Yeshshem Tikune Report for Moshe (Example)

Every person who has ever lived on this earth has had Tikunim or Corrections to make. This means every person has made mistakes in their life journey. They may have hurt someone directly or through inaction allowed someone to become hurt. These are just descriptions of two possible mistakes that people have made in their life. There are many more possible mistakes and each person has many of these mistakes to correct in each lifetime they live. These mistakes are called Tikunes or in Hebrew Tikunim. The translation of this word means correction when called a Tikune and corrections when called Tikunim.

Below is a Matrix that has many links that are explaining what Kabbalah says about YOUR SPECIFIC TIKUNIM. One example of a Tikune that is shared is the month of your birth. Every person who is born in that same month no matter what year or on which day has a similar Tikune. Every box in the matrix will lead you to information about your Tikunim. We at yeshshem hope you enjoy what the Kabbalah teaches us about ourselves. We hope you enjoy it.

Please note all of this material is a work in progress. Please check back to see what has been updated. If you want an email announcement of any update to your specific Name, Location Name, or Your Birthdate write to

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If you ever have any questions are comments please send an email to or call chanoch at 818-613-3457.

General Information about Tikunim

(plural of Tikune which means correction)

Below is a TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF LIGHT. It is not complete yet since your life (Thank God) continues. Please be cautious with this Light since it is energy and people have been known to allow themselves to be burned by excess energy. Read the following slowly. Implement it into your life even slower. Please utilize the information wisely.

As time permits we will continue to update this information. We hope you enjoy it. Please send an email to if you would like to be notified when we update a specific item that relates to you.

We caution you to read the information slowly; take the information into your life even more SLOWLY. Eventually you will complete your Tikune. That is guaranteed. The only question is how long it will take you. If you change too fast it is likely that you will fall spiritually before you complete your Tikunim. That is why we strongly suggest you take the information below into your life slowly.

We are available to assist you with any spiritual issues that develop from this information. Also many times people disagree with what they read. It is hard to "see" ourselves. That is why Hashem gave us other people in the world so we can utilize them as a mirror to see ourselves. If you find that you disagree with something, please stop, and return to the issue in a week or even a month. If it still bothers you write or call us at yeshshem to discuss it.

We wish you an easy process in achieving your Tikunim. Actually this depends on your willingness to make changes within your personality, character traits, and personal values. The more you go out of your comfort zone the easier your Tikune becomes.

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  • This report is based on the following information:

    Name Information

  • NAME:
  • Moshe


    Astrological Information

    DATE of Birth (Gregorian): March 22, 1982

    DATE BIRTH (Hebrew): 28th Adar 5742

    Location of Birth:

  • Tucson
  • Time of Birth: 10:22 AM

  • You were born on Tuesday
  • Present Residence Location :

  • Phoenix
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