Sefer Yetzirah Class No 36

What is Reality?

Reality is what you expect it to be. This comes from the Shroedinger Theorem that indicates that without consciousness reality exists in a state of potential and only solifyis into reality with the interaction of a human consciousness. This is what Genesis Chapter 1 and the Midrtash teach that God created on the first 5 days but there was no movement no action no reality until the sixth day when man and consciousness was created and then the rain started to fall etc.

That is why when documenting over 30,000 near death experiences there is a strong correlation between what is seen and what religion the person professes. Moslem see Muhammed. Christians see the Man from Nazereth. Buddists see Buddha. Hindus see many diffferent God's and Goddesses. Athiests see people they admire. Jews see Moshe or Eliyahu Hanavi or other well known Jewish Sages and Prophets. Why don't they see God? because who is able to visualize God?

How do i change reality?

if you expect to see something different YOU are capable of shifting and changing the entire fabric of space time. How is that done exactly? You deconstruct the mind as it exists into its basic building blocks and then reconstruct it back to a changed mind which is a changed person who has different expectations of what they will see. How does one do this?

That is done with the letter meditations taught in chapters 2 to 5. Also chapter 1 which is slightly different in its outlook and connection to the Sephirot. These letter meditations actually deconstruct your mind into your basic building blocks and then reconstruct it back to a mind. You then see yourself as if you are unchanged and the only way you can percieve the change is by your mirrors. That is why it is so important to keep dream diaries or life journals or some way for you to see who you were last week; last month; last year; etc. If you have not started your journal start it. If you have started the journal take a look back and see who you were. This will help motivate you to record the journal even when your are exhausted at the end of the day.

Mind Over Matter is not magic; Golems are not magic; they are this deconstruction of reality and then the reconstruction of reality to fit your changed mind and what you expect the reality to be.

There is a Prophecy in Zecariah. Paraphrased ; At the end of days the citizens of Jerusalem will fight like King David, the House of David will fight like the Angel of Hashem. Lets explain this. The House of David is a code word for the Mekubalim; For the people who have learned Mind (through the mouth) Over Matter. The people who have learned to create 500 foot Godzillas or other forms of Golems. The people who have learned to open a gate and pull all of a geographic area into a different dimension which Joshua did when he stopped the sun for 24 hours. So the Prophecy of Zechariah is teaching us that the citizens of Jerusalem will fight like King David using normal regular technological tools of modern warfare, while the Mekubalim will fight with creating (what other people consider) Miracles. We know how to do this and it is up to you to keep up your practice till you prove this to yourself. This war is coming and we will live at least 300 more years which is long enough to see all of this manifest when ever this end of days appears in the Plan of God. The choice is yours. Are you up to the task? Do you want to be this warrior for righteousness? Or do you want to fight on the negative side? Just begin or just continue to practice what you have been taught. Reveiew the classes when you forget. Just become all that you can be to paraphrase the Army advertising.

Remember one other thing. To survive the Armageddon War one will have to know how to open the Gates to the other Worlds and dimensions and which Gates are the correct one to go through. That only comes from practice. That is your choice.

My teacher phrased it to me this way. Throughout the Tanach Hashem is know as Hashem Tzavot. This translates as Hashem of Armies. Welcome to the Army of Hashem. You have been drafted. Know it is time to excel and show us what you are made of. The Armageddon War may come. Will you be prepared to resist the Armies of Darkness? Do you want to participatge or just go through the motions?

Now it is time to move past me in the process of learning. Now it is time to learn from things beyond flesh and blood, beyond the physical. It is time to learn from your Magid. Let me introduce you to your Magid. If you ever truly had the conversation taught as part of the Binding by Striking tool you have been communicating with your Magid. Magid in modern Hebrew means narrator or preacher. In Kabbalah Magid is your Higher Self who comes to teach you about yourself. Your Magid is trying to expand your consciousness by making your unconscious appear in the conscious frame of existence. This is a Magid and we will explain how to meet yourself now.

As Aryeh Kaplan explains there are two terms used by the Kabbalists. One is Devekut which means Bonding with Hashem. The ohter is Hitbodedut which means isolation. Hitbodedut is a step in the Devekut. Do not make the mistake that many do that they are the same thing. They are not.

Isolation is not necessarily on a physical level. Introvert is the technique that works to achieve Devukut. Are you an extrovert? If so you will not succeed is the pronouncement of my teacher. To have a magid experience you must learn to isolate yourself mentally. It is bessed to do this in the middle of the night.

A great meditation is to sit comfortably, light a candle and look at a mirror, look for your face in the mirror. Say exercise no 1 i gave you 8 months ago. Your face will start to change. You may hear a voice in your head. Dialog with the voice. Ask it who you are? Continue the dialog. this is the step toward Hitbodedut. Look for Hashem in the mirror in your face . Expand this information. Enjoy this meditation. It is truly powerful.

Some very strange things happen to people during this meditation. Do not become spooked. Abulafia taught that when these spooky things start to happen one should change the visualization from your own face to a faceless stranger who you call Hashem. Try to visualize Hashem as a man that has no face. As you again become centered and balanced return to the face in the mirror. Stay with this meditation as long as you are able. Continue your conversation with yourself.

You will see and experience yourself. That is what you will experience.

We are now going to learn from the Sefer Ruach Hakodesh from the Ari written by Rabbi Chaim Vital. Some people call what we are going to learn psychology. Others call it techniques to experience Ruach Hakodesh. Others will call it simple techniques that work. You decide.

When someone studies Torah they are doing and using Kavenah. Everything has a body and a soul. Everything has an essence. People when they study Torah are also using words. These words also have an essence along with their body which is the word itself.

As an aside, the segula for a long life is silence. Because Life is measured not in heartbeats but in the number of words one speaks.

Idol worship is defined as when your thoughts leave the consciousness of thinking about Hashem. We are all guilty of this sin each day and it is important to strive to correct this each day.

Everything has essence. Every Mitzvah creates a good Angel and every Avayrah creates a bad Angel. Your thoughts create brain waves which create visions. All of these are your essence. It is the real you not your conscious mind. The other that we is our true self not what we think it is. That is what we will see in the mirror. That is what we will hear in our heads. this is our magid this is our higher selves.

When you see the monster in your dream. stop and ask the monster what it wants. We are trying to correct things that is what the monster will say to us because the monster is not a monster it is our higher self which wants to help us but we see it this way due to our fears. correct the fears. change myself to change evil to good. change selfish to sharing.

This is the technique that is necessary to correct even such things as exorcism's. I have not done an exorcism but my teacher has done many. He has asked how do i help you. what do you want. we know you do not want to be here any more than the host wants you here. how do we help each other achieve our goals.

Who can achieve this correction. The one who has made the malach hamavet into a friend.What does this mean. This is someone who has faced his fears and overcome them. remember what ever you fear is within you and you can remove it just by deciding to overcome it. yes i know it is easier said than done but it is actuallly not difficult when yoyu look back at the pebble in the road which looked like a mountain till you went through it.

When you think and project good that good becomes separate from your thoughts and will take on a life of its own. Stay with thinking good and you will achieve peace because that good Angel becomes your protector. The bad Angel that your thoughts create just wants you to change it into good by thinking good.

This will continue next time as well.