Parasha Shlach Lecha - "Spy for Yourself" or "Tour for Yourself"

In the Torah

Torah: Parasha Shlach Lecha - Numbers Chapter 13 Verse 1 to Chapter 15 Verse 41

Haftara: Josshua Chapter 2 Verses 1 - 24

The essence - energy of Parasha Behalotcha

The essence of this Parasha is teaching "How to love your Neighbor as yourself". The definition of love is relative to the relationship. the minimum relationship between man and man is human dignity. Human dignity is to dislike actions that you disagree with yet not to dislike or judge the person the same way you judge the action. In addition, one needs to be civil and use polite words to the person. All of this can be difficult to do yet this is the minimum to qualify as treating another human with human dignity.

The Parasha Shlach Lecha uses a Hebrew word that can be translated as tourist or as spy. The phrase lecha indicates an unusual relationship as well. Lecha can be translated as "for yourself". Do people spy for themselves? In my opinion people spy for their governments. They tour for themselves. What is the difference between a spy and a tourist?

A tourist sees the forest rather than the trees; while the spy sees the trees. This means the consciousness is very different between a spy and a tourist. What is the difference in consciousness?A spy is going to gather intelligence about enemy readiness for conflict. A tourist is going to perceive the people and the culture. There is clearly a difference. What did these 12 people go into the land to do? HaShem had told them that he would be with them in their conquest so why is it necessary to go as a spy? HaShem also told them not to follow the people of the land so why did they need to tour the cultures? They went due to Moshe instructions - see below.

Moshe told these 12 Tzadikim to see if the Tree was in the land. Notice tree is in the singular. The Zohar explains that Moshe was asking if the Tree of Life was in the Land. Do you think the Tree of Life is in the Land of Israel today? The answer is presently the Tree of Life has returned to the Land yet is growing and is not yet complete.

Commentary from the year 5777

The meaning of Shelach is "Send Forth". The meaning of Lecha or Lech is "yourself" or "Go Forth". The usual translation is just "send". The word Lecha is usually not translated since in English "Go and Send Forth" raises too many questions in the minds of people. What do you think is the meaning and purpose to the word Lecha in this verse?

The word after Lecha is "Anashim" which is one of the words in Hebrew that means Men. An analysis - letter by letter - leads to an understanding of this particular meaning of "men". In my opinion, "Anashim" has the meaning of "unity of falling to your passions".

HaShem was hinting to Moshe to be careful to not "Send Forth Men who might fall to their passions". Why did not Moshe pick up on this hint? Because one can not "see" clearly when ones desires are causing him to listen to his heart as a reaction to a thought that occurs to him.

The essence of the Parasha is judgements. The spies - tourists made judgments. The Children of Israel made judgments. Joshua and Caleb made judgments. Moshe made judgments. HaShem made judgments.

In Chapter 14 Verse 17 there is a large Yood in the word Yigdal - "will grow". In my opinion, the meaning of this large letter is to avoid the judgments of others as is the nature of the astrological sign of Virgo. The Yood relates to the sign of Virgo.

There is another teaching in the parasha that, in my opinion, is important. It is in chapter 14 verse 11. In that verse is the word "YenaAzuni" which has the meaning of "they will provoke me". Within this word is the word Nazi. This is 2000 years before the third reich. The meaning of Nazi in the Hebrew Bible is "people consumed with hatred". The teaching is about realizing that everyone can become consumed with hatred if they do not "stop their - our reactions".


Above we spoke of many different people making judgments about other people. This always leads to a path that eventually leads to becoming a Nazi. Only judge yourself not others - this is the ultimate meaning of the lessons of life. The positive description is "Love your Neighbor as Yourself". Please learn this spiritual lesson well!

Number of Verses in the Parasha

There are 119 verses in this parasha. The sages give us a code word to the energy of this parasha. This code word is פלט. Palit has the meaning of "outlet". There is a deeper level to this code word. The root of this word is Pei Lamed, which has the meaning of topple or overthrow or dethrone. The third letter Tet has the gematria of the number "9". The number 9, in Kabbalah refers to the Sefira of Chochmah or Yesod, depending on which direction one is counting. When it is human activity being the cause we count upwards and that would lean toward Chochmah which translates as "wisdom". Thus the deeper indication is the essence of the parasha is "overthrow Chochmah - Wisdom". This is the effect of all Loshon Harah - Evil Speech, in my opinion.

Recommended Daily Study for the Parasha


  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Yom Echad - Sunday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Sunday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha - Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Yom Echad - Sunday - Zohar English Translation
  • Monday

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Monday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Monday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Monday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Tuesday

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Yom Shelishi - Tuesday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Tuesday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Tuesday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Wednesday

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Yom Revii - Wednesday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Wednesday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Wednesday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Thursday

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Yom HaMishi - Thursday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Thursday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Yom HaMishi - Thursday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Thursday_Evening

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Lailah Shishi - Thursday Evening
  • Friday

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - Parasha Pekudai - Yom Shishi - Friday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Friday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Shelach Lecha - Chok Israel - HaShishi - Friday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • This page is continuously being added to as the statistics are developed for each Parasha. Just as the Torah is infinite, the statistics for the Torah are unlimited. Each statistic is part of what the Torah teaches. . . Spiritual Laws and Mitzvoth. As each item is revealed the explanation will be added.