Zohar Behar - Section 7 - Joining HaShem Blessed Be He and the Shechina

It is recommended to study the section prior to reading the Synopsis.

Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar Section 7

It is best to study the Zohar in the following manner:

1. Read outloud the Aramaic Verse. If you need to transliterate in order to read with the sounds of the lettersthe verse see below. If you use the transliteration tool than make sure you scan the Aramaic first and last.

2. Read the English Translation - if you desire to understand and realize that your understanding will limit the energy you receive. This is why it is important to scan the aramaic verse first.

3.Write out your understanding of the verse. Send it to yeshshem@hotmail.com in an email. Use the Parasha Name and verse number in the subject. By sending your understanding you give yeshshem.com permission to post this to web page and any other uses Yeshshem may see a beneficial use.

4. Now read chanoch's Commentary or additions to enhance and or modify your own personal understanding.


Rabbi Shimon speaks to the deans of the Yeshiva, telling them how the Shechinah is the sacrifice for God since she comes near Him with each of His Sfirot and with the total connection of male and female. He says that a man without a wife is like a half body and the Shechinah will not rest on him, and that God is not called 'one' unless united with the Shechinah. From the aspect of Atzilut there is no separation between God and the Shechinah, as the Shechinah is His unity, His blessing and His holiness. But when she is outside of Atzilut then she is not one with Him. Rabbi Shimon says a long praise to the Cause of Causes, the Endless Light. He talks about the commandment of fearing the Temple, that concerns the service of the Levites in the Temple, and the commandment of the daily incense to God. He tells us that not all the sages of Torah are equal, nor are all the prophets equal, as some of their prophecies are superior to those of other prophets. Some prophets prophesy from sight, some from hearing, some from the mouth, some from the breath of the nose, and some from the hand. There are also different grades of meaning in the Torah, different levels of sacrifices. Rabbi Shimon says that people must send their offerings to God via the Shechinah, and she distributes to everyone. One should never sacrifice to the Other Side because all the other Elohim are of the world of separation. Rabbi Shimon goes on to say that every kind of incest is equal to worshipping idols of the Other Side, and God separates those who sacrifice to the Other Side from His Name. He gave Yisrael the Torah from His Name, so they should make themselves partners with Him.

Pasook 31. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

מָארֵי מְתִיבְתָּאן, בְּאוֹמָאָה עָלַיְיכוּ, לָא תַּעְדוּ מִנִּי, עַד דְּאַתְקִין קָרְבְּנִין לקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא. דִּשְׁכִינְתָּא אִיהִי קָרְבָּן לַיְיָ', בְּכָל אֵבֶר וְאֵבֶר דְּמַלְכָּא, בְּחִבּוּרָא שְׁלִים, בִּדְכַר וְנוּקְבָּא. בְּכָל אֵבָרִים, דְּאִינּוּן: מִנְּהוֹן בְּרֵישָׁא, עַיְינִין בְּעַיְינִין. אוּדְנִין לְגַבֵּי אוּדְנִין. חוֹטָמָא בְּחוֹטָמָא. אַנְפִּין בְּאַנְפִּין. פּוּמָא בְּפוּמָא. כְּגוֹן וַיָּשֶׂם פִּיו עַל פִּיו וְעֵינָיו עַל עֵינָיו. וּבְדָא הֲוָה מְחַיֶּה הַיֶּלֶד. וְהָכִי יְדִין דְּמַלְכָּא, עִם יְדִין דְּמַטְרוֹנִיתָא, גּוּפָא בְּגוּפָא, בְּכָל אֵבָרִים דִּילֵיהּ. קָרְבְּנָא שְׁלִים.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


The deans of the Yeshiva, under oath you must not go away from me until I prepare a sacrifice to the Holy One, blessed be He. The Shechinah is the sacrifice (derived from 'bringing near') for the Holy One, blessed be He, since She comes near to Him with each limb of the King, MEANING WITH EACH OF HIS SFIROT, with the total connection of male and female, with all the limbs which there are. Some are from the head: MEANING eyes to eyes, DENOTING CHOCHMAH; ears to ears, DENOTING BINAH; nose to nose, BEING TIFERET; face to face, BEING CHESED AND GVURAH; mouth to mouth, BEING MALCHUT. This is like, "and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes" (II Melachim 4:34); with this he resurrected the child. And so the hands of the King with the hands of the Queen, BEING CHESED AND GVURAH OF THE SIX ENDS, body to body, MEANING TIFERET OF THE SIX ENDS. And with all His limbs, the sacrifice is complete.

chanoch's Commentary

This pasuk is explaining how to resurrect the dead. The resurrection of the dead is a Mitzvah also - see section 6. The word Shechinah is usually thought of us Malchut. Here it is being presented as the Malchut of the Kavenah, in my opinion.

