Sefer Yetzirah Class No 35

What can you expect when you make contact?

Last week i told you would meet entities. This week we are discussing what to expect when contact is made.

My teacher has a criticism of other teachers of the Sefer Yetzirah. They teach the SY as just another Kabbalah Book. They teach it from the perspective of philosophy, or religion, or culture, or politics. But never from the frame of personal experience. They do not tell their students what to expect.

Here are some personal experiences taken from stories my teacher told me and stories i have heard from my students.

My Teacher was living by himself in the woods out in Iowa. He studied the Ancient Writings and had all of the procedures to make contact down pat. He knew that if he did not do it correctly the writings said he could die. He was willing to chance that for his own reasons. (Needless to say if we do it wrong we will not die.) During the all night study of Shavuot he went through those procedures as it relates to the 72 Triad Names of God. He completed the process. All 25 sounds for each letter of each Name in association with the Tetragrammaton. He then waited for his vision or something similar to the vision written in Ezekiel or another vision he had read in other writings. And he waited and nothing happened. The next day he did the same thing. And again he waited and ......nothing happened. He was devastated. Was he not on the level to merit this revelation of the Creator? He went through an extensive soul searching and tried again and nothing happened. Until one day BC Before computers, doing his Netz Prayers, he felt an overwhelming urge to write. he started to sit at his desk with a blank piece of paper and then his right arm started to write note after note after note. Then he rewrote the notes. This same thing happened 21 days in a row and eventually he published this in his book which is now out of print. There are parts of this initial communication in his current writings and books.

The point is he expected something and it was not what happened. And this will also be true for you.

One of my students described a vision that his friend had. She was observing the watchers. They were not aware of her observation. She described the dragons to my student and neither knew what they were. She wanted to duplicate her travel and meet them. I dissuaded my friend and he dissuaded his friend. Can you think why i made that suggestion?

A friend told me this story before i became a teacher. One of his friends went astral traveling and found a place with one man dressed in very old clothes. The man waived her off repeatedly. She wanted to go back but was not able to. Then she saw a picture of the sight and the man. It turned out to be the location of the Ari synagogue in Tzfat.

What can we learn from these stories?

Step 1 is to make contact and making contact is a big deal. Movement in psychic space is dangerous just like going to a body building gym and you start to use machines that you do not know how to use. You are going to hurt yourself because you do not know what you are doing.

First it takes merit to make contact and according to my teacher the merit is based on desire. Second if you don't know where you are going it is ok but it can be dangerous. Third it is important to have a teacher who teaches you what to expect. Always remember it is your experience of the Creator that you must fulfill.

The 4th positive Mitzvah is to Histradut which means to "Cleave" to God. This is the method to do so. We must experience these levels of this Creation to Cleave to HaShem, according to my teacher.

Eventually we all (every human being) will learn to make contact. Making contact without the proper preparation is dangerous and will create Klipot for that person to deal with in a later lifetime if not in this lifetime. This applies to the Children of Israel or to the Children of Noach. We are expected by the Creator to learn to tour his creation - All of his creation.

Mishna 6.5

גם כל חפץ זה לעומת זה ברא האלהים, טוב לעומת רע. טוב מטוב, רע מרע. טוב מבחין את הרע, ורע מבחין את הטוב. טוב גנוז לצדיקים ורע לרשעים:


Gam Kol Chafetz Zeh Leomot Zeh Barah HaElohim, Tov Lomot Rah. Tov MeTov, Rah MeRah, Tov Mevachin Et HaRah, VeRAh Mevachin.


Also to every desire this corresponding to that did God create. Good from Good Bad from Bad the Good refines the Bad and the Bad refines the Good the good is concealed away for the Righteous and Evil for the wicked.

Let's define good and bad or evil. We exist in a universe of duality. Our souls are far from God. Even a relative movement towards the unity of HaShem is called Good. even a relative movement away from that unity of HaShem is called Evil or bad. This is true where ever in the Creation we travel. There is no morality to this discussion. It is a definition. Movement in one direction - towards God is good Movement away from God is not good.

The tools of Kabbalah and the tools of the Sefer Yetzirah is a technology. Technology has no morality except what the user puts to it. the technology can be used for evil - to draw you away from HaShem and the technology can be used for good to draw you closer to HaShem.

All of the universes that we have permission to visit will have some good and some evil and it is always a relative amount. The Ramack says that we are now discussing the outside forces (evil). They were created by god with intent. The evil system serves a role in the Creation. They are above the world of Angels outside the palaces.

Last week we discussed Serafim, Chayot and Ofanim. Now we are going to discuss the other aspects created by HaShem. Evil Angels, Malacha Habalah Angels of Destruction. An Angel is a life force entity in the service of HaShem. We are not talking about Demons yet . we are talking of Dark Angels. Fundamentalist Christianity has distorted the system and created wrong perceptions in any western society influence upon us. Know this is true. Even the Yirim in Daniel the watchers are a mixture of good and evil and it is relative to the person who is interacting with them. Remember everything that comes into your life is your mirror reflecting back to you what is within you. This is true of the stories above and traveling in other dimensions.

How do we understand good and evil because when you make contact with what is within you. It will reflect your own internal balance. they may not be good as the Mishna says good refines bad as well as bad refines good.

The question you will have to answer for yourself . is what you envision true reality or a projection from your internal essence. Ramak says these entities are a projection of us. This is true with respect to the bodies that we see but is it true of the entities inner essence?

