The month of Kislev כסלו according to Kabbalah


The first suggestion we make is to read what we said last year about the month of Kislev. What will be said this year will build on what we said last year.

Below is the link to last year's Blog about Kislev. Please press your back button to return to this location after you read the last two year's Blog.

Commentary on Kislev for the Year 5781

Keith Levin - Kabbalah Student

Every Rosh Chodesh is a time for Teshuvah/Repentance. Rosh Chodesh is the root of Teshuvah. Why? Because the moon was the first thing to do Teshuvah. When it complained to HaShem that there can’t be two kings, HaShem told it to become small. It realized it had made a mistake and did Teshuvah. We say in Musaf on Rosh Chodesh; “You gave Rosh Chodesh to Your nation. It is a time for atonement for everything they did.”

The Beit Yosef, Siman 423, explains that Rosh Chodesh atones for all the wrong things they did the previous month, and it is a day of memory before HaShem, when HaShem saves us from the Yetzer Hara.

So every Rosh Chodesh is a time for teshuvah, but Rosh Chodesh Kislev is uniquely mesugal/favorable for teshuvah and atonement. Why? Many people fast on Rosh Chodesh, but Yirmiyahu 36:9, calls a special fast on Rosh Chodesh Kislev. There’s an old Rashi (printed in Tanach, circa 1460) where he writes, "The fast was on Rosh Chodesh Kislev, it is a day for kaparah, similar to Yom Kippur."

Why is Rosh Chodesh Kislev similar to Yom Kippur? Old sefarim (quoted in Likutei Tzvi) explain that Rosh Chodesh Kislev is forty days after Hoshanah Rabba. The primary time for atonement is on Yom Kippur, but if one didn’t do teshuvah, he has time to repent until Hoshanah Rabba. If he didn’t do teshuvah by Hoshanah Rabba, he has another forty days to do teshuvah until Rosh Chodesh Kislev, corresponding to the forty days of mattan Torah. This is the reason Rosh Chodesh Kislev, the fortieth day, is a special day for teshuvah and kaparah, just like Yom Kippur.

Chasiddim say that one Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Rebbe Aharon of Chernobyl zt'l woke up from his sleep and said that he saw a great commotion in heaven. Reb Aharon asked about it, and they told him, "Today is Rosh Chodesh Kislev, which is like Yom Kippur. It is a day for atonement for the Jewish nation. This is because the last chance to amend the judgment of Rosh Hashanah, and to merit a good year is on Chanukah, and the spiritual lights of Chanukah begin shining from the beginning of the month."

Sagittarius is one of the most positive months of the zodiac. It can be summed up in one word, miracles. The holiday of Channukah falls in this month. We know that the holidays are not times to remember specific events in history, but are times to connect to special energies in the cosmos. The planet that controls this month is Jupiter, which is the planet of miracles. Jupiter also controls the month of Pisces, which has Purim in it. In both months the Jews experienced big miracles and salvations. We can use this energy this month to bring miracles into our lives to fix any problems that we have.

How do we bring miracles in OUR lives? What is the secret?

First, what is a miracle?

A miracle is something above nature. The word for miracle in Hebrew is Neis. The root of the word is LaNoos, meaning to run away. When we run away from our nature, we go above nature and not create miracles, but tap into the miracles that are already there. All we have to do is open the pipes. To explain this concept, think of a faucet in the kitchen. When you turn on the faucet, you don’t create the water. The water was always there. All one has to do is to turn on the faucet for the water to come out. What does it mean to go above our nature. This is the essence of our work in this world.

The Gaon of Vilna says that the only reason we came to this world is to improve our character traits. All of us have faults. Some examples are anger, jealousy, judgement, money etc. When we control these traits that we have, we go against our nature. It is not easy. In fact it is very difficult, because it is our essence. But when we succeed, HaShem gets a lot of pleasure from us.

"Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai…used to say, 'If you have learned much Torah, do not claim special credit for yourself, since for this you were created.'" (Avot 2:8) The Gemara states, that if ones knows the whole Talmud by heart, it is no big deal because that is what we were created for. But if we change a character trait, it is a big deal in the upper worlds because change is so hard to do.

Read this next sentence very carefully:

A person’s actions express their very essence and changing those actions is a process of complete transformation. Free will is the foundation of this process of change. The only way that one can genuinely change is through the unique human capacity to assert one’s inner will, to create a new reality within oneself. It is this decision to change, to become a new, fundamentally higher being, that creates true change.

The potential for miracles is always present in this month. Going above our nature is the way to tap into them. When we have thoughts to change ourselves, we create the miracles that will manifest during our personal year of 5781. Of course we have to follow thru on the associated actions.

Look into your life, be honest with yourselves and make a commitment to change the character traits that you don’t like about ourself. I guarantee that if you are able to do this, your life will become a whole lot better and you will bring miracles into your life.

Try it!!!!!! It really does work.

The energy of Channukah is connected to the Ohr Haganuz(Hidden Light), which is a special light that Adam experienced while in the Garden of Eden, but was hidden after he was kicked out. Adam was in the Garden of Eden for 36 hours. He was created at 6am on Friday morning, sinned at 4pm on Friday afternoon. HaShem let him stay in the Garden until after Shabbat, a total of 36 hours.

