years the Rabbis, Priests, and Holy Men have written that Astrology is bunk and do not waste your time. In the religion of Judaism (of which i am not a participant prior to this) the Sages wrote many things about the Science of Astrology and used it in their daily lives and prayers.

Kabbalah teaches us this tool of Binding by Striking that gives us access to a mechanism that allows us to balance these two mutually exclusive issues. If everything is known it does not matter what i do. If i am good then i will have a good life; yet when we look at the world this does not seem to hold true. Binding by Striking will reconcile these issues and explain to you how to remove chaos from your life and how to utilize the science of Hebrew Astrology to get to where we need to go to have a chaos free life.

Remember this physical world is created as an illusion.

Remember the Boomerang Law - What goes around comes around.

Remember removing Bread of Shame is the purpose of life.

Since this world is an illusion i am unable to see how i am truly behaving. How am i impacting other people? I am unable to see that when i walk down the street with a smile on my face i actually stopped someone from committing suicide today. While yesterday i walked down the street with a frown and caused someone to rob a bank thinking it was the only way to feed his crying children.

What do you think of the above paragraphs?

Here is the space for your opinion


Many people have heard of something called Tikune Olam. It is usually taught that this term refers to doing good deeds that "fix the world." This is a corruption of the real process of Tikune and is actually a waste of time and energy. Essentially this is a tool of Satan that lengthens the process of the world.

Let us understand what is meant by Tikune, Tikune Olam, Gmar Tikune, and Tikune Process. These are Kabbalistic terms using the language of branches. i have explained that Kabbalah uses terms in a very exact manner, similar to a mathematical formula. Our everyday words like energy or essence can cause us to become confused.

The Hebrew word Tikune means to correct. With this tool of Binding by Striking we are going to learn how to correct ourselves. This means change any unwanted character or personality traits.


Each person is to correct different aspects of his or her life. This correction process is called Tikune. A person who fails to make a correction and Restrict when the opportunity appears (the vertical line on the bar), will then be forced to repeat a similar circumstance later on in his life. This could occur one week later, one month later or even 25 years later, or even in the next lifetime.

This is the root cause behind the re-occurrence of problems that continue to repeat themselves throughout our lives. For example, some people go through five marriages because they have failed to make the proper "Binding by Striking" (this will be explained below) whenever a certain problem arose. Other people continue to make money and then lose this money throughout their lives. They make the same mistake over and over again. Other people continue to fight with their family over the same problems. No matter how hard they try, the same problem resurfaces causing in-fighting, jealousy and animosity.

The problem may be disguised sometimes, but the underlying cause is always the same. Just when this problem seems to be fixed, it pops up once again. Many times, instead of facing the problems, we run away from them hoping they will go away.

Because we fail to deal with and correct the problem, we must face them once again in the future. The reason for this continuous cycle and repeating negative pattern is because we have not corrected or made a tikune. We simply gave in to our desire to receive.

1. We had a desire to lose our temper- and then we did.

2. We allowed someone or some situation to control our feelings.

3. We allowed someone or some situation to make us angry and frustrated.

Many times we can not control the situation; yet we can always control how we respond to the situation. This is a hint as to what Binding by Striking is all about.

The above problems will continue to appear until we finally control our response to the situations.

What happens to those people who never make a Restriction concerning a specific problem in their whole life? They are then forced to cope with the same problem again and again throughout their lives. Their lives begin to look like a broken record repeating the same "tune" over and over again.

What happens when a person doesn't complete his Tikune before he dies? The answer is found inside ancient Jewish Kabbalistic teachings: A person who didn't complete a correction in his or her life is brought back again into a new life to make that same correction.

The places, names and surroundings may be different, but the specific correction is always the same. The same conflict and drama remains the same, only the cast and scene is different. In fact, you might get divorced from someone and find that you did not correct the issue between you and have to reincarnate and marry that same soul in a different body once again.

This process is called Gilgul, Metempsychosis or Reincarnation. It is also referred to as a Tikune Process or a correction process. Most Jews are simply unaware of this, in spite of the fact that the greatest Jewish sages revealed to us that reincarnation or the Tikune Process is an integral part of Judaism.

