Rosh Chodesh Tishrai for the year 5784 תשּׁ פד which is Rosh HaShana is on the evening of September 15 2023 until the sunset of September 17 2023. The actions you do on the 7th day of Nissan 5783 will impact either positively or negatively the month of Tishrai in the year 5784. Since it is Rosh HaShana the actions this seventh day of Nissan will impact the whole of the year 5784.

The day the action should be made is the Seventh Day of Nissan in the year 5783 תשּׁפג. This date is the evening of March 28 2023 to sundown on March 29 2023.

According to the teachings of the ARI (Rabbi Isaac Luria may he forever be a light unto the world) one should follow the steps below. The more one learns about the following:

1) The permutation of the names of God associated with the month of Tishrai;

2) The letters that created the month of Tishrai and the constellation associated with the Tribe of Efraim which is the Libra Moznaim מוזנים;

3) The correlation of items from the Sefer Yetzirah;

4) The Torah Verses that describe the initial offering of the Nasi of the Tribe of Efraim;

5) The character traits described by the name of that Nasi which for Efraim is Elishama Ben Ammihud, as well as the character traits described by the permutation of the name of the Tribe;

6) and The consciousness behind the giving of each of articles of the offering described by the Torah Verses,

the stronger will be one's connection to the tools of Kabbalah that will give a person control over the month of the year that is being developed on the seventh day of Nissan which is control over the month of Tishrai.

Tribe = Efraim; Sense = Touch (marriage relationship); Controller = Gall Bladder;

If you have not read the introduction to the ritual, please do so now by clicking the link below!

  • Introduction to the Minhag and Ritual for the Month of Nissan

  • Steps to follow

    It is best to do the saying or scanning of this information during the morning hours since morning has the energy of Mercy within it.

    1. The permutation of the Tetragrammaton.There are 4 letters in the Tetragrammaton which would normally form 24 permutations, but there are 2 letters which are the same which makes only 12 permutations. One for each month. Scan these Names of God from Right to Left. These are the permutations for the month of Tishrai.

    והיה יהאה

    2. The Ana Bekoach is composed of the 42 letter name of God used during the creation of the physical world. As such it has the essence of creation with in it. This also includes the essence of the Science of Hebrew Astrology. Please Say/Sing the Ana Bekoach; Stop at the Fifth Verse and Scan these Letters and Names from Right to Left.

    פ ל

    Pey created the Planet Venus נוגה and the Lamed created the Astrological sign of Moznaim מאזניים which means scales and is the Western Astrological sign of Libra.

    3. Various relationships are described in the Sefer Yetzirah. These relationships help create unity within the physical world by meditating upon the relationships. Take note of the following:

    The name of the month of Tishrai has the same letters and permute to spell the word beginning. There are 22 days of Holiday in this month. It is a month of judgment for every human being on the planet. Tribe = Efraim; Sense = touch (as in contact and marriage); Controller = Gall Bladder.

    4. The donation for the tribe of Efraim is connected to the Shabbat as it is being given on the 7th day which in that year was also Shabbat. Teshuvah (our return to the Creator) is still easier than at other times of the year. Expect people or patterns of behavior to reappear in your life. This is an indication of the need to do Teshuva or Tikune with this person or pattern of behavior of each Tribe Leader (called a Nasi) is the same at the dedication of the Mishkan in the desert. By making connection to the reading from the Torah of each donation by each Nasi each day during Nissan, we can take control of the Astrological effect associated with that Tribe. Read or Scan the Hebrew right to left. The smaller letters are the transliteration of the Hebrew, and the regular letters are the English Translation of Bamidbar Numbers Chapter 7 Verses 48 to 53

    Verse 1 for this Nasi; Verse 48 from Chapter 7 of Bamidbar (Numbers)

    ביום השביעי נשיא לבני אפרים אלישמע בן-עמיהוד

    BeYom Hashivii Nasi Levnai Efraim Elishama Ben Ammihud

    On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, prince of the children of Ephraim:

    Verse 2 for this Nasi; Verse 49 from Chapter 7 of Bamidbar (Numbers)

    קרבנו קערת-כסף אחת שלשים ומאה משקלה מזרק אחד כסף שבעים שקל בשקל הקדש שניהם מלאים סלת בלולה בשמן למנחה

    Karbeno Karit Kesef Echat Sheloshim Oomeah Meshaklah Mezerak Echad Kesef Sheviim Shekel BeShekel HaKodesh Shenaihem Melaim Solet Beluulah Beshemen Leminchah

    he presented for his offering one silver dish, the weight thereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;

    Verse 3 for this Nasi; Verse 50 from Chapter 7 of Bamidbar (Numbers)

    כף אחת עשרה זהב מלאה קטרת

    Kaf Echat ASarah Zehav MelaAh Ketoret

    one golden pan of ten shekels, full of incense;

    Verse 4 for this Nasi; Verse 51 from Chapter 7 of Bamidbar (Numbers)

    פר אחד בן-בקר איל אחד כבש-אחד בן-שנתו לעלה

    Par Echad Ben Bakar Ehyil Echad Kavash Echad Ben Shenato LeOlah

    one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering;

    Verse 5 for this Nasi; Verse 52 from Chapter 7 of Bamidbar (Numbers)

    שעיר-עזים אחד לחטאת

    Seir Ezim Echad LeChataat

    one male of the goats for a sin-offering;

    Verse 6 for this Nasi; Verse 53 from Chapter 7 of Bamidbar (Numbers)

    ולזבח השלמים בקר שנים אילם חמשה עתודים חמשה כבשים בני-שנה חמשה זה קרבן אלישמע בן-עמיהוד

