Sefer Yetzirah Class No 18

Today we start Chapter No 3. A simple review to set the stage for the growth into Chapter 3.

Chapter 1 introduced the Sefirot and also the concept of letters. Chapter 2 built on the concept of letters into a stronger foundation of Mother, Doubles, and Elemental Letters. Chapter 3 will integrate the two concepts of Letters and Sefirot. Know that the idea of both Sefirot and Letters are metaphors. They are not physical even though they have a physical component. Just as we have a physical component, a spiritual component, and a mental component. The Sefirot and the letters have these same 3 levels or dimension or attributes.

Let's delve into the ideas of dimensions a bit. There is mind. There are emotions. There is a body. Can we take a body into our emotions? The answer is yes. Can we take both our emotions and our bodies into our minds? The answer is yes. Is this normal? What is normal? As human beings this is normal but it is not common.

Our Midrash describes Moshe going up the mountain and the cloud coming down and 1/2 of his body was in one dimension and 1/2 of his body was in the other dimension.

What do you receive from these words? What is your mental image of these words? Do you visualize a fog covering the head and chest with a clear picture of Moshe's body? Is that what is meant by 1/2 and 1/2? NO. IT IS A WRONG IMAGE!

The internal essence of Moshe (His soul) left his body. The physical construct of his body stayed on the mountain while the spiritual essence went somewhere else - or somewhen else. How long did it take? From a physical time perspective it took 40 days. From his physical body perspective - the body went into suspended animation and did not take time. His body did not need food or anything else. It did not urinate, defecate, or breathe. Where was it? Where when it?

We have the stories of Eliyahu Hanavi who goes up to heaven and down to earth all the time and many times each day. On earth he shape shifts into whatever is needed to be seen in our world. Sometimes he is a man; sometimes a woman; sometimes a child; sometimes poor; sometimes wealthy; sometimes a King; sometimes a Queen. He attends all Britot as a spiritual entity. Why do not people see him sit in the chair of Elijah?

We have the stories, or are they descriptions of the Baal Shem Tov and his students taking a wagon and traveling 1000 or more miles in an hour. This is called "the shortening of the way." The technique is known even today. You have even experienced it. Have you ever had a telephone conversation with a friend in a distant city or country. They said i was just thinking of you when you called. Or they said yesterday, i turned around and i saw you on the street as i was walking. I could have sworn it was your double. These are examples of "the shortening of the way at different levels." Do i need to explain this in more detail for you?

All of these stories and midrashim are expressing what the goal of the Sefer Yetzirah. The goal is for you to be able to move inter-dimensionally, at will and without limitations. Being able to take your physical body and move it into the dimension of emotions (Zeir Anpin) and/or into the dimension of Mind (Binah), and/or into the dimension of Spirit (Wisdom or Chochmah), and/or into the dimension of Kedusha (Holiness or Keter).

You have a body, and soul, and mind. They are all different dimensional realities. They are all different entities or consciousnesses. In different worlds or dimensions they are not able to meet because the physical laws of those dimensions do not allow the 3 components to meet. Yet in the physical world the physical laws allow the 3 to have the illusion of unity by having the body house the soul and both house the mind. In actuality that is an illusion. They are 3 different entities. Perhaps this concept will help you understand the concept of Angel Names as an Angel Name in our world is listing all of the component entities that come together as our physical laws allow that to happen.

It may even help you to understand the concept of name changes in our physical world. Since our names are descriptions of our essence and when parts of our soul have changed sufficiently that our name no longer fits our soul it is necessary to have a name change. This is an explanation for the idea of a woman changing her family name once she marries. And also the idea from the feminists of taking on 2 family names as that soul is unable to integrate into the new family completely. These two souls male and female are creating a new family entity.

The Sefer Yetzirah does not discuss eating or fasting or Kedushah (Holiness) or other attributes that impact our ability to enter different dimensions at will. My teacher indicated that this is very real and it is necessary to realize that extra pounds even fasting or not fasting will interfere in that process.

The third chapter will discuss the letters individually; yet it is important for you to realize that it is not the physical letters that are being discussed but all of the dimensions. Read the above again until it begins to penetrate through the Klipot, the blockages, that keep us limited.