Kislev can be split into two words. Kis-Lamad Vav. Kis is the root of Kisoo which means to hide and Lamad Vav is 36, the 36 hours Adam was in Gan Eden. After Adam sinned, Hashem hid this special light. Today this energy/Light is reserved for the Tzaddikim. One of the only times we regular people can tap into this Light is on Channukah. All we have to do to connect to this very powerful light is to light the candles of the Menorah. Amazing!!!

Rosh Chodesh is the seed for the whole month, all the light of Chanukah starts shining on Rosh Chodesh. Take advantage of it and tap into this light. Or use this light to assist your thoughts of Teshuvah

The letters that control this month are Samech and Gimmel(from Sefer Yitzerah), which numerically add up to 63. Samech created the astrological sign of Sagittarius and Gimmel created the planet of Jupiter. 63 always refers to the Sefirah of Binah, (63=Sag in Hebrew, a special way [milui] Hashem’s Name is written, which adds up to 63), which is where our physical world draws energy from. We have a powerful direct connection this month. The main spiritual function of this month is the strengthening of our faith in Hashem and the hope of a complete redemption, which is what happened on Channukah. This month we have the power to make lasting changes in our lives.

chanoch adds: Ohr Ganuz and Olam HaBa = Binah and the world that is coming are united.Lighting Chanukah candles brings these energies into your life. It is our opportunity to "feel this light which is our desires fulfillment.

Stand up for things you believe in and be open to new ideas. People born in Sagittarius actually seek challenges, they thrive on the challenge and pressure. Focus on the goal, not the challenge. This month is the month to take action, do new things because in this month everything is already here. The negative aspect in this month is not to fall asleep in our spiritual work. The symbol of this month is the bow, which is connected to the power of prayer. We have to pray more this month with deeper Kavannah. The same as one aims with a bow, so to we have to focus and aim our prayers.

chanoch adds: This is why we are having Morning Prayer studies each day for a half hour on our conference call system. These sessions are recorded and are available on the Revealed Wisdom Matrix in row 19 Third column from the left.

The bow is the symbol of the month and it represents the power of prayer. Prayer has been described as a person shooting an arrow. Being such a positive month, use this bow a lot and pray this month. Not only for you but also for your neighbors, the world and especially ask HaShem to take away this virus, which has caused people to become scared of their shadows. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have, because, even though we should go to a minyan and pray, it can be done anywhere and in any language. Prayer is emotion. You have to feel that you are actually praying. What does that mean? We have to put passion into our prayers. Look forward to going to minyanim. Find one part in the prayers which really talks to you, for example; the Shema, Amidah, Kaddish, the song of the sea, Ashrei or any place you feel you can connect. Certain words talk to us. Learn about it and every morning, when you come to it in the prayers, feel it. Inject passion into your prayers. For me it is the Kaddish. I wait for every Kaddish to answer.

It is very difficult to keep up the enthusiasm which is what fuels passion. Besides special events or doing something we like, for example, sports, outdoor activities etc, our lives are mainly boring. We go along everyday with our habits and only wake up for a special event. Shabbat should be the biggest event and we are told that it is good to start preparing for the next Shabbat early in the week.

We are also told that the Tzadikkim would be passionate to say a blessing over water. I read a story that it used to take one Tzadik one hour to do the morning blessings. How long does it take you? Passion is a very good character trait to develop. Try getting excited about small things and then build on that.

This month, with Chanukah our prayers have a good chance of being heard. The possibility to achieve meaningful change is greater in this month. Use this power of prayer this month. Rosh Chodesh is always a time to to Teshuvah and take on new things.

The rainbow is connected to this month. The rainbow is a sign from Hashem that even though He might be cross with us, He will have compassion, as He always does, and not destroy the world. Therefore, the rainbow is a protection shield for us against Hashem's wrath. The rainbow counterbalances the judgement.

The second line of the Ana Becoah is the line connected to this month. With this line we are able to get rid of negativity. The acronym for this line reads “K’ra Satan,” which literally means ‘cut the Satan.’ It is possible with this line to control and sweeten events in your life. It has a lot of power and is associated with Gevurah/judgement. The day of the week this line is connected to is Monday. Use this acronym. It is a very powerful Name of HaShem. Let’s all try to get rid of our negativity in our lives this month and bring miracles and wonders into our lives.

Even though Chanukah is a Rabbinic holiday, there are places in the Torah where we find a reference to it. Where? The 25th word(25 Kislev) in the Torah is the word Light, which refers to Channukah and the Hidden Light.

Vav in

25 is also a powerful number. The letters for 25 are Kaf and Hei which spells the word ‘Koi’, which is associated with the Shechinah, which is the Divine Presence. There are 25 letters in the first line of Shema Yisrael.

chanoch adds: There are also 25 letters in the second line of the Shema - Baruch Shem. This will occur by adding the colel due to the unity of the two lines.

25 also connects to the Tikkun of Malchut. What does this mean? We came to this world to repair the sin of Adam HaRishon. We came to connect to spirituality and not physicality. Today’s world is based on physicality; who has the best house, car phone etc. The pull is so strong towards physicality, that it is sometimes very difficult to resist. As technology gets more advanced people desire spirituality less and less. Even though there are a lot of people searching for spirituality, it seems that most people rely more and more on science and less on HaShem. Everywhere you look you find a new guru who has found the magic pill to cure all problems.

