72 Name of God No 43


Name of God No 43 connects to "Dialing God". It is good to meditate on this name prior to prayer.

There are various meanings to every Name of God.

One meaning is seen through its gematria.

This gematria is 42 which connects to the Ana Bekoach - 42 letter Name of God.

Another meaning is through permuting the Letters.

וול = "Dialing God"

ולו = "And If"

וול = "Dialing God"

ולו = "And If"

= "Teach a hook"

לוו = "Peg the teacher"

How do you use these permutations? - That is up to you. These meanings are open to your personal perceptions - sometimes i will give you a hint but not usually.

One possible Meditation

Visualize a line stretching from yourself up to Heaven and then connecting to the Creator

This is a meditation that is very meaningful and will enhance your individual and communal prayers.

Another way to determine further aspects of the Names is to utilize various letter substitutions

No substitutions have been made yet.

First Level - is one of the concealed aspects of all Names

The first level is to expand the letters of the Name to be fully spelled out.

ויו ויו למד Gematria is 110 which which when adding the colel is 111. this is the spelled out name of the letter Alef and its connection to the energy of unity.

Second Level - This concealed energy is released by evaluating the number of letters in this level as well as utilizing these words and Names as tools to open gates to other universes.

ויו יוד ויו ויו יוד ויו למד מם דלת

The number of letters in this spelling of the second level is 26. This gematria connects to the Hebrew word Name HaShem. How does this relate to your understanding? 26 is the gematria of HaShem.

Days of the Year

This Name is connected to certain Days of the Year. This becomes the personal 72 Name of God for people born on this date. There is information about ones Tikune available from this connection. Also These dates apply to all people, they are just filtered through the various Astrological Influences of each person.

Caf Chait Tishrai = 28th of Tishrai. 28 is the gematria of Coach כח which means Power or Strength.

Caf Tet Tishrai = 29th of Tishrai. 29 is the gematria of the letters connected to the Month of Av.

Lamed Tishrai = 30th of Tishrai. 30th of a month connects to the letter Lamed which means teacher. It is also the first day of Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

Alef Cheshvan = 1st of Cheshvan. The No 1 represents unification.

Beit Cheshvan = 2nd of Cheshvan. The no 2 is not the no 1. this means that it is the energy of separation. This name will help you to remain in unity instead of falling to the universal energy of separation.

Gimmel Cheshvan = 3rd of Cheshvan. This phrase connects to "Felt Remuneration".

Dalet Cheshvan = 4th of Cheshvan. This phrase translates as "Poor Remuneration".

Meditation within the Shema Israel

Within the Shema Israel there are 248 words.These 248 words connect to each of the 248 parts of the body and soul as well as the 248 positive Mitzvot. Our Sages have taught the first 42 words starting with Vayahavta unify with the 42 letter Name of God referred to as the Ana Bekoach. The next section has 72 words and unify on a one to one relationship with the 72 Names of God. Here is the word from the Shema that unifies with Name No 43 - Wav Wav Lamed

וול connects to ועבדתם

Name No 43 is pronounced wa wa la and the word from the Shema is pronounced WeAhVadTem is translated as "And we slaves".

There are a number of Names that are duplicated in the two different charts of Names. This is unusual in that both Names come in the same location in each chart.

there will be additional information about this name added later so please keep checking for this information.