This process involves multiple cycles of life for an individual soul in order that he may make the appropriate tikune or correction as specified by his spiritual DNA.

For example: In a past incarnation, on November 24 a man lost a lot of money in a business deal. He became distraught. His behavior became abusive towards his wife and children. All he cared for was the money. He did not appreciate that he was given a healthy and loving family. In essence, he did not perform "Binding by Striking." He did not resist his greedy urges and desires. On this same date of November 24, in a new incarnation, this man will face the same circumstances once again. It may be in a different city, in a different line of business, with a different family; or it might be the same set of souls. Just realize that the soul of the man is the same. He will be confronted with the same set of circumstances giving him a new opportunity to perform an action in order to correct this behavior.

According to Kabbalah, the blueprint of our Metaphysical DNA contains the results of our behavior. We carry these results with us— throughout our lives and from lifetime to lifetime. If we do not make a correction, we must encounter the same situation once again.

Or, if we have not yet encountered all of our Binding by Striking opportunities we must then return again in another life to face these situations.

Another term we will use in our classes for our Metaphysical DNA is Cassette, as in Movie Video Cassette. On the cassette tape we have all of the information that will make up our lives based on our prior behavior concerning "Binding by Striking" and Tikune.

When every human soul has completed his or her Tikune we have reached what is called Gmar Tikune or the Total Tikune. That is the meaning of the coming of Mashiach; the ingathering of the exiles; the resurrection of the dead; the building of the Third Temple; the removal of chaos and the end of war. The life of the world will become serene and peaceful and everyone who wants to will live one thousand years.

Parallel Universes - The Multi-Plex Cinema

Modern Physics has a theory of time that relates to parallel universes. Whenever a decision "nexus" appears in the time line there is a branch and duplication of the universe at that moment. This is consistant with the discussion we had in week two about the idea that Creation is renewed every instant. It is possible that this theory and the Kabbalah are speaking of the same thing using different vocabulary. It also allows for the idea that in each parallel universe a person's mind might be receiving a different memory which then becomes the history of that universe.

Kabbalah teaches that each individual has a "cassette" with their entire life already recorded on it. Just as a video cassette has a complete movie contained inside of it from beginning to end, our life cassettes have our entire life pre-programmed on them.

Our lives are like a movie on a video cassette. The purpose of each life (cassette) is to give a person the opportunity to use his free will at each moment to use the tool of Binding by Striking or not.

This is the essence of Free Will. This is the only item of free will that we have to employ. We can use the tool of Binding by Striking or not. Every other feeling of our making a choice in our lives, whether it is the person we marry, or the jobs that we prepare for and choose, or the number of children that we have; all is known beforehand. It is just the movie being played out in a multi-plex cinema. This movie of our life is seen by us as we are the only person sitting in the theatre. There are billions of these movie rooms. Each one is playing our life movies. However, there is a difference from one movie room to the next. That difference is the amount of chaos in our life. One room has us living in a Holocaust while another has us living the life of Bill Gates or President Obama. Another has us living in Nebraska on a farm while another has us living on the moon. Another has us living as a person in a civilization under the sea; while another has us living as an amoeba on Alpha Centauri Planet No 1.

One movie has us living in San Antonio married to a southern Baptist, another has us living in Sacramento marrying one guy, and another movie has us marrying a third guy. All of the potential lives that we could ever live is available in one movie room or another.

Whenever we exercise the tool of Binding by Striking we move to a different movie room with less chaos. Whenever we are in a movie that has us using the tool and we don't, we move to a movie room with more chaos. This is our opportunity to utilize free will and remove Bread of Shame.

Inside of our cassettes are certain challenges and situations that we must confront. The purpose of these situations is to create an opportunity for us as individuals to use our free will. Explained on a simple level, every time we choose positively and use our tool of binding by striking, we make a quantum shift into a new cassette that contains a better program and more fulfilling life.

Let us explore modern physics in more detail. Quantum physics seems to indicate that an infinite number of parallel universes exist alongside our own universe right now. Each universe contains a different "you" responding differently to the minute by minute situations that confront us in life. This is according to modern day science and not mysticism.