Chanukah comes to remind us that HaShem is the only One who can solve problems. There is no other alternatives. Especially in today’s times with the virus, we have to build our trust and bitachin in HaShem. He is watching over us all the time and performing miracles for us all the time.

chanoch adds: starting with the next breath we take. Breathing is a every day miracle.

Also the portion of Miketz is always read on Shabbat Chanukah. If there are two Shabbat’s during Chanukah, then Miketz is read on the second one. Usually we know how many verses are in each portion, but in the portion of Miketz, we are told how many words are in the portion, 2025. Why? The word for candle in Hebrew is Neir, which has a numerology of 250. 8 days of Chanukah multiplied by 250 gives us 2000, plus 25 refers to the 25th of Kislev. Thus, 2025 is a hint to the lights and date of Chanukah(Torah Temimah) in the Torah.

Rabbi Pinchas Winston, asks an interesting question. Why did it take 36 generations and the Chashmonaim for Chanukah to make it to the outside world and become a holiday unto itself? Until that time, as dark as it had been, it still had not been dark enough. Chanukah occurs each year at the darkest time of the year.

When Yaacov Avinu poured the oil over his monument, and when he went back for the jar of oil, that was the night he fought with the Angel of Eisav. His victory resulted in a name change to “Yisrael,” because he drew out and revealed the Hidden Light, the Light of 36, the Ohr Haganuz.

The fact that Ya’akov could not reveal his prophecy about the End-of-Days indicated that, In spite of all his efforts to reveal the “Light of 36,” he still could not reveal his prophecy about the End-of -Days, he fell short. It wasn’t until the Greek exile that the world became dark enough to reveal this Light. The world sees the Greeks as the source of light in history. The Torah sees it completely the other way around:

The earth was null and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. (Bereishis 1:2)

. . . “darkness” refers to the Greek exile, which darkened the eyes of the Jewish people with decrees . . . (Bereishis Rabbah 2:4)

The Biblical idea of God had been fading for generations, and the Greeks and Hellenists had gone so far as to write God out of history:

. . . ordering them to write on the horn of an ox that they have no portion in the God of Israel. (Bereishis Rabbah 2:4)

History, spiritually-speaking, the Jews had hit rock bottom. Then came the Chashmonaim. They mounted both a physical and spiritual charge. In many ways it was a suicide mission because it was a few against the strongest nation in the world at that time. However, it was the only way to make it clear that a life without God and Torah is no life at all, certainly not one worth living. It had to be, so that when they won the war, found the jar of oil, and it burned for seven extra days, this hidden Light of 36 was revealed.

Ya’akov Avinu also lived with this same consciousness, which is why he journeyed for 36 years, married a woman named Leah, whose name had the gematria of 36, and whose other wife, Rachel, died at the age of 36. The Chashmonaim’s victory occurred at the end of the 36th century from Creation, and resulted in a holiday of 36 lights.

I wish you all a wonderful Chodesh and may you be able to tap into the all the blessings this month and this portion.

Chodesh Tov.

and may we all say Amen

Commentary on Kislev for the Year 5781

by Melinda Ribner

We welcome the new month of Kislev on Tuesday November 17th, which begins Monday the 16th at sundown. The energy of Kislev is very different than the previous month of Cheshwan, While Cheshwan is a month known for purification, letting go and transmutation, Kislev is about transcending what is logical, actualizing dreams and visions and going forward. Kislev is the month of miracles. This is an auspicious month to receive deepening guidance of one's soul purpose. We gain focus and can go forward this month because Kislev is a time of deepening faith and trust. Living with faith enables us to not be bound by the reasoning powers and limits of the mind. It is faith, not the mind, that opens us to new possibilities and new dimensions, enabling us to go forward in ways we could not do previously.

As we deepen our faith this month of Kislev, we come to understand that what is happening in our lives and in the world is for our benefit and growth, even though it may be very challenging, seemingly disagreeable and uncomfortable. This awareness inspires gratitude. Kislev has been considered an entire month for giving thanks. Not surprising that the American holiday of Thanksgiving takes place in Kislev.

During the month of Kislev, we become increasingly aware of Divine synchronicity. We are not here on our own, but God's hand is operational in our lives and in the world. In the month, we must try to stop trying to figure life out, stop trying to explain and justify ourselves so as to control the outcomes in our life. This month we learn to simply let go, relax more deeply, and trust in the Source of all Life. As we learn to let go, we more clearly receive and hear the sweet loving guidance of of our own soul. Like a flame of the candle, our soul ascends and flickers upwards. Our own soul is the love and light of the Divine supporting us directly through the challenges we face.

The fixing this month is of sleep. Welcome expected relief for the insomniacs among us. As the nights gets longer and it is colder outside, Kislev is the month when it is very good to allow yourself to sleep even longer than usual. Sleep is an important time of healing and visioning. When we sleep, we are told, our soul ascends to the higher worlds. This is the month to pay attention to our dreams. Your dreams are messengers from the soul. They need not be logical or rational. If possible, keep a dream notebook. If one keeps a dream notebook please note the time you wake from a dream. As a general rule dreams that occur in the early part of the night, between midnight and 4 AM are considered messengers. These dreams need to be interpreted by someone who will interpret them positively. This should be one person who cares for you. Try not to tell multiple people these dreams. Dreams closer to morning are considered body conscious dreams. These are representing our animal lusts and fears. They do not need to be given additional energy through interpretation.

