Parasha Masei

In the Torah

Torah: Parasha Masei - Numbers Chapter 33 Verse 1 to Chapter 36 Verse 13

Haftara: Jeremiah Chapter 2 Verses 4 - Chapter 2 Verse 28 + Chapter 4 Verses 1 - 2

The essence - energy of Parasha Masei

This parasha deals with the Journeys of the Children of Israel in the Desert over 40 years. There are 42 locations. Every student of Kabbalah knows that the number 42 refers to the essence of creation. This comes from the Ana Bekoach as the tool HaShem used to Create our universes.

On a more detailed level this Parasha removes time, space, and motion from our physical world as well as from the Tree of Life. These three words represent process in our lives. When we remove these we shorten our process and bring Mashiach closer.

Commentary on the Parasha for the Year 5777

This week the parasha is a double portion. Usually a double parasha has similar energy. In this case the double parasha relate to each other yet the energy is different. The reason is due to the negative 3 week period which is controlled by the Satan and the negative system. The negative system has an affinity for separation and HaShem shows his mercy by putting these two Parashiot next to each other in the Torah.

Parasha Matot:

This parasha has a significant spiritual secret concealed within it. This secret is concealed in the story of vows. In this story it says that the father or husband can disavow the wife or daughters vow ONLY on the day that he learns about it.

Matot means Tribes referring on the physical level to the 12 Tribes of the Children of Israel. On the spiritual level Matot has a shoresh that means "divert". In my opinion, the Tribes divert attention from unity to separation. This is a hint to the idea that the important spiritual secret mentioned above is revealed by the fact the father must act to disavow on THE exact day he learns of the vow.

The secret is that to change the physical universe we need to travel back in time to the moment that the chaos is created. This is part of the ritual of Teshuva - returning to the moment of making the mistake that many call a sin.

There are 112 verses in the parasha. 112 is the sum of 86 + 26. In other words Elohim + HaShem. 112 represents the unity of Zeir Anpin + Malchut.

Parasha Masei:

Masei translates as Journeys. The Zohar tells us to count the number of Journeys and that turns out to be 42. Students of Kabbalah know that 42 relates to the Ana Bekoach which is the energy of Creation.

There are 132 Verses in this parasha. 132 has the energy of 10 Sefirot within 10 Sefirot + Lev which means heart. 10 x 10 is the energy of completion. Heart has the energy of the 32 paths of wisdom.

When both parashiot are read together there are 244 verses in the reading. 244 has the energy of Ramad - רמד which is the essence of the "doorway to elevation" - Ram Dalet.

How does the energies of Ana Bekoach and this concealed secret come together? IN ORDER to change the physical world one must utilize the energy of time travel which is available within the Ana Bekoach to return to the day of the action that causes all of the effects of chaos in our lives. The Torah teaches that this can only take place on that day to change it.

We can utilize the energy of this double reading to return to the day of our own chaos and change it to actually do the positive action that was the alternative to our negative action. Thus it cleanses all of our negative actions.

Zohar Portion of Chok Israel

In our generation it is taught that we will have a difficulty with the time to truly study all 10 levels of Torah. The ARI put together a scheule of daily study that generally takes about 1/2 hour or less except for Friday and many people make that additional time up on Shabbat. This schedule is referred to as Chok L'Israel.

Here are links to the 7 daily studies including an English translation of the Zohar portion that refers to the energy of the day. Each day has a link to the Zohar English translation. This translation needs commentary yet i do not have the time yet so be careful in your own personal reading. there is a hidden agenda in the translation.


  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Yom Echad - Sunday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Sunday

    Based on Zohar Beshallach 58a

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Yom Echad - Sunday - Zohar English Translation
  • Monday

  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Monday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Monday

    Based on Zohar Terumah 157a

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Monday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Tuesday

  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Yom Shelishi - Tuesday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Tuesday

    Based on Zohar Vayegash 209b

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Tuesday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Wednesday

  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Yom Revii - Wednesday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Wednesday

    Based on Zohar Shemot 2b

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Wednesday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Thursday

  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Yom HaMishi - Thursday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Thursday

    Based on Zohar Beshallach 55b

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Pinchas - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Thursday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Thursday_Evening

  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Lailah Shishi - Thursday Evening
  • Friday

  • Parasha Pinchas - Chok Israel - Yom Shishi - Friday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Friday

    Based on Zohar Shemot 204b

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Masei - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Thursday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • This page is continuously being added to as the statistics are developed for each Parasha. Just as the Torah is infinite, the statistics for the Torah are unlimited. Each statistic is part of what the Torah teaches. . . Spiritual Laws and Mitzvoth. As each item is revealed the explanation will be added.

    In many years Parasha ֓Matot is read along with Parasha Masei. Thus they are called a double Parasha. The link below connects to Parasha


  • Parasha Matot