My teacher gave an example of himself meeting a dark angel and being afraid and running away. and another example when he walked up to the entity and introduced himself and had a conversation with the dark angel which was very short. the dark angel disappeared and he was left with a vision of light. What was being tested was his fear. What is being tested was could he overcome his fear or was he still being reactive? This is why we must realize that even dark angels have a purpose in Creation and so were created by the same essence that created you....HaShem.

In the words of my teacher evil is a test that is meant to distract you. You are living in this world to learn to not be distracted. the tests are tools of the Sefer Yetzira used in a meditation and the result will be revealed to you after you pass all of the tests.

Reward and Punishment - We are composed of multiple entities who are merged together in this form of a human being. Life is to expand our consciousness while we ignore the distractions. All life is an illusion in the physical world and there is also illusion in the other dimensions. Using the Matrix movie metaphor take the pill to wake up from the illusion. That is the tools of the Sefer Yetzirah as taught in this class.

Tzadikim are considered a higher level than a Rasha. the only way we rise above Angels is to go use the tools of the Tzadikim.

Where does the Serafim, Chayot, and Ofanim Angels come from? They are parts of us that have already corrected. They are presently our higher selves and eventually we will rise above them and then integrate with them as the Creator expects and we will choose to return to the Endless but only after we correct all aspects of all of us. The Serafim Chayot and Ofanim of us (our higher selves) still have aspects of evil that need correcting. So they send that help to us and that is why we do what we do. Remember the paradox there is free choice and there is no free choice. The only free choice is to stop our reactions or continue to be the effect of our reaction to something making us the effect of that something.

Good is concealed for the Righteous. Our whole existence is that of a lab rat. My job is to distinguish between good and evil. The doing of the going out and returning back in is a method to wake up the ability to distinguish between good and evil. If you could see the result of all of the potential effects of an action you could know if that action is good or evil. Sometimes the process will go through evil to become good. remember what the Mishna says Good refines evil and evil refines good. Do you understand the term refine? Through your experiences of going out you can learn what is the true definition of refinement. God says he will refine us like silver and purify us like gold or is it the other way around?

The Emek Hamelech says the yetzirah plane is heavens. Ruach is the level of passion and emotions. Motivation is what transforms thoughts into action. This is the understanding of the relationship between the 3 levels of worlds Beria - Mind; Yetzirah - emotions; and Assiya - action. These as we know relate to Neshama - Ruach - Nefesh. We are teaching today about Ruach.

In Yetzirah everything is 50 50 between good and evil. Garden of Eden was originally in Yetzirah. Adam had a body of light. Metronon are the souls that left Adam before the sin. The mind when it comes into the emotions can either be good or evil. In spirituality closeness is affinity of form.

When Adam partook of the passion of the level of Yetzirah without the psychic intuitive level to support it - there was a separation and that became evil and that is the Metaphor of the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil.

Adam's body of light is transformed by the sin into a body of skins. This is the effect of the sin. The meaning of this according to my teacher is IF you do not know why you do these meditations of the Sefer Yetzirah you will not know where you are going and you can end up in places you don't belong. Remember the idea of a longer path to the Endless world or a shorter path. the shorter path only happens when you know why you are doing these meditations. If your why is selfish then you will meet yourself as selfish. If your why is sharing than you will meet yourself as sharing (baring the appropriate test). So what is sharing? It is the knowledge of Nachat. giving pleasure to the Creator by receiving the pleasure He created for you. The only reason you receive this pleasure is because He receives pleasure by you enjoying His created pleasure that belongs to you and you alone. that is true sharing and anything less will entail tests and punishments to allow us to reach this goal. These tests and punishments can be avoided by knowing where you come from a putrid drop of sperm and where are you going. Returning to the Endless to share pleasure with the Creator.

We need to realize that the goal of these meditations is to learn how to manifest our words or in modern vernacular Mind Over Matter. Read the Book of Kings the Prophet Eliyahu brought rain. Not by pleading to God to bring rain but by creating rain using the word Geshem (Hebrew for rain) along with the power in the Tetragrammaton Name to manifest rain out of thin air without a cloud in the sky. Only by going out and coming in are we able to learn how to do this. Only by the cleansing we go through by meeting ourselves in this process can we have the merit to achieve this. THIS IS THE GOAL. This is the ultimate purpose of the creation of the physical world. And that is why ADAM did not have free choice in eating from the Tree of Knowledge good and evil (a metaphor).

The Names used by Matot are also used by Samach Mem. Satan. What is the difference? INTENTION. Do you control your thoughts which are your intention? How do you learn to control your INTENTIONS? going out and coming in having been cleansed by the process.

I do not always remember my meditation experiences. This past Shabbat i went out and came back and when i came back i was in a state of lack of body control. Everything was shaking like i was shivering from cold and the room was warm. I felt scared till i stopped that reaction. Everything that happens is for the good was a thought i used to still my fear. After i regained control of my body (by the way this does happen to me quite often) i received a thought that i am not yet at liberty to share with anyone. That is how i knew i passed the test this time and i know there will be more tests because i am not yet cleansed completely. How do i know? I still exist in this body! I still live yet even if i experience something that takes my life i know i will return. There is nothing to fear but fear itself in the words of President Roosevelt. go out you will return to us. Practice more and practice again. There is nothing to fear.

We will discuss this further next week.