The Torah portions we read this month are about prophetic dreams.

The month of Kislev is shaped by the holiday of Chanukah at the end of the month. The gentle candlelight of Chanukah coming at the darkest time of the year reminds us that light is always in the midst of darkness. Darkness is simply a cover for a light that we do not yet have the vessels to receive and contain.

May we raise our capacity this month to receive ever increasing vibrations and higher frequencies of Divine Revelation - to illuminate the darkness within ourselves and throughout the entire world.

May we all say - Chodesh Tov and Amen.

Commentary on Kislev for the Year 5780

Forty for Purity - Lea - From Comment on Daily Zohar

Today is Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Mazal Keshet = Rainbow - Bow - Archer - Sagittarius; the new moon of the month of Kislev, the sign of Sagittarius - may all enjoy the abundance of lights of the month of Kislev and the amazing expansion of consciousness of its sign, for everybody is in a way or another under the influence of the sign of the month - Chodesh Kislev Tov to all of us!

Sagittarians are known as optimistic people, bestowed with joy and a good sense of humor, instinctively knowing that everything will be fine despite the mishaps, and that draws abundance to their lives as well as to all those around them. The famous concept 'think good and it will be good' fits them beautifully - they master the Art of Enthusiasm

Sagittarians are intrinsically good people and when they realize they hurt someone unintentionally (they have a lack of tact that can be quite embarrassing) they may drag a pang of guilt for a long time till they overcome it entirely. Metaphorically speaking, they use their bow and arrow with incredible precision and when they reach one target they extract the maximum impact - possible for it, going happily forward toward the next one. Sagittarians love sports and freedom, as well as to travel worldwide, not only for the sake of fun but to learn about other cultures and acquire experience.

Evolved Sagittarians also use travel in the spiritual sense due to their expanded minds. They have the ability to focus and unravel any specific subject they are interested in, always in order to acquire not only knowledge but understanding, comprehension.

It is said that Sagittarians are creative freethinkers including concerning faith (they are prone to be religious leaders but, when in imbalance, they easily slip into fanaticism; they should shift a bit their deep focus and learn with their opposite sign in the axis - Gemini, how to consider different pieces of studies and information from different sources in order to understand things from other perspectives and be more flexible, though still assertive, in their opinions) and they much appreciate justice, being prone to play key roles in the area of laws. It is also known that such a set of things makes them quite lucky people (when in imbalance they may turn to gamble and the like, putting at risk their legendary luck) even when they are crossing tough times, and that may draw the envy of the malicious and unhappy ones who often take the easy-going Sagittarius as silly and naive, sucking advantage from their innate goodwill.

Sagittarians don't really realize those suckers' bad intentions because they don't really care about them, but, at the moment they are fed up they strike back with implacable sarcasm loaded with very sharp and harsh words, or, if they consider it not worth anything, they simply go away for good with no regrets and without wasting time in bearing grudges and resentments. Our dear Sagittarians, mainly those born during the middle set of ten days of the sign, should humbly leave their comfort zone and wake up for the fact that safe boundaries ensure safe relationships.

chanoch adds: All traits mentioned above As SAGITTARIAN traits actually are the astrological influence to expect this month.

Below, some excerpts of the nice article "Kislev: Rectifying the Sense of Sleep (at - "The Spiritual Attributes of Kislev המליך אות ס' בשינה וקשר לו כתר וצרפן זה בזה וצר בהם קשת בעולם, וכסלו בשנה, וקבה בנפש זכר ונקבה “He made the letter Samech king over sleep and He tied a crown to it and He combined one with another and with them He formed Sagittarius in the Universe, Kislev in the Year, and the belly in the soul, male and female” (Sefer Yetzirah 5:9).

Kislev – The Month of Support The letter of the month – Samech, means “to support”. The experience of feeling supported corresponds to the trust and confidence in Divine providence associated with the month of Kislev, as expressed in Tehillim: “G-d supports (Somech) all the fallen, and lifts up all those who are bent over" [Tehillim 145:14]. The closed circle shape of the Samech which represents the all-encompassing omnipresence of Hashem, moreover, symbolizes His providence and protection available to us during the month of Kislev. Hashem is our “security net”, He is there for us when we stumble and feel insecure: “Even when he falls he will not be let to fall to the ground, for G-d supports (Somech) his hand” [Tehillim 37:24]. Whenever you feel you need spiritual protection, imagine yourself inside of the enclosure of the letter Samech surrounding you. This is the time for us not only to feel supported but also to extend our support to others who need it.

Fixing Relationships in our Sleep

Although sleep isn’t one of our five senses, Sefer Yetzirah extends the concept of “senses” to include different states of consciousness and energy. The sense of sleep is the tranquility and restfulness that comes with trust and security in Hashem and His Divine providence, as David proclaims in his Tehillim: “I lie me down and sleep, I awake, for Hashem protects me (yismecheni)” [Tehillim 3:6]. Sleep can accomplish that which is impossible to achieve while awake. Much healing takes place during sleep. Shlomo Carlebach teaches that you can do anything in the world outside your house, however, for sleeping, you need a house.

During the month of Kislev – when the Temple was rededicated – we are called to rededicate our “G-d temple”, “people of Israel temple”, “husband and wife temple”, “parents and children temple”. Nothing brings parents and children closer than when parents put their children to sleep. Why do children need their parents to put them to sleep? Because they need to know that there is someone watching who can and will perform miracles for them – someone whose love comes from a world of utmost purity and un-defilement. (...)