Pasook 32. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

דְּב"נ בְּלָא אִתְּתָא, פַּלְגוּ גּוּפָא אִיהוּ, וּשְׁכִינְתָּא לָא שַׁרְיָא עָלֵיהּ. הָכִי קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, לָאו אִיהוּ בְּקָרְבְּנָא עִם שְׁכִינְתָּא, בְּכָל יִשְׂרָאֵל, דְּאִינּוּן אַנְשֵׁי מִדּוֹת, דְּאִינּוּן אֵבָרִים דִּילָהּ. עִלַּת הָעִלּוֹת לָא שַׁיְרָא תַּמָּן, וּכְאִלּוּ לָא הֲוָה קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא חַד, בָתַּר דְּלָאו אִיהוּ עִם שְׁכִינְתֵּיהּ. וּבְחוּצָה לָאָרֶץ דִּשְׁכִינְתָּא מְרַחֲקָא מִן בַּעְלָהּ, אִתְּמַר כָּל הַדָּר בחו"ל, דּוֹמֶה כְּמִי שֶׁאֵין לוֹ אֱלוֹהַּ. בְּגִין דְּלֵית תַּמָּן קָרְבְּנִין בח"ל. וּלְזִמְנָא דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא מִתְקָרֵב עִם שְׁכִינְתֵּיהּ, אִתְקַיָּים בֵּיהּ הַאי קְרָא, בַּיוֹם הַהוּא יִהְיֶה יְיָ' אֶחָד וּשְׁמוֹ אֶחָד. וְעִלַּת הָעִלּוֹת שַׁרְיָא עָלַיְיהוּ.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


A man without a wife is a half body, and the Shechinah does not rest upon him. So is the Holy One, blessed be He, when not in proximity with the Shechinah and with all Yisrael since they are virtuous men, since they are His limbs. Then the cause of all causes, DENOTING KETER, does not rest there, and it is as if the Holy One, blessed be He is not One, as He is not with the Shechinah. THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE IS NOT CALLED 'ONE' IF NOT UNITED WITH THE SHECHINAH. Outside of the land of Yisrael, where the Shechinah is removed from Her husband, they said: 'He who dwells outside the land of Yisrael is like one who has no Elohim, since there are no sacrifices outside the land of Yisrael,' BEING THE SECRET OF THE UNION OF THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE WITH THE SHECHINAH, AS MENTIONED. And when the Holy One, blessed be He joins with the Shechinah, this verse is fulfilled: "on that day Hashem shall be One, and His Name One" (Zecharyah 14:9). Then the cause of all causes, KETER, dwells upon them.

chanoch's Commentary

When the Shechina is removed and not united with Zeir Anpin - due to human activity - There is no renewal of Creation since Malchut is disconnected with Keter.

Pasook 33. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

אע"ג דְּתָקִינוּ אֲבָהָן, צְלוֹתִין בַּאֲתַר דְּקָרְבְּנִין. הַאי אִיהוּ לְקָרְבָא נַפְשִׁין וְרוּחִין וְנִשְׁמָתִין דְּאִינּוּן שִׂכְלִיִּים לְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא וּשְׁכִינְתֵּיהּ. כְּאֵבָרִין לְגַבֵּי גּוּפָא אֲבָל מִסִּטְרָא דְּכוּרְסְיָין וּמַלְאָכִין, דְּאִינּוּן גּוּפִין וְאֵבָרִין, דִּלְבַר מִמַּלְכָּא וּמִמַטְרוֹנִיתָא, לֵית תַּמָּן קָרְבְּנָא. וּבְגִין דָּא אִתְּמַר בְּכוּרְסְיָּיא, וַיֹּאמֶר כִּי יָד עַל כֵּס יָהּ. כִּסֵּא כָּבוֹד מָרוֹם מֵרִאשׁוֹן מְקוֹם מִקְדָּשֵׁנוּ. וְאֵבָרִין בְּפֵרוּדָא מִן גּוּפָא. אִיהוּ לְגוֹ, וְאִינּוּן לְבַר. הה"ד, הֶן אֶרְאֶלָּם צָעֲקוּ חוּצָה, חוּצָה וַדַּאי.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