Mishna 3:1


שלש אמות אמ"ש סוד גדול מופלא ומכוסה וחתום בשש טבעות, ומהם יוצא אש ומים ורוח ומתחלקין (נוסח אחר - ומהותל בהן) זכר ונקבה:


Shalosh Emot Emesh Sod Gadol Muphilah VeMechoSah VeChaTum BeShesh Tavuot Vemahem Yotzeh Esh Vemayiim Veruach VemataChalakin (Nusach Achar Vemahotal Bahen) Zachor Venukvah.


3 Mothers Aleph Mem Shin, a large and wondrous and concealed foundation, They are sealed with six rings or natures made from fire water wind or spirit and prayer and then are divided into male and female.

The 3 mothers are the mothers of all that is in existence.

The source of Din which means construct, rigid, form.

The source of Mercy which means NON-FORM.

The source of Rachamim which is the integration of form and non form.

What does this mean?

You tell me. You are the one experiencing this. Use this Mishna as a Mantra as you have been taught.

One point to consider is the teaching of modern science that physical matter exists only in potential until it is observed registered measured by a human observer. Then it can manifest into a form. How does observation manifest form?

In the physical world, there is fire, there is water, and there is wind or spirit. These are the source that gives birth to all forms above and below. Yet in addition to these it takes an outside observer to transform from a potential (a nebulous form) into a more exact form.

Handout for Mishna 3:1; 3:2; and 3:3


In psychological terms is said to be our conscious mind.

This is the level of consciousness referred to as "Spiritual” meaning Mental dimension.

This is truly the place where mind truly controls over matter, in all its forms and dimensional manifestations.

In Kabbalah this is frequently referred to as the root level.



In psychological terms this is said to be our heart - the seat of our emotions.

This is the level of consciousness referred to as “Astral” or emotional dimensions.

The descriptive terms used in Kabbalah as well as everyday language are the emotional power, libido, drive, passion that drives the conscious mind into the depths of the unconscious to explore and discover its inner potentials, to reveal them, tap into them and unleash them;

thus “earth” uses “air” to ascend to “fire.”



In psychological terms this is said to be the unconscious mind

This is not the physical world. It is the level of consciousness called the physical dimension or Malchut.

This level of consciousness is supported entirely by the processes that are unconscious and thus seemingly beyond human control...but do not be misled by appearances.

Look closely above - the three levels do not make traditional relationships clear. Let me explain. Earth is usually considered Malchut while water is Chesed. Also, what is the relationship between water and Chochmah? Continuing upward Sky is a higher level than Air. Da'at is not a Sefirah. Why are the 3 central column Sefirot included but not all of the Sefirot from the other areas? Heaven is not thought of as fire, while fire is usually thought of as Gehinom or Hell.

This is the idea of Keter or the seed level. It is potential prior to materialization. Thought comes to us. This first thought is potential. It must be formed into a more solid structure in order to be communicated to others.

Carl Jung teaches that a child is born with a complete personality. As the child grows the personality does not change but the personality becomes manifest in different forms and structures that cause the personality to appear different.

Life is the materialization or the manifestation of the potential pattern.

Shin is above; Mem is below; Aleph is in the middle. These are not letters. They are the potential for letters. How will they manifest. That is the meaning behind the metaphor in the Zohar that HaShem played with the letters for 2000 years. What does that mean? The letter is an energy. It is an energy in potential before it is an energy in manifestation. When it is in a state of manifestation it is in a structured form which is not as complete as the unstructured form we call potential. What gets limited? What gets formed? What gets left off? What gets more space than it truly needs? These questions need to be asked of all potentials as they manifest into the next lower level.

What is Water?

What is its structure? What form does it take? Why is it fluid?

Water is fluid so that it can take the form of whatever vessel it is put into. It has no form of its own. It seeks to expand to the limits of the vessel around it.

When water loses kinetic energy it becomes congealed and that form is called ice. Again it has no form of its own. From ice comes the physical world according to Kabbalah. This is not yet agreed to by science that sees each element as a separate part of the physical world. Sometimes completely separated and sometimes mixed into molecules that form other component compounds.

Why do you think that Kabbalah teaches that the physical world comes from ice which comes from water?

The answer is a verse from Tanach. The verse says God spoke to the ice and the earth came forth. I am paraphrasing the verse from Genesis.

Aleph can always be said to be Keter. Why? It starts the order of the Alephbet. Do not think in terms of letters but as potential energy. Aleph is the energy of unity. Ok, that means it begins with everything within it so it is the seed level. In Kabbalah a seed has within it all aspects of its potential. In the case of a Tree- In the seed we find the root, the trunk, the branches, the leaves, the flowers, and the fruit. All in the potential state.