The Weekly Torah Portions and our Dreams during Kislev

The sense of sleep entails the sense of dreaming. When we trust in G-d completely, we can dream good dreams of the future. According to Rav Tzaddok HaKohen, sleep symbolizes the vision and understanding that we may attain through dreams, just as King Solomon attained his great wisdom through a dream [Melachim 3:5-15]. It is not by coincidence that we find most of the biblical dreams in the Torah portions read during the month of Kislev. Throughout the Five Books of the Torah, there are ten explicit dreams dreamed by seven “dreamers” – all in the Book of Bereishit. The first dream of Avimelech, King of Gerar, appears in the Torah portion of Vayera, read in the month of Cheshvan. The other nine dreams appear in the Torah portions of Vayetze, Vayeshev, and Miketz, all read during the month of Kislev [Vayetze: 1. Ya’acov’s ladder; 2. Ya’acov – Hashem’s angel telling him to leave Lavan; 3. Lavan – warning against harming Ya’acov; Vayeshev: 4. Yosef – the sheaves; 5. Yosef – the sun, moon stars; 6. The Baker – baskets of bread; 7. The Butler – the vine; Miketz: 8. Pharaoh – seven cows; 9. Pharaoh – seven sheaves].

According to the well-known Torah principle “to live with the times” (of the weekly Torah portion), the matter of dreams is an appropriate meditative subject [Rav Yitzchak Ginsburgh]. This “month of dreams” is, therefore, suitable for examining and clarifying in our soul the deeper meanings of our dreams. Allow yourself to lie in bed just a few extra minutes to remember and decode your dreams, you may even keep a dream journal. Try to actualize some of your dreams of visions at this time.

Rectifying the Portions and Emotions of our Belly

The organ of the month of Kislev is קוה Keiva – belly, it includes the entire region of the abdomen, stomach, (large) intestines, and womb. It helps us to sleep calmly when our belly is satiated. Lacking the trust of Kislev affects our belly first. Fear, nervousness, and agitation can cause ulcers, etc (lo aleinu!). Therefore, Kislev is the time to heal our belly together with the negative emotions that affect the good health of our stomach. The word Keiva derives from “Kav”, which means “measure”. A tranquil belly knows its proper measure and “is happy with his portion” [Pirkei Avot 4:1]. Our sages teach us: “a person desires one measure [kav] of his own more than nine of his friend” [Rav Yitzchak Ginsburgh].

In order to rectify our Keiva (belly), we need to work on overcoming jealousy of others; this will also help us sleep better. (...)

Unifying the Fragments of our People in the Samech

The letter Samech is a circle, which includes all the different points within the space of her circumference. May we learn to reveal the one light that unifies all the fragments of our people, so we can achieve true shalom in the world as well as trust and security! Likewise the constellation Keshet - the bow includes all the colors and Hashkafot (outlook) of the rainbows: black hats, grey hats, knitted kippot, Chabadniks, Breslav, Rav Kookniks, etc. Some are clear colors others are on the boundaries between different colors of the spectrum. All together we bring forth one unified light in all its glory. May this month of Kislev open us up to new possibilities and bring forth renewed hope, light, support, and security!"

New Sections on the Yeshshem Website in Honor of the New Year 5777 - "The Year of the Goat"

  • This link will lead to a discussion about Hebrew Astrology
  • It is highly recommended to read this each month of the year as there will be additional information added each new Hebrew Month starting with the 8th month of the year which is Cheshvan.

    New Sections on the Yeshshem Website in Honor of the New Year 5776

    There is a relationship between the Parasha of a week and the Hebrew month and Astrological Sign that the Parasha is read within. The first link will explore these relationships.

    Each of the 7 days of the week that a Parasha is read also has a relationship to the 72 Names. The second link will connect you to information about the 72 Names associated with this Month and Parasha.

    Ancient Wisdom about Kislev

    Ancient Hebrew Astrology Connections

    Name: Kislev כסלו Throne for Him. Its sound cognate is a seat for a heart. Kislev is also the month that the Mishkan was completed and also set up for the first time according to the Midrash Bamidbar.

    Attribute: Sleep שינה Shinah Shinah is the Hebrew word for sleep but also means to transform. While we sleep we often transform our consciousness. In Ancient times sleep also meant "dream journeys". Most of the dreams of the Torah appear in Parashiot that are read during Kislev. These are the dreams of Joseph and the dreams of Pharaoh. Sometimes - in some years this also applies to Jacob's Ladder Dream

    Ancient Tribal Connection: Gad גד The meaning of Gad is fortunate as in lucky or miraculous. This is why the Holiday of Chanukah appears in Kislev; yet is only hinted to in the Torah but not explicitly mentioned in the Torah.

    Modern Tribal Connection: Naftali נפתלי See below for more information about the Tribe of Naftali.

    Tribal Totem: Lioness Lavee לביא The meaning of this totem - the female lion is "power in action". This animal relates to being the provider for her family as well as demonstrating her desire to care for her family called a pride in many ways. These letters can also be translated as "My Heart needs to be unified". Also Heart is an Island.