Even though the fathers instituted prayers in place of sacrifices, this was to bring Nefeshot, Ruchot, and Neshamot, which are mental, near to the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Shechinah, like limbs to a body, AS MENTIONED ABOVE. But from the standpoint of the Throne, DEPICTING BRIYAH, and the angels, BEING YETZIRAH, that are bodies and limbs outside of the King and Queen, there is no sacrifice. For this reason, it is said regarding the Throne, "Because Yah has sworn by His Throne (Heb. kes)" (Shemot 17:16), MEANING 'KES' SPELLED WITHOUT THE ALEPH. BUT IN REGARDS TO THE TEMPLE, "THRONE" IS SPELLED WITH THE ALEPH, AS IT SAYS: "A glorious Throne (Heb. kise) exalted from the beginning is the place of our Sanctuary" (Yirmeyah 17:12). THE ALEPH WAS MISSING FROM THE THRONE BECAUSE the limbs, WHICH ARE THE ANGELS AND THE THRONE IN BRIYAH, ARE apart from the body, since He, THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, is inside, IN ATZILUT, and they are outside, as the verse says, "Behold, the mighty ones shall cry outside" (Yeshayah 33:7); literally outside, MEANING OUTSIDE OF THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE.

chanoch's Commentary

This pasuk is explaining that Malchut of Briyah is separated from Zeir Anpin of Atzilut. This means there are 10 Sefirot concealed. Are they in Atzilut or in Briyah or a combination. This is sometimes referred to as the Abyss in Kabbalah. It is necessary to truly bring Malchut of Briyah to unify with Zeir Anpin of Atzilut.

Pasook 34. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

יְהֵא רַעֲוָא דִּילָךְ, לְאַחְזְרָא לָן לְבֵי מַקְדְּשָׁא, לְקַיֵּים צְלוֹתָא דְּאוֹקְמוּהָ קַדְמָאֵי, יר"מ יְיָ' אֶלֹקֵינוּ וֵאלֹקֵי אֲבוֹתֵינוּ שֶׁתַּעֲלֵנוּ בְשִׂמְחָה לְאַרְצֵנוּ וְתִטָּעֵנוּ בִּגְבוּלֵנוּ וְשָׁם נַעֲשֶׂה לְפָנֶיךָ אֶת קָרְבְּנוֹת חוֹבוֹתֵינוּ תְּמִידִין כְּסִדְרָן, כָּל חַד בְּסִדּוּרָא דִּילֵיהּ, וּמוּסָפִין כְּהִלְכָתָן. דִּכְעָן לְבַר מֵאַרְעָא דְּיִשְׂרָאֵל, לֵית תַּמָּן קָרְבְּנִין, כְּגוּפִין דִּבְרִיאָה, דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא וּשְׁכִינְתֵּיהּ, מִסִּטְרָא דַּאֲצִילוּת דִּילֵיהּ, לֵית תַּמָּן פֵּרוּדָא וְאַפְרָשׁוּתָא. דִּשְׁכִינְתָּא אִיהִי יִחוּדֵיהּ, וּבִרְכָתֵיהּ, וּקְדוּשָׁתֵיהּ. וְלָא אִתְקְרִיאַת גוּפָא, אֶלָא כַּד אִתְגַשְׁמוּ בְּכוּרְסַיָין, וּמַלְאָכִין דִּבְרִיאָה, כְּנִשְׁמָתָא דְּאִתְלַבְּשָׁא בְּגוּפָא שְׁפָלָה. וּבְגִין דָּא, כַּד שְׁכִינְתָּא אִיהִי לְבַר מֵהֵיכָלָא דְּבֵי מַקְדְּשָׁא, וּלְבַר מִכּוּרְסְיָין דִּילָהּ, כִּבְיָכוֹל כְּאִלּוּ לָא הֲוָה חַד עִמֵּיהּ.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


