Parasha Korach - "קרח"

In the Torah

Torah: Parasha - Numbers Chapter 16 Verse 1 to Chapter 18 Verse 32

Haftara: Samuel Alef Chapter 11 Verses 14 - Chapter 12 Verses 22

The essence - energy of Parasha Behalotcha

The essence of this Parasha is Evil Eye. What is Evil Eye? It is more than simple jealousy. Evil Eye is thinking - both consciously and unconsciously - that what someone has accumulated or received is not merited - that they should not have this item or skill or anything else. The result of having evil eye consciousness is the person you are thinking about loses what they should not have according to what you think but also you lose all - everything - you have. As one should realize having evil eye thoughts is never a good thing.

There is an amazing teaching in this parasha. It is how to control natural disasters.

  • Here is a link to this teaching.
  • Commentary for the year 5777

    Korach is a Name of a person. As with all Names it is a metaphor for the potential of the person Named.

    The Torah tells us that Korach is a negative man since the Torah says Korach "takes". The midrash explains that one aspect of the character traits of Korach is to take which implies coercion rather than receives which implies no coercion.

    The name Korach also implies that another negative character trait of Korach is "coldness is a sin". Coldness in Hebrew is the first two letters of Korach's Name - that is the Hebrew word Kar which translates as "cold". The last letter has a name Chait which translates as "sin".

    Korach also has positive traits which is seen through the gematria of Korach. The gematria is 308. The number 308 is composed of two numbers - 207 + 101. 101 is the gematria of the Name Michael referring to the Arch Angel Michael. This Arch Angel represents the energy of the Sefirah Chesed or Loving Kindness. 207 is the gematria of the Hebrew word for Light which is Ohr. Thus Korach has the potential to manifest the Light of Love in this physical world.

    In Chapter 16 Verse 30 Moshe prophecies about a natural event which has been named earthquake. Later in the story this earthquake does manifest. Many of the people then blame Moshe for creating this earthquake. The Kabbalists teach that negative human activity creates natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunami, hurricanes, floods, fires, and other acts of HaShem as described in the insurance policies.

    What this means is that we can prevent all of these acts of nature by listening to the Parasha of Korach read on June 24th with the consciousness to prevent these activities. Please attend this in a synagogue that will read the whole Parasha. Maintain the consciousness of preventing all natural disasters during the reading.

    There is another important energy to connect with during this weeks reading. That is the central column energy. Chapter 17 Verse 20 word number 7 which is Vehashkoti is the middle of the book of Numbers. When ever one connects to the middle of something one connects to the central column energy of the Tree of Life. This is something that is important to do especially when one realizes the negative energy expressed in this parasha.

    Number of Verses in the Parasha

    There are 95 verses צה in this Parasha. There are some very interesting connections to this Word / Name in gematria. Hamelech has this gematria and translates as "The King". Also Haman the arch villian of the story of Esther has this meaning as well as the same letters spell the word "The Manna". This is the spiritual food that fell in the desert for the Children of Israel. The code word the Sages teach is Daniel דניאל. Daniel is both a Name as well as the Title of a Biblical Sages and the Book of Daniel. It can also be translated as "My judgement from El".

    Recommended Daily Study for the Parasha


  • Parasha Korach had - Sunday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Sunday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha - Korach - Chok Israel - Yom Echad - Sunday - Zohar English Translation
  • Monday

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Monday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Monday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Monday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Tuesday

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - Yom Shelishi - Tuesday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Tuesday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Tuesday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Wednesday

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - Yom Revii - Wednesday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Wednesday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Wednesday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Thursday

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - Yom HaMishi - Thursday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Thursday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - Yom HaMishi - Thursday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Thursday_Evening

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - Lailah Shishi - Thursday Evening
  • Friday

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - Parasha Pekudai - Yom Shishi - Friday
  • haTranslation of the Portion of Zohar for Friday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Korach - Chok Israel - HaShishi - Friday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • This page is continuously being added to as the statistics are developed for each Parasha. Just as the Torah is infinite, the statistics for the Torah are unlimited. Each statistic is part of what the Torah teaches. . . Spiritual Laws and Mitzvoth. As each item is revealed the explanation will be added.