The Zohar revealed this same concept 2000 years ago. The Kabbalah teaches us that there are an infinite number of parallel cassettes (universes) playing out our life right now as we read this. However, our consciousness and limited 5 senses are only aware of one universe at a time. Our consciousness can only focus and tune into one universe at a time. Each cassette reveals a different set of circumstances and situations in our lives. All potential results and destinies exist for each individual. They are simply programmed on a different cassette /universe. Each one of the infinite number of cassettes holds a progressively better and more fulfilling destiny.

Imagine a multi-plex cinema and movie house with 16 theatres. There are different movies playing in each theatre. Our free will can determine which movie we want to experience. However, the movie itself is already pre-determined. When we employ the tool of Binding by Striking, we are choosing a better movie. Every time we employ the tool, we shift to an alternate universe.

The act of using the tool is like a gear shift in a hyper-dimensional time machine. Every time we activate this Power Tool, we are shifting gears and crossing over into another universe. Every person has his or her own library of cassettes. They are infinite in number. Cassettes contain the contents of your entire life. Each cassette has a progressively better and more fulfilling life.

You decide which movie by deciding when you use the tool, the rest of the moments of your life the movie is playing out and you watch the movie to see what happens even while the writer/director/producer already know what will happen on that movie screen.

Here is how the tool works in word descriptions:

A desire to receive appears in our mind. It is a craving, a powerful urge. These are the most crucial moments in our lives and they can happen to us every dav. We have two choices. We are choosing between two possible futures. One future keeps us imprisoned in the same cassette, the same movie. This happens when we do not activate the Power Tool. However, when we do activate the Power Tool, we choose an alternate future. This other future offers us a better movie, a better cassette. We advance forward towards our personal Gmar Tikune.

Punishment and Reward or Cause and Effect?

Punishment and Reward is a dangerous corruption of Religion. Most people believe that G-d is a holy being in heaven who punishes and rewards. However, we can now understand that this is totally absurd. For it is we, mankind, as individuals and as a collective whole determine which possible movie will unfold for us. If we activate that Power Tool, then the Light is revealed just as a light bulb reveals light when there is resistance within the bulb.

Revealing Light means shifting into a better universe. All possibilities exist-good, bad, terrible, wonderful, and everything in between. It is we who choose the scripts and not the Creator. What the Creator does is balance the various individual movies so that there appears to be continuity of consciousness and memory of our history. Remember the belief that history is written by the Winner. History is written by the Creator balancing my desire to receive movie with your desire to receive movie.

The great sages from the Talmud teach us that nothing bad can come from above - from the infinite sharing Light of the Creator. We must understand that if the Light is infinite goodness, then bad and evil cannot come from this realm. It simply doesn't exist in the infinite Light. In reality, evil simply means a blockage of Light. If we block out the sun by putting on a blindfold or covering the windows in a room, is the sun still there? Is the sun still not trying to share with us?

We cause the darkness. To help us try and understand this complex answer at this early stage of our learning, we are using simple examples and metaphors. Here is another: In order to remove darkness in a room, there must be a filament, a resistor in a light bulb in order to create a circuit. This was revealed by Thomas Edison. He spent thousands of hours developing that resistor filament. Until he got it right there was no light bulb- just glass bulbs that he could use as target practice.

Through this process Thomas Edison learned the rules of electricity. When plus and minus connect directly, the bulb short circuits leaving darkness. When a filament/resistor separates the plus from the negative the bulb begins to burn bright. Resistance causes the light to go on. In order to remover darkness and evil from our lives, there must also be resistance in order to reveal the Light. Binding by Striking is the resistor in our lives.

We must create a circuit of energy within ourselves. We can only do this when we resist our desires in order to control them. We can now understand that punishment means a blockage of Light. Reward means revelation of Light. In both circumstances, we are the ones who decide. You are the cause of your own pain. You are the cause of your own pleasure. What causes pain? Not using the Power Tool. What causes pleasure? Using the Power Tool.

In actuality there is no pain, pleasure, reward and punishment. There is just a movie being played on the movie screen of life. Here is another analogy to help clarify this concept:

Consider electricity in the walls of a hospital. If we choose to plug in a medical machine that helps us save someone's life, we consider the electricity to be "good." If we put our finger inside an electrical socket and receive a jolting shock, we consider the electricity to be "bad." However, did the nature of the electricity ever change? No. Can we say the electricity rewarded us or punished us? Of course not; it is just there.