'May it please You to return us to the Temple to fulfill the prayer composed by the ancient ones. May it please You, Hashem our Elohim, and the Elohim of our fathers, to bring us up in joy to our land, and to plant us within its borders. There we offer to You our obligatory sacrifices, the daily burnt offerings according to their order,' each one to its order, THE ONE IN THE MORNING AND THE OTHER IN THE AFTERNOON, 'and the Musaf offerings according to their rule' Now in the exile there are no sacrifices such as bodies of Briyah, WHICH ARE THE THRONE, AND YETZIRAH, WHICH ARE THE ANGELS, AS MENTIONED TO WHICH SACRIFICES AND UNION DO NOT PERTAIN. As for the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Shechinah, from His aspect of Atzilut, there is no separation or division, as the Shechinah is His unity, His blessing, and His Holiness. She is called 'body,' only when THE SHECHINAH CLOTHES HERSELF AND manifests Herself in a throne and in the angels of Briyah, she is to them like a soul clothed in a LOWLY humble body. And therefore, when the Shechinah is outside of the chamber of the Temple and outside of Her Thrones, MEANING OUTSIDE OF ATZILUT, MEANING WHEN SHE IS CLOTHED IN A THRONE, AND IN THE ANGELS OF BRIYAH AND YETZIRAH, She is, so to speak, as if She is not One with Him.

chanoch's Commentary

This pasuk is explaining what it means to be "ONE" by explaining what "ONE" is not.

Pasook 35. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

מִסִּטְרָא דְּכִסֵּא עֶלְיוֹן דְּאִיהוּ גּוּפָא לְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, וּמַלְאָכִין דְּתַּלְיָין מִנֵּיהּ, כְּאֵבָרִין דְּתַּלְיָין מִן גּוּפָא, דְּאִינּוּן דְּכוּרִין. וְנִשְׁמָתִין דְּאִתְגְּזָרוּ מִנֵיהּ דְּכוּרִין. כִּסֵּא תִּנְיָינָא, גּוּפָא דִּשְׁכִינְתָּא, וְכָל נִשְׁמָתִין דְּתַּלְיָין מִנֵּיהּ, נוּקְבִין. וּמַלְאָכִין דְּתַּלְיָין מֵהַהוּא כּוּרְסְיָיא, נוּקְבִין. וּקָרִיבוּ דִּלְהוֹן בְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא וּשְׁכִינְתֵּיהּ.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


From the aspect of the supernal Throne OF BRIYAH THE SECRET OF TIFERET OF BRIYAH, which is a body AND RAIMENT to the Holy One blessed be He, TIFERET OF ATZILUT the angels OF YETZIRAH that come down from it are the limbs that protrude from the body, TIFERET OF BRIYAH, which are masculine, and the souls that are formed from it, TIFERET OF BRIYAH, are masculine. The other Throne, MALCHUT OF BRIYAH, is the body of the Shechinah, MALCHUT OF ATZILUT. All the souls that come from Her are females, and the angels OF YETZIRAH that come from the SECOND Throne are females. Their union, THAT IS, THE JOINING OF THESE MALES AND FEMALES, depends upon the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Shechinah; THAT IS, WHEN THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, IS UNITED WITH HIS SHECHINAH, THEY ARE UNITED AS WELL.

chanoch's Commentary

This verse is describing the movement of the Sefirot of Briyah relative to the Sefirot of Atzilut. It also explains what is the cause of that movement.

Pasook 36. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

הָכִי יִחוּד קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא וּשְׁכִינְתֵּיהּ, אע"ג דְּאִינּוּן כְּנִשְׁמָתִין לְגַבֵּי כּוּרְסְיָיא וּמַלְאָכִין, הָכִי אִינּוּן לְגַבָּךְ עִלַּת הָעִלּוֹת, כְּגוּפָא, דְּאַנְתְּ הוּא דִּמְיַיחֵד לוֹן, וּמְקָרֵב לוֹן, וּבְגִין דָּא אֱמוּנָה דִּילָךְ בְּהוֹן, וְאַנְתְּ לֵית עֲלָךְ נִשְׁמְתָא, דְּתֶהֱוֵי אַנְתְּ כְּגוּפָא לְגַבָּהּ, דְּאַנְתְּ הוּא נְשָׁמָה לַנְשָׁמוֹת, וְלֵית נְשָׁמָה עֲלָךְ, וְלָא אֱלָהָא עֲלָךְ, אַנְתְּ לְבַר מִכֹּלָּא, וּלְגָאו מִכֹּלָּא, וּלְכָל סִטְרָא, וּלְעֵילָּא מִכֹּלָּא, וּלְתַתָּא מִכֹּלָּא. וְלֵית אֱלָהָא אָחֳרָא, עֵילָּא וְתַתָּא, וּמִכֹּל סִטְרָא, וּמִלְגוֹ דַּעֲשַׂר סְפִירָן, דְּמִנְּהוֹן כֹּלָּא, וּבְהוֹן כֹּלָּא תַּלְיָא וְאַנְתְּ בְּכָל סְפִירָה, בְּאָרְכָּה וְרָחְבָּהּ, עֵילָּא וְתַתָּא, וּבֵין כָּל סָפִירָה וּסְפִירָה, וּבְעוֹבִי דְּכָל סְפִירָה וּסְפִירָה.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


