Hand Washing Blessing and Prayer

The Kabbalists instruct us to wash our hands many times perday. They actually do this action upon the following criteria:

Upon awakening in the morning

Upon awakening from a nap or during the middle of the night.

Prior to eating a meal which has bread with in it.

Prior to Prayer

Please Note:

This ritual has nothing to do with cleansing oneself.

When one goes to sleep at night the majority of the soul leaves the body and ascends to be rejuvenated through connection to the higher worlds. This is the process we call sleep. When the soul leaves the body it is replaced with a negative soul who enters the body. This soul has insufficient energy to activate the body usually.

Hand Washing Ritual for Cleansing

When the soul returns to the body, either in the middle of the night or in the morning it forces the negative soul out of the body. The last part of the negative soul to leave leaves through the Hands which is the source of that icky feeling in our finger tips. This is iindicative of a Klipah who needs to be cleansed from its location as a peel or shell surrounding the finger tips.

Do not touch your eyes or preferably anything else prior to actual hand washing as described below.

The Ritual for Hand Washing is to use a two handed cup. Know that the consciousness of water in a vessel is different from the consciousness of free flowing water. This Klipah is only clea.nsed from water that is in a vessel. The actual ritual is as follows:

Firll the two handed cup to the brim with water. Remove both hands from the cup.

Take the cup in the right hand and then transfer it to the left hand.

Pour one time on the Right Hand with the consciousness of "Chesed"

Transfer the cup to the Right Hand and pour onto the left hand with the consciousness of "Gevurah"

Transfer the cup to the left hand and pour onto the right hand with the consciousness of Tiferet"

Transfer the cup to the Right Hand and pour onto the left hand with the consciousness of "Hod"

Transfer the cup to the left hand and pour onto the right hand with the consciousness of "Netzach"

Transfer to the Right Hand and Pour onto the Left Hand with the consciousness of "Yesod".

Shake excess water off of your Hands

Raise your Hands to the level of your eyes and look at your hands and then say the Blessing Below with all of its Kavenah.

Now Dry your Hands with a Towel

Leave the cup upside down. Never leave water standing in a cup, bottle, or other vessel, overnight. If you find this somewhere dispose of the ligquid into the earth.

Dispose of this towel carefully as the water attached to it is extremely negative and that Tumah (impurity) transfers to the towel. At the very least this towel can cause miscarriages among other calamities.

Here is the normal words of the Hand Washing Blessing.

ברוך אתה יהוה (אדני יאהדונהי) אלהינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו ע ל נ טילת י דים


Baruch Atah Adonai (small letters Kavenah see below) Elohainu Melech HaOlam Asher Kidshanu BeMitzvotav Vetzivanu All Natilat Yadayim


Blessed are You HaShem (small letters Kavenah see below) Our God, King of the Universe who sanctified us with his Mitzvot (connection to the spiritual worlds) and obliges us to wash our Hands:

Kavenah for longer Blessing

The Kabbalists teach that Head Movements are a major component of the connection to the Sephirot and in opening Gates as discussed in the writings of Abraham Abulafia a 13th Century Kabbalists who has only recently been published and translated.

Baruch - Blessing is Keter/Chochma - Turn Head to Center and Up

Atah - You is Chesed - Move Head to Right and Slightly Up

HaShem - God is Tiferet - Move Head to the Center Balance Point for you.

Elohainu - Our God is Gevurah - Move Head to the Left and Slightly Up

Melech - King - Move Head to the Right and Slightly Down

HaOlam - Universe is Yesod - Move Head Up and Slightly Left

Asher - Who - Move Head to the right and down to Netzach

Kideshanu - Sanctified - Move Head to the Left to Hod

BeMitzvotav - Mitzvot - Move Head to the center and slightly up to Tiferet

Vetzivanu - Obligates us - Move Head down to Yesod

The Malchut is whatver is the final words of the Blessing - Move Head Fully Down.

We should ask the question Another question - do you relate and slightly left which Sephirot?

The answer to the question needs to come from within your self!

There are 10 words which connects to the 10 Sephirot of Zeir Anpin. There are 45 letters which represent the gematria of spiritual Man - Zeir Anpin. When we say these Blessings we are unifying the spiritual with the physical (represented by the words that describe the action of the Mitzvah)

Kavenah for Hand Washing Ritual

There are 13 words in this Blessing. Remember the 13 Attributes of Mercy. Connect each word of the Blessing to one of the 13 Attributes.

The large letters (First Letters) of the last three words (Malchut words) spell the Hebrew word Ani which means a poor person. Have the consciousness of being a poor person which means having lack - lack of fulfillment.

The last two letters of each of the last three words have the gematria of 580 which is the gematria of the word Ashir which means a rich person. Transform yourself from a poor person with lack into a rich person who is fulfilled. This fulfillment comes from the completion of the revelation of "Hidden Wisdom". Chen spelled Chet Nun is an anacronym for Chochmah Nestar which is Hidden Wisdom. The gematria is Chen is 58 when it is completed by the ten sephirot is 580.

Hand Washing Ritual for Eating

The Blessing and the Kavenah is the same as Hand Washing upon rising in the morning the actual physical action is 4 not 6 as follows:

Firll the two handed cup to the brim with water. Remove both hands from the cup.

Take the cup in the right hand and then transfer it to the left hand.

Pour one time on the Right Hand with the consciousness of "Yood" of the Tetragramaton

Transfer the cup to the Right Hand and pour onto the left hand with the consciousness of "Hay" of the Tetragramaton

Transfer the cup to the left hand and pour onto the right hand with the consciousness of "Vav" of the Tetragramaton.

Transfer the cup to the Right Hand and pour onto the left hand with the consciousness of "Hay" of the Tetragramaton

Shake excess water off of your Hands

Raise your Hands to the level of your eyes and look at your hands and then say the Blessing Below with all of its Kavenah.

Do not speak again until you say the Blessing of Chamotzi

Now Dry your Hands with a Towel

If there is a line of people share by starting to fill the cup you are using with water. Of course always say Amen to another blessing that You hear.

Leave the cup upside down. Never leave water standing in a cup, bottle, or other vessel, overnight. If you find this somewhere dispose of the ligquid into the earth.

Dispose of this towel carefully as the water attached to it is extremely negative and that Tumah (impurity) transfers to the towel. At the very least this towel can cause miscarriages among other calamities.