    Tribal Stone: Amethyst אחלמה Achlamah The Amethyst was situated in the third row of the stones on the Breastplate of the High Priest. It is also known to provide protection during battle. This protection was used in physical battle but also in internal battles. The Hebrew letters can be translated as Lamah - Ach or "What - Brother?" Also concealed in this word is the Hebrew word for dream Chalom.

    Tribal Herb: Costus קושט Koshet The translation of this Hebrew word is "correct". The teaching of the Torah - before you correct someone correct yourself. This herb is the component of the incense that drives the smoke straight up. This is the nature of the Kislev soul to be searching for truth and correctness. Permutate Koshet and you will come to realize that the attribute is silence Sheket - שקט that needs to be exercised prior to speaking.

    House: Pathways בית הדרכים Bait Haradchim This is a moon of many pathways. Many paths to follow all leading to the correct state of truth. These connections grow to the Light of the Sun becoming many different aspects of the shades and colors.

    Zodiac Sign: Keshet קשת Bow or Rainbow See below for information about the Zodiac sign of Keshet.

    Tribal Flag: Grey with an image of a Fortress אפור Ehfor The grey comes from the concept of the mixing of the colors of the rainbow. It is important the Keshet be kept discrete in the colors rather than mixed. This is the struggle associated with the Fortress.

    Tribal Direction: South נגב Cleansing This also connects to the word Darom which means south and rising. The result of cleansing is to rise spiritually.

    Essence of Kislev כסלו

    The Name of this 9th month of the Hebrew Calendar is Kislev. While Kislev like all of the Hebrew Month Names come from Ur Kasdim (Persia and Mesopotamia) they each have Shoreshim (Roots) when in Hebrew. Kislev can be translated as "like His basket," since the letters Samech Lamed spell the word in Hebrew for basket. The Vav at the end of a word translates as the possessive pronoun "His." The Caf at the beginning of a word translates as "like." Another root for this word Kislev is Samech Lamed Lamed which has the meanings of "to pave the way for," to compress and to exalt."

    Another potential translation for Kislev is "Kiseh 36" which alludes to the "Throne of the Tzadikim." It also relates to the "Cup of 36." This hints to the Vessel that becomes a channel for miracles.

    The essence of Kislev is miracles. As we learn from the above meanings of the Name Kislev it is not just the manifestation of miracles, although that is possible; it is storing (as in a basket) the energy to accomplish miracles throughout the year. We learn how to store this energy when we learn to "exalt" the Creator. The energy this month will also help us "pave the way" to the merit for receiving the miracles waiting for us to manifest in our lives.

    In order to assist us during the month of Kislev we need to learn about miracles. The Hebrew word Nes (נס) translates as miracles. It also has the meaning of "running away." We learn from this that in order to bring a miracle into manifestation in our lives we need to "run away" from our "desire to receive for oneself alone."

    One thing that we learn from studying the spiritual system is that it follows natural order or "laws." This is true of the idea of miracles as well as what we refer to as Nature. Nature has natural laws. Miracles also follow the natural laws of miracles. When someone goes outside of his/her comfort zone a little way then there is a little miracle manifested into his/her life. When one goes a large way outside of one's comfort zone a larger miracle will manifest in his/her life. When one drastically changes what is his/her comfort zone their whole world changes in a miracle. This is how large forces are defeated by smaller forces in this physical world. When the smaller force is unified, which is normally against man's nature, they will easily defeat the larger force which is following the natural order of most men - that of being separated. This is a message that is repeated throughout the Torah. This is a message of history although most historians do not "see" this pattern.

    The number 9 is the letter Tet in the Hebrew Calendar. Kislev as the 9th month has a relationship to the Tet. It is not created by the Tet; yet it has the dual nature of the Tet. When we count down from the Top then Kislev is the month of Yesod or Creativity. Yesod is connected to sexuality; yet sex is part of creativity. When counting up from the bottom Kislev is connected to Chochma which is Wisdom. There is much to learn from this duality and much to contemplate within your meditations during this month. How do you unify Wisdom and Creativity? A Miracle is the unity of these two concepts.

    The months of the Hebrew year are connected to the Tetragrammaton. The Kabbalists teach that Tishrai along with Cheshvan and Kislev are connected to the Vav. In Kabbalah the Vav represents Zeir Anpin which is also called "Son." The "Son" is both the brother and the husband of the lower Hey. Zeir Anpin consists of what is called "six ends." The Kabbalists teach that these attributes - six ends are the emotive passions or emotions.

    The emotion and passion of the month of Kislev is running away from our fears. Kislev is a month where the days of the year are short. There is less daylight. The world appears dark and cold due to it being winter. When we see past the cold and dark of these short days of winter, we find the Light of HaShem and the miracles He has planned for us.

    Here are the letters of the month, and the Tetragrammaton Permutation for the month of Kislev

    ס ג ויהה

    This permutation comes from the first letters of the first 4 words in the verse Genesis 50:11. These words are וירא יושב הארץ הכנעני

    Transliteration: Vayera Yoshev HaAretz HaCanAni

    Literal Translatiin: and see - settling - the land - my merchants

    The letter Samech which created the sign of Sagittarius has the essence of encouragement, sustenance and assistance. The Letter Gimmel in addition to meaning "camel" also carries the essence of goodness and sharing. Together they share assistance, encouragement, and sustenance.

    Now, let's look at the permutation of the Tetragrammaton for the month of Tishrai and what we can learn.

