Sefer Yetzirah Class No 33

Lets Discuss some History First

The Sefer Yetzirah has come to be associated with the School of Kabbalah known as Maashit Berashit and not the way i have been teaching it to you. I was taught this Sefer as a tool of Maashit Merkava. Beraishit means Creation while Merkava means Chariot. As we have mentioned before these are two schools of Kabbalistic teachings. There is a very fine line that describes the difference. If you define the Chariot as learning to travel through other dimensions etc that confuses the Creation description as to truly learn the psychic relationship within the Creation school we also need to travel through these dimensions. So the difference between the schools is a very fine line.

Last week and this week we said "You will have a personal experience with Angels" when you travel through other dimensions using these meditative techniques taught in the Sefer Yetzirah. The school of Creation speaks about Angels theoretically. There is a significant difference between these two approaches. When one discusses Angels theoretically one can use logic to arrive at a point that the Church Fathers used to teach that the Man from Nazereth was God. When you have a personal experience of the Creator or of an Angel you can never arrive at this confusion.

Let me express this clearly. The Book of Naviim does not follow chronilogically, the order that is placed actually deals with spiritual levels. The Book of Daniel is considered part of the Writings. Daniel is not considered a Navi - a Prophet. Zachariah who lived at the same time in Israel that Daniel lived in Babylon. They both spoke with and interacted with Angels. The other Naviim described Angels but never interacted with them. Why is that? It is dealing with spiritual levels. The reason i am speaking about this is for you all to realize that you will interact with Angels only because we in our generation are spiritually lower than all the previous generations. We need to learn to rise above these interactions as the Higher Naviim were able to do. This is one of the things that so many of the Earth Bound Spirits fool so many modern people about. The new age wisdom has no clue about this truth.

Mishna 6.2

(ב) חיצה את העדים, חק עשרה שלשה ושבעה וי"ב מזלות ופקידין בתל"י גלג"ל ול"ב:


Chatzi Et HaAdim, Chak Ashirah Shalosh VeShevah VeYood Bet Mazalot VePekidin BeTali, Gilgal VeLev.


Partition the witnesses, Partition a tithe for three and 7 and 12 astrological signs and their numbers, with the Tali, Gilgal and a Heart.

Another Meaning

This is describing the flow through the dimensions, gates, worlds and other aspects of creation.

Mishna 6.3

שלשה אש ומים ורוח, אש למעלה ומים למטה ורוח בנתיים, וסימן לדבר שהאש נושאה את המים:


Shalosh esh VeMayim VeRuach, Esh LamaAlah VeMayim Lamata Veruach Banataim, Vesiman Ledaber SheHaEsh NosheAh Et Hamayim.


Three Mothers: Alef Mem Shin. Air, water, and fire. Fire is above, water is below, and air of Breath is the rule that decides between them. And a sign of this thing is that fire supports water. Mem hums, Shin hisses, and Alef is the breath of air that decides between them.

discuss levels of consciousness and how to they relate to each other

discuss Angel Metatron and Sandalphon

Discuss Angels Saraphim, Chayot, and Gilgalim from other locations

Discuss Prophecy vs Ruach Hakodesh

False Ruach HaKodesh - explain