Blessings for HaJaphen, Mezonot, Adama and Aitz - Class No 2

Here are the words of the HaAdama Blessing

The HaAdama Blessing is said over fruits and vegetables that do NOT grow on Trees. It is not easy to know what is a Tree and what is a bush. An example is a Banana Tree because things like a Banana do not grow on trees even though the item looks like a tree. Another definition is anything that grows a single crop during the year uses this Blessing.

I recommend you get a small booklet which specifies the blessing for each type of food. In the beginning if you make a mistake it is forgiven. After a period of 5 years one should know the correct Blessing for each food type.

ברוך אתה יהוה (אדני יאהדונהי) להינו מלך העולם בורא פרי האדמה


Baruch Atah Adonai (small letters Kavenah see below) Eloheinu Melech HaOlam Borai Pri HaAdama.


Blessed are You HaShem (small letters Kavenah see below) Our God, King of the Universe Who Created Fruit of the Ground.

Codes and Kavenah around the Blessing

Initial Letters of the three last words spell "2 mouths".

Second Letters of the three last words spell the word ohr which means "Light".

Third Letters of the three last words spell "Head and Hand".

Fourth Letters of the three last words (actually Pri and HaAitz only has three letters so we skip these words) represent the Aleph representing Unity.

Last Letters of the last three words translate as the Hebrew question word. It also One God.

The Kavenah i use from the above is:

With two mouths, i unify the Head and the Hand using Light of Unity ask a question.

Here are the words of the HaAitz Blessing

The HaAitz Blessing is said over fruits and vegetables that do grow on Trees. It is not easy to know what is a Tree and what is a bush. An example is a Banana Tree because things like a Banana do not grow on trees even though the item looks like a tree. Another definition is anything that grows a single crop during the year uses this Blessing.

I recommend you get a small booklet which specifies the blessing for each type of food. In the beginning if you make a mistake it is forgiven. After a period of 5 years one should know the correct Blessing for each food type.

ברוך אתה יהוה (אדני יאהדונהי) אלהינו מלך העולם בורא פרי האץ


Baruch Atah Adonai (small letters Kavenah see below) Eloheinu Melech HaOlam Borai Pri HaAitz.


Blessed are You HaShem (small letters Kavenah see below) Our God, King of the Universe Who Created Fruit of the Tree.

Codes and Kavenah around the Blessing

Initial Letters of the three last words spell "2 mouths" or "with a mouth".

Second Letters of the three last words spell the word ohr which means "Light".

Third Letters of the three last words spell "messenger" or "to portray" or "to describe".

Fourth Letters of the three last words (actually Pri and HaAitz only has three letters so we skip these words) represent the Aleph representing Unity.

Last Letters of the last three words translate as "To Go Out".

The Kavenah i use from the above is:

With a mouth, i draw the Light of Unity to go out to be a messenger from the Creator.

Here are the words of the Mezonot Blessing

The Mezonot Blessing is said over foods made from grain unless that food is considered bread. What is bread? Usually we can rely on the label on the food to know it is bread. And the ingredients tell us if there is grain.

I recommend you get a small booklet which specifies the blessing for each type of food. In the beginning if you make a mistake it is forgiven. After a period of 5 years one should know the correct Blessing for each food type.

ברוך אתה יהוה (אדני יאהדונהי) אלהינו מלך העולם בורא מיני מזונות


Baruch Atah Adonai (small letters Kavenah see below) Eloheinu Melech HaOlam Borai MeNai MeZoNoT.


Blessed are You HaShem (small letters Kavenah see below) Our God, King of the Universe Who Created Different Kinds of Nourishment.

Codes and Kavenah around the Blessing

Initial Letters of the three last words spell "House of Commanders".

Second Letters of the three last words spell the word "brilliance".

Third Letters of the three last words spell "His Shout with Joy".

Fourth Letters of the three last words spells the word ain which means "nothing". These letters permutate to spell the word Anee which means "I".

Last Letters of the last three words translate as "To Spell".

The Kavenah i use from the above is:

His Brilliance Shouts with Joy when we spell I into ain - nothingness.

