Parasha Yitro - יתרו

Essence of Parasha Yitro

The parasha of Yitro has the event at Sinai in its literal story. Yitro is a persons name. We know that names have meanings and in this case gives us a hint to the metaphor as well. Yitro is spelled Yood Tav Raish Vav. From Hebrew grammer we learn that a Vav at the end of a word indicates the personal pronoun "His". The Yood at the beginning of the word indicates a transition from passive to active. The middle two letters - Tav and Raish is a shoresh or root that translates as "unfasten", "unbundle", permissive, "permit", "unravel" and many other words. With this understanding we realize that this Name Yitro actually means "an active unbundling of his". The question is what is being unbundled? It is the connection to death in the physical world. That is why it used to be daily practice to recite the 620 letters of the Esser Debrot. The Sages tell us there are 72 verses in this Parasha. The number 72 relates to wisdom. In this case, in my opinion, it is the wisdom to perceive that we do not have to die. It is recommended to repeat the Esser Debrot in Hebrew each day.

Commentary for the year 5778

Yitro is a name for one man. Yet this man was a Idol Worshipping Priest who learned multiple rituals to control the physical world.

Yet the word Yitro has significant meaning on its own. See above for how to spell Yitro in Hebrew. The shoresh is the middle two letters tav raish - תר.

This is shoresh - root has the following meanings:

As an adjective - permissive.

As a verb - permit - unleash - unwind - entitle - unravel - unbind - unfasten - unbundle.

When we have a Vav at the end of a Hebrew word it has the meaning of "his". When we have a Yood at the beginning of a Hebrew word it has the meaning of "action or active". Thus for each verb above put "his and active" in front of the word.

How does this information above relate to the 10 utterances? Which are the "10 Commandments".

Follow the Torah which is the 10 utterance expanded and you become actively expanded by His Goodness. Do not follow the 10 utterances and you actively unbind yourself from His Goodness.

What is the meaning of His Goodness? Life

What is the meaning of the lack of His Goodness? Lack of Life which is Death

The energy of hearing this weeks Torah reading is cleansing the ultimate impurity which is death. Everyone who hears the reading has eternal life. There is only one problem. We do not change so that we immediately invite that potential "death" back into our Life.

Are you willing to become someone else right after hearing this reading of the Torah named Yitro. Are you willing to "actively unleash" a new you with a new name?

Verse Kabbalistic Analysis: Shemot Chapter 18 Verse 1:

וישמע יתרו כהן מדין חתן משה את כל-אשר עשה אלהים למשה ולישראל עמו כי-הוציא יהוה את-ישראל ממצרים

Now Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, heard of all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel His people, how that HaShem had brought Israel out of Egypt.

WayishmahYitro Kohen Midian Chatan Moshe Et Kal Asher Ahsah Elohim LeMoshe Ule-Yisrael Amo Ki Havtziyah HaShem Et Yisrael MiMitzraim.

20 words - This number has the meaning of palm or hand and represents the energy of manifestation. The manifestation of the Torah being brought down to the physical world. The Torah represents the Keter of "Heaven on Earth". 20 also represents10 sefirot of direct light and 10 sefirot of returning light. These twenty sefirot represent a complete circuit of energy.

75 Letters connects - to the energy of the Hebrew word Cohen meaning Priest and relates to Israel is a Kingdom of Priests. 75 also relates to the word Lailah which translates as Night. Night is a codeword for "desire to receive". 75 is also the number of verses in the Parasha. The 23rd Name of the 72 Names also has this gematria. This Name Mem Lamed Hai has the meaning of "sharing the flame". This relates to balanced passion which is the inner essence of Torah.

Shiluv Tool: First Letters. This is my intuitive connection. You need to do this for yourself as well


The gematria of the first letters is 409. 409 is the gematria for the unity word Achat, which is the Hebrew word "one" in a feminine form. Achatah is an Aramaic word and Avot is the Hebrew words which refers to the 3 Patriarchs. Both of these have the gematria of 409. Adsiach is a word that has this gematria as well. This word translates as "Temple Prostitute". This is a tool of the negative system.

The small gematria of the first letters is 67. 67 is the gematria of the Sefirah of "Binah" which is related to the "World that is Coming".

Shiluv Tool: Final Letters

This is my intuitive connection. You need to do this for yourself as well.