    The Tetragrammaton is normally spelled יהוה. When the Yood is in the first position. The first position is normally considered the World of Atzilut (Emanation). The second position normally has a Hey and is considered the world of Brea (Creation). The third position normally has a Vav and is considered the World of Yetzirah (Formation). The fourth position normally has a Hey and is considered the world of Assiya (Action or Manifestation).

    All of these worlds in the paragraph above relate to descriptions and teachings in Kabbalah. They are metaphors to help us understand and relate to these worlds that we do not see with our physical senses.

    The word that is the Tetragrammaton is actually the Hebrew verb "to be" in a conjugated form. The Yood at the beginning of a Hebrew verb indicates action. Therefore, the Name of God translates into English as "Active Being." The ultimate essence of "Active Being" is transcendent power of love and compassion without regard to people's merit.

    This normal permutation which is used in the month of Nissan puts the Name of God in its normal, proper, and optimal placement to provide for the maximum flow of the Beneficence of HaShem. In essence, the Yood in the World of Atzilut allows for a concentrated point of connection to the World of Ain Sof or Endless World. The upper Hey in Beria expands to support actual birthing and Creation. The Vav then channels this energy of Creation into the final Hey in the World of Malchut which is Manifestation.

    When we look at the permutation for Kislev, we see the Vav in the first position which manifests an abundance of energy. This is followed by the Yood representing the Sefirah of Chochma as discussed above. The two Heys serve in a position to expand this energy of wisdom through the Creative essence of Yetzirah and manifest it in our physical world. This is how the energy of miracles come about.

    The letters of the Month

    As said above the word Samech means encouragement, sustenance, and / or assistance. Somech (same letters different vowels) means support. The Somech created the sign of Sagittarius which in Hebrew is Keshet. Keshet has different perceptions by different astrologers. Some translate it as a bow which is part of a circle. Some translate it as bow and arrow which is more than a tool of war or hunting. It is a means of transferring the circle energy into a straight line energy. This is how cupid provides Love. Some astrologers translate Keshet as the rainbow. The rainbow is probably the best way to translate Keshet. The rainbow is actually the manifestation of an aspect of Chesed in the world. In the story of the flood, the rainbow announced the promise of no more earth destruction by flood. When properly understood on a deeper level than the child's story of Noach, we see that the rainbow is the force that counterbalances judgment. On a very deep level a miracle is overpowering the Judgment / Limitation of a natural law.

    The Gimmel created the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet int the solar system and is also the only planet that constantly keeps growing. This is an indication of going against nature because there is a law in nature that says that all entropy will eventually become null and therefore, there would be no further movement in the universe. As long as Jupiter grows it is going against nature, and as far as man knows Jupiter always grows.

    The two letters Samech and Gimmel together spell the word Sog which translates in Hebrew as "to retreat" or "to fence in." The energy of miracle allows us to overcome this normal cautious nature of Man. Therefore, the two letters represent a vaccine that allows us to constantly grow against our nature. This is seen by the numerical value of 63 which is a number connected to the Sefirah of Binah. Binah represents the energy store. Binah is the Mother. Binah is another connection to the Keshet and Kislev that brings the energy of Miracles into our lives.

    According to the Kabbalah all miracles are created by our actions during the month of Kislev. When we go against our nature during this month we create (draw) the energy of miracles. Actually, Kabbalah tells us that Kislev is the only time we are able to create miracles, although they will manifest throughout the year.

    Holidays in Kislev

    Chanukah is the Holiday in the month of Kislev. On its surface Chanukah is a Holiday about a miracle and many people celebrate it as a connection to a war over two thousand year ago. Some people explain it as the battle between Light and Darkness that occurs every day between the sun and the moon. Some people explain it as a battle between the Light of HaShem and the darkness of the secular world represented by Greek Culture. It is none of these things and all of these things.

    On its deepest level Chanukah is an indication that the energy of miracles is available to us on these 8 days. Chanukah is the only Holiday that crosses over into another month. An indication of going against nature.

    Chanukah is the only Holiday in the Hebrew Calendar that is manifested at the end of the month. All other months occur during the waxing phase of the moon. Only Chanukah occurs during the waning moon cycle. This is teaching us that only Kislev is the only Month that is "right side up." This term is a euphemism for the spiritual worlds being out of sync with the physical world which is upside down. This comes from an ancient Kabbalistic story told in the Talmud about a man who dreamed a dream. He asked his father what was the meaning of the dream. His father asked him to tell him the dream. He said, paraphrasing, i saw all of the important people of our town in the dream and they were the unimportant people in my dream. i saw all of the poor and insignificant people in our town and they were the people who shined with the most intensity. They were the people who others listened to. They were the people who were the most important. IT LOOKED LIKE THE WORLD WAS UPSIDE DOWN. His father explained that our physical world is upside down. Those insignificant people in our world are the true higher souls worthy of the natural order of miracles and the important people in our world are insignificant in the spiritual world and will receive the least amount of miracles in both worlds. During Kislev we have the opportunity to become humble and significant and leave our ego behind since this is what blocks us from receiving miracles in our lives in the physical world.

    The Kabbalists explain that by lighting the candles in the open doorway of our homes we create affinity between this energy of miracles and the candle we light which actually draws this energy into our homes. The Kabbalists also explain that the light of Chanukah is the Light of Creation that was hidden away (called the Ohr Ganuz) for the righteous. There is a very deep lesson in this teaching. That lesson is MIRACLE IS THE NATURAL ORDER OF LIFE.

