Sefer Yetzirah Class No 21

In our last class we gave you a meditative tool dealing with personality. Actually i mentioned the word personality in passing. Tonight we will take a long look at what this actually means. It is a very important lesson.

As we have discussed and reviewed Chapter 1 of the Sepher Yetzirah deals with the Sephirot. Chapter 2 deals with the letters. Chapter 3 which is what we are dealing with balances the two. Personality is that balance. Lets understand this as it deals with the Sephirot.

Each Sephirah has a Biblical personality connected to it. Each of these personalities go through a correction that goes against there perceived nature. Abraham must kill his son whom he loves. His nature is love. Thereby going against his nature. Isaac must accept being killed by his father when his nature is judgment. On its surface the decree appears unfair thereby Isaac goes against his judgment. Joseph's nature is to be sharing and being unlimited. His life is finding himself in limited circumstances. The pit, slavery in Egypt, jail in Egypt etc. Essentially going against his nature. This is true of Jacob, Moshe, and Aaron as well. As soon as the personality shows his balance, shows his acceptance of going against his nature he becomes a chariot for that particular Sephirah. How does that impact our meditative tools? Lets see below.

Now lets remember the Mother letters and what they relate to. The Mem relates to water, to the right column. The Shn relates to fire, to the left column. And the Aleph relates to air, to the Central column. How does that relate to the personalities?

Lets look at a story in the Talmud. It is about Chanina Ben Dosa. He was a very poor man who was also a Sage who knew how to use these tools i have been teaching you. The townspeople came to him with a problem. There was a snake living near the town which was biting and killing people. They asked Chanina to remove the snake, they showed him the hole that the snake lived within. Chanina put his foot in the hole and the snake bit him. And he died. Not Chanina but the snake. Chanina took this huge snake into town and said to the people it is not the snake that kills but the sin. What does this teach us about the tools? It is consciousness that affects everything.

When you permute the letters of a word, you are changing the consciousness of the word and the consciousness of yourself. Unless you have learned to focus your consciousness.

Aleph represents Tiferet - also heart - also emotions - also balance.

Mem represents Chochma - unconscious - intuition - right column - desire to share

Shin represents Binah - conciousness - intellect - left column - desire to receive

Emotions, Intuition, Intellect represent different types of personality traits.

The order of the letters relate to the order of domination.

The letter that is predominant in the individual defines the "type" of soul and thus the world outlook.

All traits must be fluid and stable, at the same time.

One must be able to embrace them all equally.

One must be able to flow from one to the other with free equal and easy access.

Meditative Tool

אּ מ ש

Shi Mi Ah

א ש מ

Mi Shi Ah

מ א ש

Shi Ah Mi

מ ש א

Ah Shi Mi

ש א מ

Mi Ah Shi

ש מ א

Ah Mi Shi

When you say these letters you need to inject the power of the Tetragramaton. When you utilize the vowels they also relate to the columns, the Sephirot, and the Letters also.Follow my example with the following:


Patach vowel sound is AH; Keter, or central column.

Seri vowel sound is AA; Binah, or left column.

Cholam vowel sound is Oh; Tiferet, or central column.

vowel sound is Ee; Netzach or right column.

vowel sound is oo; Hod, Yesod or right column.


The operating principle is Abracadabra. I create what i speak.

The sound of the letters must be chanted.

The purpose of the Amesh permutations alone enables one to experiment with his own personality and search for balance.

When combined with the Tetragramaton, the inner potentials are activated and made much stronger.

There are 3 realms of reality: Shana Olam and Nefesh; Space; Time; and Spirituality; and you also need male and female active and passive; They are concealed in Chochma your unconscious mind.

There is a big difference between city and country meditation experiences. This is also active and passive.

Prior to they coming to the conscious mind you need to have carving and engraving as the Sefer Yitzirah says over and over.

The consciousness of the sound must be mixed with the consciousness of the Sephira, and also with the consciousness of the letter and the vowel.

Want to win the lottery? The above rules need to be implemented when you buy the ticket or when they pick the numbers? you decide.

An amazing secret that must be practiced to be able to be utilized.

During the Birth Pangs of Mashiach (see below ). Things will change radically and rapidly and it will be very difficult for people to adapt. Yet for the Mekubalim and the students of Kabbalah who learn this meditative technique, there will be an easy process. This is the duality that the prophets speak about. The difference is the Mekubalim will be able to enter their meditative process at a moments notice and ride out the storm of change, either through being on top of the wave or being under the wave or being within the wave. Their practiced consciousness will take them tot he right place. This is the definition of a righteous person. He always does the right thing. Understand this well. It is not that he makes sound investments but he can give up his attachment to the material things. It is not that he is always healthy but he can learn the spiritual reason for his illness and change that by doing Teshuvah. There are many other techniques taught by the tools of Kabbalah. They will come to the student of Kabbalah when they are needed in his mind because he practices his meditation techniques. I hope you will listen and learn.

אי אה או אה יא הא וא הא

HayAh WaAh HayAh YoAh AhHay AhWa AhHay AhYo

מי מה מו מה ים הם ום הם

HayMay WaMay HayMay YoMay MayHay MayWa MayHay MayYo

שי שה שו שה יש הש וש הש

HayShi WaShi HayShi YoShi ShiHay ShiWa ShiHay ShiYo

Then repeat with the letters permuted.

From these come forth 9 creations










What do these words mean to creations within your life.

These meditations will elevate your consciousness.

Rabbi Abraham Azulai writes in Chesed Avraham

Some of this was discussed above but there is much more and i felt it was too much to give you at the same time.

Birth Pangs of Mashiach is more than a period of time with political, social and/or economic upheaval.

Every single fabric on earth will change.

Ecology will change; magnetic field will change; continents will change location; each day will bring more and greater changes. You will need to be a Mekubal to withstand this only because your intuition will tell you how to respond NOT REACT.