Kabbalah teaches us that G-d is infinite, endless Energy. The Zohar and Torah teach us how to connect to this Energy. If we put our finger into the socket, we get burned. Or, if we do not reveal this Energy we remain in darkness. We decide. That is free will. This is how we remove Bread of Shame.


This same concept about punishment and reward holds true for the concepts of Good and Bad.

We call Bad things evil. Evil is defined in Kabbalah as the Desire to Receive for Oneself Alone. Good is defined as The Desire to Receive in Order to Share. When we use the Power Tool of Binding by Striking we transform Evil into Good; Darkness into Light. Bad is a short-circuit, where there is no Light — when we let our desires control us.


There is a Talmudic saying that says, "The mouse never stole — the hole stole." In other words, when a mouse steals food from a box, the person who left the hole in the box is the one who is responsible for the theft.

According to Kabbalah, it is people's nature to blame the mice for the theft. But we must realize that it is the nature of the mouse to steal and we must understand this. We cannot kill all the mice in the world. So instead we must learn not to leave holes in our lives where they can be penetrated. Now let's apply these concepts to ethics and morality as most people think that the Torah is a book of Ethics and Morals.

When someone hurts us, it is our initial desire to receive that causes us to blame them for our pain or darkness. After all, they hurt us in the illusion.

Kabbalah teaches us that it is easy to blame someone else. However, this is not a solution for our pain. When we blame someone else, we are simply giving in to our initial desire to receive, which is telling us to blame the other person. When someone hurts us we must realize that this is part of our cassette. This is one of the incidents already pre-programmed on our cassette. Why did it happen? What caused the need to experience this pain that appears in our movie?

We have failed to activate the Power Tool of Binding by Striking at an earlier moment in our life or in our previous lives. This caused the need to experience the pain in order to cause the cleansing of our own previous negative action. When we exercise the tool we move to a movie where this need to experience this pain has already been satisfied. There is no need for the mouse hole to exist or an opportunity for this situation to occur once again.

The only way to prevent this situation from re-occurring is to change the cause, our Klipah, our failure to use the Tool. If we can now use the tool and not exercise our desire to blame someone else and instead look inward and remove our negative feelings of anger and blame, we suddenly gain control over our initial desire. Therefore, we create a tikune, a correction.

This specific problem with this person will never reappear in our lives again if we do this right.

The Torah teaches us that when we build a house, there must be a rail around the roof. Why? To prevent a person who is falling from the roof, from falling from your roof.

What does this strange ruling mean?

It means that a person who falls from a roof was already pre-destined to fall from a roof because of his Movie Cassette and his Metaphysical DNA.

The Torah tells us to put up a rail so it won't be our roof that he has to fall from! Should we feel guilty if this person should fall from our roof? No. We are not the cause of his death. However, Kabbalah then asks the question, why is it that it was our house that he had to fall from? Obviously, we were connecting to negative energy that caused us to be negligent in the first place. Somehow, we attracted this situation to our property. We were chosen to be the vehicle for this person's pre-determined death because we were channeling negative energy. Instead of feeling guilty about causing someone's death, we instead must understand that he was going to die anyway. Now we must look inward and do some real soul searching and internal reasoning:

1. Why we were chosen to execute the death sentence?

2. We must find out what kind of negativity is within us that caused us to be involved in this situation.

3. We must look for ways to remove this negativity.

Consider another situation.

What happens when someone commits pre-meditated murder? Can we say the murderer was doing the dead man a favor by helping him to fulfill his Tikune Process because he was destined to die anyway? No. It is true that the victim did have to die; however, the killer, by committing premeditated murder, consciously chose to draw down enough negative energy that would drive him and motivate him to kill in order to fulfill his own desire to receive.