    The last day of Chanukah has its own name. It is called Zot Chanukah. Zot Chanukah means, "This is Chanukah". The Kabbalists teach that this day is the last opportunity to change any negative decrees that came out of Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. We will discuss the 40 days leading up to this day and how it can be used to assist you in changing these decrees.

    Any questions about the above write to

    Tzadikim who left in Kislev

    Our Tzadikim have given us a great tool. Themselves! Their Hilulah is the opportunity to utilize their connection to the Creator to make our connection easier. The method we use is to light a Yahrzeit candle (25 hour candle) and learn about the Sage. This strengthens our connection to the Tzadik and through that connection allows us to reach the Creator more easily.

    It is recommended that one mentions the Names of the Tzadikim every evening at the start of your evening prayer connection or just prior to going to sleep each evening.

    Tribe and Tribal Leader connected to Kislev

    Here are the connections to the Tribe for the month and the Leader of that Tribe from our website, with information about the Nasi and the attributes dealing with this month.

    The Tribe for the month of Kislev is the

  • Tribe of Benjamin.
  • I suggest you spend some time during this month checking out the attributes of the name Benjamin and the Name of the Nasi who gave the dedication and his consciousness of why he gave what he gave. Remember not all of these attributes are positive and with the tool of Binding by Striking we can correct them and transform them into positive aspects.

    Practical Tools to adopt in Kislev

    Here are strategies to adopt for this month of Kislev.

    1. Dreams During Kislev our dreams are important to us. We see from the Torah portions during Kislev especially Vayetze and Mikketz the importance of dreams. Make it your business to remember your dreams by recording them upon awakening (even in the middle of your sleep). If you do not remember your dreams ask to have the merit to remember your dreams prior to going to sleep. You do this by sitting on your bed prior to saying the Shema, and asking out loud to the universe, "May i have the merit to remember my dreams tonight in order to better serve the Creator and other people." Do this often until you do start to remember your dreams.

    2. Interpret Your Dreams The Zohar says that a dream that is not interpreted is like a letter you received from your higher self that you did not open. Who interprets your dream is VERY IMPORTANT. It should always be interpreted positively. It will manifest the way it is interpreted. The truth is not important in this case. Only a positive interpretation. So only ask people who know this spiritual truth and who also LOVE YOU. The people who love you will tend to interpret your dreams positively. Also, the best person to interpret your dreams is you, but your dream buddy interpreter can assist you in understanding your dreams better.

    3. Pray for the Healing of the Sick The energy of miracles apply to the sick. This energy is available this month; yet someone who is ill is in the prison (limitation) of their illness. It is difficult to break out of prison without help. It is difficult to go against your nature while in prison. Help the people you know and the people you do not know by asking for the miracle of the end of illness for the whole world as well as a specific illness that is impacting a few individuals.

    4. Praise God and ask HaShem for assistance to GO OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Please recognize the natural order of things. We all need HaShem to assist us in our goals. HaShem wants us to have these miracles and is more than willing to assist us, but we have to ask. Otherwise there is coercion and it is not free will.

    The Tikune in Kislev

    If your lunar north node is in the Zodiac sign of Kislev, your Tikune is in Kislev.

    If you do not know where your north node is within your astrological chart send me your birth date birth location and birth time to I will send you information on how to find your north node and your personal Tikune.

    In your previous incarnation as a Gemini you bring this duality of living with two opposing viewpoints and the uncertainty it creates into this lifetime. In your last life time decision making was your major stumbling block. In this lifetime your tikune is to define your aims and then to accomplish them. Your responsibilities and obligations are opportunities to solidify and reveal your own opinions. You will find it necessary to pursue justice in such a way that you integrity, sincerity, and a refusal to compromise will become central issues in your soul's progression and growth.

    Once you find your own identity you will be able to find your true mission on earth which will involve sharing your wisdom and revealing truth.

    During Kislev every person will be influenced by

    During Kislev you will have the opportunity to "see" outside of your comfort zone and more importantly you will be able to CHOOSE to go outside of your comfort zone. You will actually be given the opportunity to transform your comfort zone so that your life movie will become less chaotic. Hopefully you will make that choice.

    72 Names

    Here is a link to all of the 72 Names that connect to them the month of Kislev

  • 72 Names for Chodesh Kislev.
  • In conclusion

    Just like most people like the Holiday of Chanukah most people like the month of Kislev. Kislev serves as a happy time that separates the difficult months of Cheshvan and Tevet.

    There is one additional secret about Kislev i want to share with you. Kislev can be seen as two words. Kisay which means Throne and the number 36. As the throne of 36 Kislev allows us to recognize the Tzadikim in our world. What is not recognized by most people is there are two sets of Tzadikim. The 36 revealed Tzadikim and the 36 concealed Tzadikim for a total of 72 Tzadikim. As a student of Kabbalah you should realize what these 72 Tzadikim provide for the world's CONTINUED EXISTENCE.

    A final secret that is related to the above discussion

    The last letter of Kislev is a Vav that can be substituted by a Bet. Then the word can become "Throne of the Heart." During Kislev there is an opportunity to transform our world that is based on judgment into a world that is based on Mercy. Let's all do our spiritual work this month and make that happen.

    Kol Tuuv