    Oolzevach Hashlamim Bakar Shenaim alim Chamesha Ahtudim Chamesha Kevasim Benai Shanah Chamesha Zeh Karban Elishama Ben Ammihud

    and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year. This was the offering of Elishama Ben Ammihud

    Additional Meditation from Mei HaShiloah (R. Hershy Worch and Betzalel Edwards translations)

    From the Tribe of Yosef, Elishama Ben Ammihud לִבְנֵי יוֹסֵףלְאֶפְרַיִם,אֱלִישָׁמָע בֶּןעַמִּיהוּד

    This concerns the place when one is overpowered by the lust for any good, for the name Elishama is related to שְׁמוּעָה טוֹבָה, תְּדַשֶּׁןעָצֶם "a good report (Shmua) fattens the bones." (Mishelei 15:30), "and this is the place where lust overpowers the man. All the kinds of good will come out of this and this is בֶּןעַמִּיהוּד ben Ammihud, "Imo Hod" the majesty is within him. Hod (majesty or splendor) is a place where a man yearns, and then is wholly subdued before the object of his yearning, dwelling beneath. In a place of evil, the blessed G-d commanded "you shall not bow yourself down, " meaning not to be subdued beneath it. So it was with Yosef, even though he did not listen to his master's wife, as it is said in the Midrash (Tanhuma Nasso 28). "He listened to G-d [similar in meaning to Elishema" hear G-d"], and did not listen to his master's wife. Nonetheless he married her daughter. This is hinted at in בֶּןעַמִּיהוּד ben Ammihud, for he yearns for the good according to the will of the blessed G-d.

    Passion. Passion. Passion. How can we not be taken over by it. How can we be passionate for the good, the holy, the Divine. It is a difficult task, for we are beings of flesh and blood. Perhaps it starts with our yearning to connect, with others and with G-d. To do His will, we are taught, means He will do ours. A nice first step indeed.

    5. The name of each Tribe gives hints to the character traits of the Astrological sign associated with that Tribe. Also, the name of each Nasi gives additional insights into the character traits of the tribe and the Astrological Signs.

    Our Sages teach that not all of these names are positive traits. This indicates traits that need to be worked upon to transform the person (ourselves) into a higher state of consciousness. The more one learns about the names associated with the Astrological Signs the more one can learn about his own correction!

    The Tribe for this day of Nissan is Efraim connected to Tishrai

    The Nasi for Tishrai is Elishama Ben Ammihud

    Each name including the full name has Verses from the Tanach that speak to the person about their correction and also character and personality traits. Here are the verses for Elishama Ben Ammihud from the Tanach

    6. Each Nasi brought the same contribution for his sacrifice in honor of the dedication of the Mishkan. There is a custom and teaching about Torah. There is no extra letter in the Torah. So why does the Torah list the exact same contribution from each Nasi? It would be less letters to say it once only! The reason is that there is an important spiritual law about consciousness that can be learned from the following matrix. This matrix will also help one make a better connection to the control of the Astrological Signs to see the contribution read verse 13 to 17 above.

    One final point of action

    According to Kabbalistic sources , it is a proper custom to set aside thirteen coins for Tzedaka on Rosh Chodesh Nissan and all of the first 13 days of Nissan, as thirteen is the numerical value of the words "Echad" (one) and "Ahava" (love), signifying the great love that HaShem Echad has for His beloved children, Am Yisroel, and thus hopefully help bring the final Geulah and Mashiach Tzidkeinu this month. (Moed L'Kol Chai from Rav Chaim Pal'agi Zatzal 1:3 quoting Sefer Ma'aseh HaTzedaka Siman 64).

    These charity or Tzedaka amounts will impact your year in a very positive way. As it is taught in Kabbalah the actions we do on these days impact our Rosh Chodeshim for the months of the coming year. The more positive actions we do the more positive impact it will have within our coming year. The giving of 13 Nickels per day is $8.45. 845 is the gematria of תהמת which translates as "Deep Waters." This term refers to the study of Kabbalah and the depths / secrets of the Torah or The Kabbalah.

    By physically setting aside these amounts you connect to the energy of the gematria. Accumulate these amounts for the 13 days and send the total on the 14th day of Nissan. Then you connect both to the daily amounts gematria and the total amounts gematria.

    chanoch is adding the following:

    A penny has no value according to Kabbalah.

    13 Nickels is 65 the gematria of Adonai. אדני.

    13 Dimes is 130 the gematria of a ladder (Sulam) and Mt Sinai (The Gift of the Torah).

    13 Quarters is 325 which is 25 x 13 which is also the sum of the numbers from 1 to 25. 25 represents 5 x 5 or The 5 worlds within the 5 worlds.

    13 Half Dollars are $6.50 - see above for 65.

    13 Dollars connect to Love and unity as said above.

    What about multiples?

    2 x 13 is 26 the gematria of the Name of HaShem.

    3 x 13 is 39 the gematria of the Hebrew word DEW or Tal. The Prophets tell us that Mashiach will come connected to DEW.

    4 x 13 is 52 which is twice the Name of HaShem in gematria.

    5 x 13 is 65 - see above

    6 x 13 is 78 - which is the gematria of Lechem which is bread - referred to as the staff of life.

    7 x 13 is 91 representing the unity of the Names HaShem and Adonai. It represents the unity of the physical and spiritual worlds.

    If you would like to know about another multiple or the total amount you are gifting to tithing and Tzedaka send me an email requesting the information.

    Click the link below to go to the next day's reading which is the month of Cheshvan - on the evening of March 29 2023 and the day of March 30 2023

  • Introduction to the Minhag and Ritual for the Month of Cheshvan