Thus is the union between the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Shechinah. Though they are as souls in relation to the Throne and the angels, they are to You the Cause of Causes, (THE ENDLESS LIGHT,) as a body AND RAIMENT. For it is You who unites them and attracts them, and hence WE ACCEPT our Faith in You, WHEN YOU ARE CLOTHED with them. And there is no soul above You, to which You will be as a body, for You are the Soul of Souls; there is no soul above You, nor any Elohim above You. You are outside everything and inside everything, on every side, above all and below all. There is no other Elohim above, below, in any direction, or inside the ten Sfirot, from which everything comes and upon which everything depends. You are in every Sfirah through its length and width, above and below; You are between the Sfirot and in the thickness of each and every Sfirah.

chanoch's Commentary

The You in this pasuk is a human being. The pasuk is explaining how when the Holy One and the Shechinah are united then this union is spread throughout all of the Sefirot - through out all the Sefirot throughout all the worlds. All this is based on human activity which becomes the cause of the unity of the Holy One and the Shechinah.

Pasook 37. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

וְאַנְתְּ הוּא דִּמְקָרֵב לְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא וּשְׁכִינְתֵּיהּ, בְּכָל סְפִירָה וּסְפִירָה, וּבְכָל עַנְפִין דִּנְהוֹרִין דְּתַּלְיָין מִנְּהוֹן, כְּגָרְמִין, וְגִידִין, וְעוֹר, וּבָשָׂר, דְּתַּלְיָין מִן גּוּפָא. וְאַנְתְּ לֵית לָךְ גּוּפָא, וְלָא אֵבָרִים, וְלֵית לָךָ נוּקְבָּא. אֶלָּא אֶחָד בְּלָא שֵׁנִי. יְהֵא רַעֲוָא דִּילָךְ, דִּתְקָרֵב אַנְתְּ שְׁכִינְתָּא לְגַבֵּי קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, בְּכָל דַּרְגִּין דְּאִינּוּן אֲצִילוּת דִּילָהּ, דְּאִינּוּן נִשְׁמָתִין דְּבַעֲלֵי מִדּוֹת. נְשִׂיאֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל. חֲכָמִים. נְבוֹנִים. חֲסִידִים. גִּבּוֹרִים. אַנְשֵׁי אֱמֶת. נְבִיאִים. צַדִּיקִים. מְלָכִים. כֻּלְּהוּ דַּאֲצִילוּת. דְּאִית אָחֳרָנִין דִּבְרִיאָה.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


It is You who joins AND UNITES the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Shechinah, TIFERET AND MALCHUT, in each and every Sfirah WITHIN THEM, in all the branches of lights that hang from them like bones and sinews, skin and flesh, THE SECRET OF CHOCHMAH AND BINAH, TIFERET AND MALCHUT that come from the body, TIFERET. But You have no body, no limbs, WHICH ARE SFIROT; You have no female, but are one without a second. May it please You to draw the Shechinah near the Holy One, blessed be He, in all the grades that are Her Atzilut, the souls of the virtuous, NAMELY MEN WHO CONCEIVED THE GRADES OF THE TEN SFIROT: the rulers of Yisrael, KETER; the sages, CHOCHMAH; the intelligent, BINAH; the pious, CHESED; the mighty, GVURAH; men of truth, TIFERET; prophets, NETZACH AND HOD; righteous, YESOD; kings, MALCHUT. They all pertain to THE TEN SFIROT OF Atzilut, and there are others OF THE TEN SFIROT of Briyah.

chanoch's Commentary

This is describing the inner essence of men and where they have grown on the spiritual level - which Sefirah in which world.