The gematria of these letters is 1467. 1467 is 1400 + 67. 67 is connected to Binah which is discussed above. 1400 is connected to King David who is a chariot for the sephirah of Mlchut. In the end of days Binah and Malchut will unify.

The small gematria of the first letters is 98. 98 is the number of curses in the Torah which represents cleansing the physical world and Malchut so that Malchut can unify with Binah.

Please email with your own meanings to these letters as acronyms. Your meanings will be added to the parasha page along with the attribution unless you request that there not be an attribution posted.

It is important that the above is not misinterpreted. There is only one God and He/She/It is the God of the Children of Israel. Always feel and show respect - fear, awe for God whose Name is


Included in this name are all of the attributes that a human being perceives as belonging to HaShem, including Elohim - Shadai - myriads of other Names.

Commentary for the year 5777

Parasha Yitro includes the preparation for receiving the Esser Debrot along with the whole of the Torah which is concealed within the 620 Hebrew letters of the Esser Debrot.

Yitro has 7 Names the Torah calls him in this lifetime as the father in law of Moshe. The Zohar explains that in a previous lifetime as Cain He killed Moshe who lived as Abel. During this lifetime as Yitro and Moshe they both achieved Tikune for this act of murder.

Another Name based on the meaning of the shoresh of taf raish and the other Hebrew Letters in the Name Yitro is "His Active Unbundling". This refers to HaShem sharing his soul in writing which is the meaning of the acronym Anochi.

Here are the traditional Hebrew meanings of the names of the person called Yitro based on rabbinic midrash:

Yitro - Jethro - "additional" due to his performing extra good deeds.

Yeter - due to his causing extra texts to enter the Torah.

“Chovav” because he was beloved of El.

“Re’u’el” because he was a friend of El.

“Chever” because he was a close associate of HaShem.

“Puti’el” because he abandoned idolatry.

“Keni” because he was zealous for HaShem.

Remember Names are metaphors for our souls. The study of our Name using Hebrew Letters tells us about our midot - character traits that might need Tikune - Correction. Want to learn more?

Try the Name form on the Yeshshem website.

Death is the effect of the first mistake made by Adam and Chava which includes the eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil.

The antidote to death is the word Anochi אנכי. This word is an anacronym for "I give my soul - Neshamah to you in writing". Included in these 620 Hebrew letters is a one to one relationship to the 613 Biblical Mitzvot and the 7 Noachide Mitzvot.

To learn to remove death from the world requires one to understand these terms - 3 columns - Desire to Receive - Desire to Share - Desire to Receive in order to Share. Once understood the next step is to live this essence. That requires the study of Kabbalah which requires personal knowledge of the Zohar. This is my opinion.

The number of Verses in this Parasha

There are 72 Verses in the Parasha. This connects to the Sefirah of Chochmah - Wisdom. It also refers to the 72 Names of God and the 72 Names from the Tzadikim. The code word given by the Sages is יונדב. This word has the meaning of "And Active Volunteering". All students of Kabbalah will be able to connect this meaning to the above discussion about Death. If you need help contact

Please note that if you count the verses in the Artscroll Siddur you will find that there are 75 Verses. This is because the Esser Debrot has two difference sets of Verses. One for public readings is 13 verses and that is what is in the published Artscroll Siddur. The other is 9 verses and it is for private study. In either case the total is not 72 Verses. Yet it is very possible that the number of verses in the private study would be 72 if we change one verse into two verses in the Esser Debrot sections. Remember in the Torah scroll there is no periods or grammatical punctuation as well as no vowels.


  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Echad - Sunday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Sunday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Echad - Sunday - Zohar English Translation
  • Monday

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Monday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Monday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Monday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Tuesday

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Shelishi - Tuesday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Tuesday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Tuesday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Wednesday

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Revii - Wednesday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Wednesday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Wednesday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Thursday

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom HaMishi - Thursday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Thursday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Shaini - Thursday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • Thursday_Evening

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Lailah Shishi - Thursday Evening
  • Friday

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Shishi - Friday
  • English Translation of the Portion of Zohar for Friday

    Based on Zohar

    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L'Yisrael

  • Parasha Yitro - Chok Israel - Yom Shishi - Friday - English Translation of Daily Zohar from Chok Israel.
  • This page is continuously being added to as the statistics are developed for each Parasha. Just as the Torah is infinite, the statistics for the Torah are unlimited. Each statistic is part of what the Torah teaches. . . Spiritual Laws and Mitzvoth. As each item is revealed the explanation will be added.