Keter is also Da'at; which is also Tiferet; which is also Yesod. This is how the Kabbalists answer the criticism that there is only 1 God so how do you have 10 GodLike Sefirot?

To one side of the Aleph or Keter is the Mem or unconscious mind. To the other side is fire which corresponds to the Shin and the conscious mind.

Water and the Mem comes froth from Chochmah. Is not Chochma higher than Binah? Yes, so why does the Mem correlate to the earth and not to a higher level?

The answer is simple yet easily misunderstood. Our physical world exists in the form it is in due to a force that comes from the higher level. The highest level that is still vessel is Chochmah so that is why we relate the Mem to the earth and to Chochmah at the same time. Our universe can be in a different form each instant. How would we know? Our memories can be changed in that instant. No, don't tell me that the akashick records are always the same. You are not understanding the message here.

We do not control the physical world without connecting to Chochmah. Chochmah is higher and thus can be revealed lower. A seeming paradox that leads to control of the physical world.

There is a great secret that is revealed in a metaphorical way by the ARI when he discusses the 8 Kings of Edom that appear before there is a King in Israel. This is discussed in great detail by the ARI but always metaphorically. The higher Lights are said to come forth from the mouth wihch is lower than the eyes within the human head. This is thereby teaching that the path to our unconscious is through the breath. That is why breathing is so important in meditation. That is why it is so important to relearn how to breathe like a baby from the mid point between the Navel and the sex organ. This level is called the source of Chi in Chinese medicine. Practice deep breathing which is our path to our unconscious mind.

Shin represents the power of mind. This is the level of Elohim.

What are the 6 levels of nature?

Read the description of the emotion level.

What must be our path? Through breathing and through passion and emotions ascend to the level of the unconscious to effect change at the root level or even to rise to the seed level to effect changes at the level of the letters.

Descend within to rise to our essence and effect change. This is the workings of the Chariot.

Chapter 2 gives us techniques like sounds of the letters, head movements, breathing patterns, etc. These are techniques. Where are the techniques taking us? We do these techniques to unify our bodies and minds. We must have a perception of the path. Where are we going? We are going down into the chariot which is us in order to work the mechanics or techniques and improve the performance of our conscious mind to expand into our unconscious mind and make our conscious mind larger and more effective. And at the same time connect our emotive skills to our unconscious mind so that our intuition works more effectively. This is what makes us righteous meaning doing the right thing. right meaning sharing.

Are you thinking about the idea of male and female? Do you want to reach these higher levels? How strong is your libido? Your passion? Your desire?

Practice makes perfect.

Mishna 3:2


ושלש אמות אמ"ש בעולם, רו"ח ומי"ם וא"ש, ומהם נולדו אבות שמהם נברא הכל:


VeShalosh Emot Aleph Mem Shin BeOlam Ruach VeMayim VeAish Umahem Nulado Avot Shemahem Navarah Hacol.


And 3 Mothers Emesh in our worlds - spirit and water and fire ; what are they? They bring forth his fathers; From them, is what creates everything.

The 3 mothers are passion or libido; conscious mind; and unconscious mind.

Look at the world. All of our technology comes forth from a curiosity and a creativity. ALL POWERED BY EMOTION, BY LIBIDO, BY DESIRE OF MALE for FEMALE and FEMALE FOR MALE.

Air conditioning comes from someone with the drive to make it happen. Why we have light at night in our home is because someone had the drive to make it happen.

Technological development is part of the global Tikune.

This Mishna 3:2 corresponds to the spiritual realm. So it is similar to the first Mishna and yet different.

The spiritual realm is the astral plane. Ruach is passion. Mayim is non construct form. Aish is the construct form.

Start where? Mayim then go through Ruach to get to the Aish. Once in the Aish go back through the Ruach to get to Mayim.

The 3 mothers give forth to the 3 fathers. They are Michael, Gavriel, Uriel and Rachmiel. There is a very deep secret here.

How our physical world was created? With the 42 letter name.

And next week we will continue this deeper understanding from Chapter 3 and Mishna 3 and 4 and 5.

Never become confused by the physical representation of how the letters look. Even though i spend a lot of time on the shape of the letters as metaphors in the Hebrew letter class. In this discussion do not become confused by shapes. They do not belong here.