Pasook 38. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

דִּשְׁכִינְתָּא אִיהִי קָרְבָּן, שֶׁמֶן הַמִּשְׁחָה. מִימִינָא שֶׁמֶן לַמָּאוֹר, כְּגוֹן אֶת הַמָּאוֹר הַגָּדוֹל. שֶׁמֶן מִשְׁחַת קֹדֶשׁ אִיהוּ מִסִּטְרָא דִּשְׂמָאלָא, דְּאִתְּמַר בָּהּ וְקִדַּשְׁתָּ אֶת הַלְּוִיִּם. שֶׁמֶן כָּתִית, אִיהִי מִסִּטְרָא דְּצַדִּיק, דְּאִיהוּ כָּתִישׁ כְּתִישִׁין מֵאֵבָרִין דְּאִינּוּן זֵיתִים, לְאַחֲתָא מִשְׁחָא לְגַבִּי פְּתִילָה. פְּתִילָה תֵּכְלָא. וּגְבוּרָה מִתַּמָּן אִיהִי יִרְאָה, וּלְוִיִּם שׁוֹמְרִין הַמִּקְדָּשׁ.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


For the Shechinah is an offering, THE SECRET OF the anointing oil. On the right, there is oil for the light, as in "the greater luminary" (Beresheet 1:16), CHESED; the holy anointing oil is on the left side, GVURAH, of which it says that you shall consecrate the Levites. The beaten oil is from the side of the Righteous, YESOD, THE CENTRAL COLUMN, that beats finely the limbs, which are olives, to produce oil to the wick. The wick is blue and signifies THE LOWER Gvurah, NAMELY MALCHUT, whence fear comes. The Levites, THE ASPECT OF GVURAH, guard the Temple.

chanoch's Commentary

When a human brings an offering - sacrifice to the Temple it is causing the Shechinah to be brought close to the Holy One through the anointing oil from the Priest and the anointing oil on the Levite. Remember there is no disappearance in spirituality. The oil from the olives and the lighting of the Menorah are also included in the unification.

Pasook 39. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

וּמִתַּמָּן פִּקּוּדָא לִירָא מִן הַמִּקְדָּשׁ, וְאִיהוּ מִצְוַת עֲבוֹדַת הַלְּוִיִּם בַּמִקְדָּשׁ בְּכ"ד מִשְׁמָרוֹת לְוִיִּם דִּבְהוֹן לְוִיִּם בְּשִׁירָה וּבְזִמְרָה הֲווֹ מְזַמְּרִין קֳדָמָךְ, לְסַלְּקָא שְׁכִינְתָּא דְּאִיהִי שִׁירָה וְזִמְרָה בְּהוֹן לַיְיָ'. כ"ד עִם שִׁירָה וְזִמְרָה כ"ו, כְּחוּשְׁבָן יְדֹוָ"ד. וַאֲבַתְרֵיהּ פִּקּוּדָא אִיהִי מִצְוַת קְטֹרֶת תָּמִיד לְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, וּקְטֹרֶת כְּקָרְבְּנָא.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


This is the origin of the commandment of fearing the Temple. It is the commandment concerning the service of the Levites in the Temple in the 24 watches of the Levites, in which the Levites sang chants and hymns before You, with which to raise the Shechinah, CALLED 'chanting and singing to Hashem'. 24, OF THE TWENTY-FOUR WATCHES, together with chants and hymns amounts to26, as the numerical value of Yud Hei Vav Hei. AND THE COMMANDMENT that follows it is the commandment of the daily incense to the Holy One, blessed be He. And the burning of the incense is like a sacrifice.

chanoch's Commentary

The Zohar in this pasuk is returning to the list of Mitzvoth. It is a Mitzvah to fear and have awe of the Temple. It is a Mitzvah to have the levites serve in the Temple, followed by burning the incense.

Pasook 40. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

וְהִפְשִׁיט אֶת הָעוֹלָה וְנִתַּח אוֹתָהּ לִנְתָחֶיהָ. וְאֵמוּרִין וּפְדָרִין דְּאִינּוּן מִתְאַכְּלִין כָּל הַלַּיְלָה, אִינּוּן כַּפָּרָה דְּאֵבָרִין דְּגוּפָא דִּילֵיהּ וְנַפְשֵׁיהּ, דְּלָא יִתּוֹקְדוּן בְּגֵיהִנָּם, וְלָא יִתְמַסְּרוּן בִּידָא דְּמַלְאָךְ הַמָּוֶת, וּבְגִין דְּב"נ חָב בְּיֵצֶר הָרָע, דְּאִיהוּ צְפּוֹנִי , הָכִי שְׁחִיטָתוֹ בַּצָפוֹן לְשֵׁזָבָא לֵיהּ מֵהַהוּא צְפוֹנִי.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