Here are the words of the HaGefen Blessing

The HaJefen Blessing is said over Wine and Grape Products but not Grapes. Wine represents JOY. The full cup of wine represents our appreciation of the bounty we enjoy. There are many rituals in Judaism and generally speaking we always say a Kiddush Prayer over wine after the completion of Prayer and prior to eating a full meal. This process provides the opportunity for the wine to act as a channel to utilize its connection to Joy and Wisdom (Chochmah) to manifest the energy of the Prayer into the food which we then consume and with the Prayer after eating store that energy for later use. We also use the left column energy of the wine to draw the energy of Joy and Wisdom into our world.

I recommend you get a small booklet which specifies the blessing for each type of food. In the beginning if you make a mistake it is forgiven. After a period of 5 years one should know the correct Blessing for each food type.

Please listen to the recording to understand how to pronounce this Blessing. The last word is pronounced HaGaPhen by 98% of the Jewish World. The Yemenite population pronounces it HaJaPhen which is what i know (for Myself) is the correct way. NO OTHER PERSON WILL MAKE THAT STATEMENT. Which ever way you pronounce it is correct for you.

ברוך אתה יהוה (אדני יאהדונהי) אלהינו מלך העולם בורא פרי הגפן


Baruch Ata Adonai (small letters Kavenah see below) Eloheinu Melech HaOlam Borai Pri HaJaPHeN.


Blessed are You HaShem (small letters Kavenah see below) Our God, King of the Universe Who Created Fruit of the Vine.

Codes and Kavenah around the Blessing

Initial Letters of the three last words translate as "House of the Mouth".

Second Letters of the three last words spell the word that means "to stimulate". It also means "And a stranger".

Third Letters of the three last words spell "fair" or "descent".

Fourth Letters of the three last words (actually Pri has three letters so we skip the words) translate as "Please" or as "raw".

Last Letters of the last three words translate as "Nothing". It permutes to be "nothing" as well.

The Kavenah i use from the above is:

Please stimulate the House of the Mouth to be fair to I and assists me to connect to Nothingness.

We will discuss the Blessing over Hand Washing and Eating Bread and its reason for the Blessing being sufficient to activate all types of food in another class

What Blessing do i say?

The answer to this question depends on many decisions as part of the evaluation. Ultimately the answer will depend on you and be relative to you and your spiritual level. This means it will change with each meal and with each period of your life.

Here are some recommended questions to ask yourself

Is this a full meal?

Is this a meal with each plate having its own food like a soup and salad plate?

Is there a drink of liquid on the table with the meal?

Do the individual dishes or parts of the meal have different components?

Which food is my favorite food and which is my least favorite food?

Here are some general guidelines to follow to answer which Blessing to say.

Say HaJaphen first followed by Mezonot followed by Aitz followed by Adamah and finally by Sheachol.

Do you remember that as a kid you did not mix foods or vegetables on your plate. Children are considered channels for information from the Creator along with insane people. Therefore one should say a partricular Blessing over all of the foods of a type one will eat at this meal. Then eat all of that food before eating something else. Adults tend to say one Blessing eat a small amount of food and then say another Blessing and eat a small amount of the food for that Blessing. After all Blessings are said they then enjoy their meal. Children are saying to us that by eating all of a food of a type and then saying a Blessing of another type we extend our consciousness to include the Creator for a longer period of time and to be more inclusive of our mundane tasks to be connecting to the Creator.

Please keep in mind that people keep talking during their eating and that may make it difficult to say a Blessing during the meal and also many people do not want to do say Amen and find you saying a Blessing interfering with their speaking. So keep this in mind.

Meditation for Spiritual Memories and Help Remembering Dreams

Rabbi Chaim Vital gives us the following two Names to meditate upon. These Names help us remember Dreams to write down and then to interpret them. It also helps us connect to spiritual memories for any "soul travel" that we do. Rabbi Chaim tells us the best time to meditate on these Names is at dawn.

ייוודדההיה ייוודדהההי

The vowels that we use in this meditation are the vowels that the Ari system tells us relate to Chochmah and Keter.

Here is the translteration for these Names

YaYaWaWaDaDaHaHaYoHa and YaYaWaWaDaDaHaHaHaYo.

The only difference in these names is the vowel and the last two letters switch position.

These Names actually consist of Yood Hay spelled out twice as follows:

יוד יוד הי הה יוד יוד הה הי

and then intertwined