Sefer Yetzirah Class No 32

Chapter 6

Introduction to Chapter 6

We will be discussing many different subjects dealing with what one may experience while in meditations based on the techniques i have taught you up to now.

One important point that most students, even experienced meditators do not understand. Ezekial points the path to us. He says we must go through three Klipot in order to hear the "Still Small Voice of Hashem". The Kabbalists have given names to these Klipot. They are the Storm, the cloud, and the Flashing Fire.

They tell us that the Storm is learning to control our Minds.

The cloud is when the mind senses nothingness. My teacher who spent 10 years resisting the cult called Transendental Meditation, is very clear. TA forms of meditation never get above Nothingness. Not because they can't. Because they think that is the goal. They think they have reached the top and do not push through.

Flashes of Fire is the feeling of inadequacy. Unworthiness, and other forms of fear.

If you do not experience this keep trying because the goal is higher than these levels of Klipot.

Another aspect of the Klipot that interferes in your reaching the highest you can reach is statments like "God is Love" and the like. God is Love and much more. Do not limit God but know he is more than one attribute. I say "God is sharing". This is a limitation on God because he is much more". Do not get limited by these forms of Klipot as they will interfere in your consciousness especially while meditating.

Another Klipot is "I am so relaxed and mellow or other forms of emotional euphoria". In our meditations we will need to transcend our emotions. Not rise above them but transcend them. take them out to their farthest borders.

A verse in Psalms says "Place Hashem before Me always". The Hebrew word being translated as place actually means balance. Balance all of the attributres of Hashem - Have them in mind - balance them before yourself always.

My teacher describes the mindset of meditation as being humble and humble means feeling no pain fear or joy from personal accomplishment.

Now we can start Chpter 6

Mishna 6.1

שלשה אבות ותולדותיהם, ושבעה כובשין וצבאותיהן, וי"ב גבולי אלכסונין. וראיה לדבר עדים נאמנים עולם שנה נפש:


Shalosh Avot VeToldot Hahem, VeSheva Cavashin Vetzavaot Yahen, VeYood Bet Gadol ElKisonin. VeReAYah Ledabar Adim NeEhManim Olam Shanah Nefesh.


These are the Three Mothers Alef Mem Shin. And from them emanated Three Fathers and their descendants, and they are air, water, and fire, and from the Fathers, Three Fathers and their descendents. And seven planets and their hosts, and twelve diagonal boundaries. A proof of this true witnesses in the Universe, Year, Soul and a rule of twelve and seven and three: He set them in the Teli, the Cycle, and the heart.

Another Translation

The 3 fathers and their descendants. The 7 conquers and their armies. The 12 diagonal boundaries. Proof of this matter are the faithful witnesses are Space Time and Consciousness.

We are talking about other realities that come from these letters.

Chapter 6 introduces us to the Teli.

Most commentators translate Teli as "The Milky Way". The Zohar teaches us that "the Milky Way" is the Home of the negative system.

My teacher indicates that the Teli is not the Milky Way but the lowest level of Angels. The Kings of the physical world of Assiya (The world of actions). He says another Name for them is in the Book of Daniel where they are referred to as the Yirim or "The Watchers".

Lets look at this Name Teli as we have been taught to do by the Sefer Yetzira.

ת ל י

quiver, hanger, loop, "my mound"; "my hill"; "my knoll"

ת י ל

wire; "to be wired in modern language"; "to wire"

ל ת י

ל י ת

(Aramaic) "there is not"

י ת ל

"mock"; "to deride"

י ל ת

Gematria of Teli is 440. 440 is 44 x 10. 10 connects to the 10 Sephira and represents a complete structure. 44 is the gematria of the word Dam which means blood. The life force is in the Blood. So the Life Force is in the Teli as a perfect structure.

44 is the gematria or father + mother. the Teli act as our parents, using the frame of judgment.

44 is the gematria of Geula which means exile and banishment. The Teli were banished according to the midrash around the actions of the Snake in the Garden of Eden.

What or who are the Teli?

There is a midrash that says prior to the sin the potential existed for each human being to have two servants. After the sin the energy of these two became internal and we call them the good inclination and the evil inclination. They were not supposed to be internal. They were to give us advise. They were looking like the humanoid reptile/snakes that was described in Genesis when discussing the Sin.

When meditating you will meet them. then you will know them and what they look like.

Do not make the mistakes that the philosophers have made.

From the mothers come forth a large number of races of higher intelligent beings which serve as messengers. There are multiple different types of Angels. These are all races of Mercy. The beriatic plane is the realm of mind.

There are physical beings who live in a physical world. any problem imaging this?

How about beings who live in an emotional world and are dominated by emotions? Any problem with that ?

How about imagining a group of beings living solely in the frame of mind? Can you image this ? This world has totally different psychics and different natural laws. These entities are true thought and mind. These entities can form thier thooughts to be able to control emotions and actions.

this only works for them when they receive the energy called permission.

3 Fathers are messengers and are metaphors. Neshamot of our higher self. This is how we come into contact with Moshe Avraham Eliyahu. Do not think that this happens easily. if you meet these entities in a few months or even a few years of meditations you are meeting demonic deception.

Who are the Armies. They serve the higher entities. They are giving and sharing. these are Beriatic revelations. They are very rare revelations.

The conquerors are the messengers of the Yetziratic messengers when balanced in emotions. These channel the flow and my teacher calls them the civil service. They are beaurocrats.

There is another level which controls our physical universe. there are different names and sources for these messengers. They take direction from above and make sure the physical follows the plan of God. they are called Faithful Witnesses.

Is technology a faithfiul witness? As long as it is external to us - a tool it can not be a faithful witness because it is a mechanical process. When it becomes internal, when we know how to manifest Mind Over Matter as a technology than the technology can become a faithful witness.

The Prophets say this is the message and strength of Mashiach.

Lets ask a question. In the constellation of Aquarius. Do these stars communicate with each other? Only at the level of brainwaves. that is why they put infulence upon our minds and actions.

How can we communicate between dimensions and worlds. Only through mental process enclosed in a body associated with the level we are interacting within.