Sefer Yetzirah Class No 31

This class will complete chapter 5. According to my teacher the Ramak version is clearly the best version to explain the spiritual system and that is what we will be doing. In modern science there is discussion of parallel universes and mult dimensions and other attempts to explain the worlds of creation with words and mathemathics. Unfortunately, modern physicists have run out of words that adequately describe what happens in our creation and our creative process.

Mishna 5.6 and 5.7

(ו) שלש אמות שבע כפולות י"ב פשוטות, אלו כ"ב אותיות שבהם יסד י"ה יהו"ה צבאו"ת אלהים חיים אלהי ישראל אל שדי רם ונשא שוכן עד מרום וקדוש שמו:

(ז) עדים נאמנים שלשה הם, וכל אחד ואחד לבדו עומד, ומעידין על האל כי הוא אחד ואין לו שני. ואלו הן, עול"ם שנ"ה נפ"ש:


Shalosh Emot Shevah Cefulot Yood bet Peshutot ehlu Caf Bet Otiyot Shebahem Yesod Yah Hashem Tzvaot elohim Chayim elahi Israel el shadai Ram Venesha Shocayn Ad Marom VeKadosh Shemo. Adim Nemanim Shelosha Haim vekal Echad VeEchad Levado Omed vemoadin All Hael Ki Hu Echad Veain lo Shenai Veelo hain Olam shanah Nefesh.


3 Mothers, 7 Doubles, 12 Elementals, 22 Letters or signs. which relate to the secret of the Names Ya Hashem Tzvaot, Elohim, Living God of Israel, El Shadai, elevate and carry to dwell as witness to the Heavens of His Holy Names.

three which Trustworthy witnesses, and all one within one to say or proclaim unique statments about Hashem, since he is one and nothing without a second to him. and they relate to Worlds Years and Souls or Place, Time, and Conscsiousness.

We will finish chapter 5 today.

There are three forms of Kabbalah that have been taught over the centuries. There is the Secrets of forbidden union or incest. There is the Merkava Beraishit which is the chariot of the Creation. And there is the Merkava Secrets, which is the Secrets of the Chariot.

Over the centuries these three schools had experts who did not learn from the other schools.

Study of Laws of Natural and Supernatural science. is the Merkava Beraishit. Actually there is no such thing as the supra natural it is all natural just different dimensions or worlds.

Forbidden Unions is actually the study of the Sephirot and how they interact.

The study of the Merkavah is the teaching of how to get closer to God.

The Sefer Yetzirah is actually a study of all three schools.

We have learned that sound is the tool of creation. So what sound did we hear at Mt Sinai? The Rambam says we heard a single monotone sound that penetrated the peoples minds and consciousness. He also says that they heard inside their heads the sound broken and separated into words.

We are in exile which means that prophecy is closed but we can still reach that level of consciousness.

These last two Mishnayot is dealing with consciousness as a science. It is not newtonian quantum physics. It is not quantum physics as presently taught. It is a different level of physics that deals with consciousness. That is what we will introduce today.

The road to connection is not an empty highway. We live in a very crowded multiverse. The membranes of our universes have many doorways and highways and gates. Do not ask how will you recognize these things. YOU WILL KNOW!

There are 10 Names mentioned in Mishna 5.6. These are the same Names spoken about in Chapter 1. These Names refer to the 10 Sephirot. Sephirot are the fundamental forces through which the universal mind operates to accomplish its goals. At least that is the definition from my teacher.

The Sephirot are the universal spiritual laws that operate the Multiverse.

three Mother Letters create the 3 columns. The 7 doubles create the lower sepherot. the 12 elementals are the 12 diagonals that are related to going into a sephirah and going out from the sephirah. 6 in and 6 out make up 12.

Each letter has 3 forms, the written form, the sound form and the mental form. These correspond to the physical world the astral or spiritual world and the mental or consciousness form.

the mind is the spirit or the essence to all three levels. The physical shapes has hints to spiritual laws. Start with concrete or written form, and then contemplate sound and then ultimately reach inside to the consciousness where we visualize the letter and the sound and reach the abstract level having started in the concrete level.

here is a metaphor to travel from NY to LA. you can take 20 different routes. which is the correct path? it does not matter. It does not matter what order you utilize the letters etc as we have discussed.

The story of the man pointing to the moon to teach a lesson goes here. This is what Torah study should be. It entails developing your own codes. It entails doing your own letter substitutions. It entails choosing your own verses that relate to you or your name or resonate with you.

When one follows the path of the Sefer Yetzirah. One will find a level of the letters that is related to consciousness. another complete level.

review what is said about the 3 schools of Kabbalah. Laws of forbidden union can only be taught to 2 or 3 students at a time. Masei Beraishit can only be taught one on one. Masei Merkavah can only be taught to one who already knows from his own wisdom.

Forbidden Unions is the school of Kabbalah that teaches philosopophy. This is the majority of students and places to go. Masei Beraisit is the methods being taught in a few places of how to utilize the letters in your personal growth and Mussar. Maasei Merkavah teaches you where to go once you have crossed over. That is why it can only be taught to one who knows from his own wisdom.

In this area we are limited in what we can teach since It is your own individual path.

The desire of the Creator is for us to travel "out there" to combine the physical with the spiritual and ultimately to the Divine. The Creator wants us to strengthen our connection to our intuiitive so that we always do the right thing.

We are trying to be Devukut or bind ourselves to the universal mind. It is Mitzvah no 4. It is truly important. what is so confusing is that there are so many schools teaching the philosophical and not the practical and therefore the students never learn to bind themselves with Hashem.

As we all know the idea is to correct the universe. We do this by elevating sparks and the way we do that is by performing a good deed with others. The universe is set up to elevate these sparks by Angels and other mechanical actions of the spiritual laws. The highest plan is to elevate these sparks ourselves. That is what Devukut is all about.

Now we are going to see the correspondeces between the Names and the sepherot.

Elohim Chayim is a Name related to Keter.

Elohai Israel is a Name related to Chochma

El Shadai is a Name related to Binah

Ram VeNaso Gedolah are Names related to Chesed and Gevurah

Shochen Ad are Names related to Tiferet and Yesod

Marom VeKadosh are Names related to Netzach and Hod

Shemo is a Name related to Malchut

The Ramak is saying He is ONe and there is no Second. We always need to relate to the underlying unity of all things. The three witnesses are Time Space and Consciousness. These three are always recording everything that exists and is processed.

We have learned a system of how to bind ourselves to Hashem. We have learned this process and it is a mechanical process. If you do this process properly it will work. If you miss a step or try to rush it or do things out of order it does not work. NOW Go and practice.

Next Week we will start to go over Chapter Six. It is truly the fun and interesting information. See you next Monday.