The murderer hurts himself by willfully choosing to be the executioner. He will have to now pay a price for not using the Tool. This debt will now be recorded onto his Metaphysical DNA and Cassette. Even though the civil courts may not serve true justice, this murderer is still under the laws of Cause and Effect. He will pay the price at some other time in this life or another life. In essence he will die under a pile of rocks in an earthquake - the death of stoning in the Torah. Or he will die by a drive by shooting- the death of a sword thrust from the Torah. Or he will die from the disease Emphysema- the death of hanging from the Torah. Or he will be burned to death in a fire- the death by fire from the Torah. The Torah does not teach us Ethics and Morals; it is showing us cause and effect.

Time and What is Time?

Time is simply mercy. Time is the distance between Cause and Effect. Time does not allow anyone to get away with anything. We simply cannot always perceive the relationship between Cause and Effect. Therefore, in all times true justice occurs without us even realizing it.

These explanations are the inner mystical meaning and truth behind the statement in the Torah that declares, "An eye for an eye -- a tooth for a tooth, etc." There are actually 7 items mentioned in this series of examples. These relate to the 7 lower Sefirot of the Mystical Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that should be honestly named the Tree of Death.

The Torah is not referring to revenge and blame, but instead to the concealed laws of Cause and Effect that permeate our universe. If a person will not change himself internally, and control his desire to receive that led to the misdeed, the Cause and Effect process of our universe will force him to experience the same pain he inflicted on another person ~ an eye for an eye etc.


Free Will is when we overcome the desire to receive.

Kabbalah teaches us that everything else that happens in our lives is simply part and parcel of a pre-programmed movie cassette displaying our lives.

Every problem or obstacle we face is simply part of a predetermined script.

When we resist our evil and greedy urges, we shift cassettes. When we have the urge to scream in uncontrollable anger at our wives, kids, friends, or business associates, we are simply behaving and responding without free will. We are slaves to our desires to receive.

Armed with the knowledge that the universe is simply a predetermined set of circumstances, we now have the ability to control our behavior.

How? This deeper understanding of the chaotic events that confront us on a day to day basis allows us to see the hidden reality of our problems. Only by understanding the true cause and purpose behind each problem can we respond correctly. We now view our problems from a different perspective. Our universe becomes ordered instead of chaotic.

We now understand that every aggravating situation, every difficult set of circumstances, are simply opportunities to exercise free will by using the Power Tool and remove Bread of Shame.

At first, this concept may sound simple and too easy in terms of describing our world and providing us with a tool for controlling our behavior and our lives. However, in reality, this is a very profound and penetrating way to understand the world around us. This knowledge can become a tool that gives us control and mastery over our behavior, freeing us from our robotic consciousness.

After you have studied this concept for some time and have applied it in your day to day life, you will slowly discover that its applications in bettering your life are endless. Do not underestimate the power of this concept. It takes time to grasp the true power that is still concealed deep inside of your higher self.

Binding by Striking Practical Application

Binding by Striking, as i said above is simple but not easy. It consists of 4 simple steps.

1. Stop your reaction or your reactive behavior or your action to satisfy your desire to receive.

2. Enter an internal conversation between your conscious and your higher self or unconscious.

3. Transform your consciousness to a desire to receive in order to share. By definition your reaction is a desire to receive for oneself alone.

4. Do something-any action. It may be the same action that you stopped in step 1, or it may be something totally different. When you do this action in step 4, it is a sharing action since your have changed your consciousness. It is no longer a reaction, but now has become a proaction.

Remember proactions are always positive since they are always sharing. Positive actions return positive effects into your life.

Depending on how difficult it is to stop your reaction indicates how far up the movie room aisle you go and how much of the chaos in the movie you are in is being removed. An example of something difficult to do is Joseph not sleeping with Potiphar's wife while he is erect and naked as is she. The effect was to become King in Egypt and have all of the material wealth of the whole world at his disposal.

An example of something not as difficult is to say no to a second helping of your favorite dessert. The effect is to have to buy a smaller dress or pants size.

Now we are going to go into examples from real life of this Power Tool Binding by Striking. Next week we hope you will bring some real world examples that you did during this week that demonstrate the Tool and how you perceived it. We will analyze your technique and show you how to improve your use of the Tool. Remember it is a life time study. I am available as your teacher to help you with this tool for your lifetime or until you get tired of me as a teacher and find another one. Utilize me; there is no charge. Utilize me; i am free and easy.