"And he shall flay the burnt offering, and cut it into its pieces" (Vayikra 1:6). The limbs and the fats that are consumed all night UPON THE ALTAR atone for the limbs of the body OF THE SACRIFICING MAN and his soul, so that they will not burn in Gehenom, nor be delivered into the hand of the Angel of Death. Since man sins by the Evil Inclination, the northern one, OF WHICH IT SAYS, "BUT I WILL REMOVE FAR OFF FROM YOU THE NORTHERN ONE" (YOEL 2:20), it is slaughtered on the north side to save him from that northern one.

chanoch's Commentary

In the burning of sacrifice on the alter there are specific instructions as to the order and actions the Priest performs. This is what this pasuk is explaining why the limbs and fats are burned on the northern part of the Alter.

Pasook 41. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

וּבְקָרְבְּנִין, טוֹל בְּהוּ קַל וָחוֹמֶר מִנְבִיאִים, דאע"ג דְּתוֹרָה אִיהוּ שֵׁם יְהֹוָ"ה, וּנְבוּאָה דְּאִתְּמַר בָּהּ רוּחַ יְיָ' תְּנִיחֶנוּ. עִם כָּל דָּא, לָאו כָּל מָארֵי תּוֹרָה שְׁקִילִין, וְלָאו כָּל נְבִיאִים שְׁקִילִין, דְּאִית נְבִיאִים, דִּנְבוּאָה דִּלְהוֹן בִּלְבוּשִׁין דְּמַלְכָּא, וְהָכִי הוּא אוֹרַיְיתָא דבע"פ, כַּמָה מָארֵי סְפֵקוֹת וּפֵרוּקִין, בִּלְבוּשָׁא דְּמַלְכָּא.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


It is so for the sacrifices. Thus, how much more so concerning prophets, that though the Torah is the Name of Yud Hei Vav Hei, and it says of prophecy, "the spirit of Hashem gave them rest" (Yeshayah 63:14). For all that, not all the sages of the Torah are equal, nor are all the prophets equal. The prophecies of some prophets pertain to the King's garments, NAMELY IN THE WORLD OF YETZIRAH, CALLED 'GARMENT'. It is the same for the Oral Law; some people raise doubts and explanations from the King's garment, YETZIRAH.

chanoch's Commentary

Being a Prophet means that the Prophet acts as a sacrifice for the nation to acheive unity. When we lost prophecy we also lost a channel to bring unity and it must be done by unifications performed by individual Sages of the generation or by the individual people themselves.

Pasook 42. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

וְאִית אָחֳרָנִין דְּסַלְּקִין יַתִּיר, בְּאֵבָרִים דְּגוּפָא דְּמַלְכָּא, דְּאִתְּמַר בְּהוֹן וָאֶרְאֶה, וְרָאִיתִי, בַּמַרְאֶה, בְּעַיְינִין. יְיָ’ שָׁמַעְתִּי שִׁמְעֲךָ יָרֵאתִי, בִּשְׁמִיעָה. יְחֶזְקֵאל אִסְתַּכְּלוּתֵיהּ וּנְבִיאוּתֵיהּ מְעַיְינִין. חֲבַקּוּק מֵאוּדְּנִין בִּשְׁמִיעָה. וּבְגִין דָּא, יְחֶזְקֵאל חָזָא כָּל אִלֵּין מַרְאוֹת דְּמֶרְכָּבָה בִּרְאִיָיה, בְּעֵין הַשֵּׁכֶל. חֲבַקּוּק, בִּשְׁמִיעָה. וְאִית נְבִיאָה דִּנְבוּאָתֵיהּ בְּפוּמָא, הה"ד וַיִּגַּע עַל פִּי. נְבוּאָה אָחֳרָא מֵרֵיחָא דְּחוֹטָמָא, הה"ד וַתָּבֹא בִי הָרוּחַ. וְאִית דִּנְבוּאָתֵיהּ בְּיַד, הה"ד וּבְיַד הַנְּבִיאִים אֲדַמֶּה. וְאַחֲרָנִין לִפְנִים בְּחַיֵּי הַמֶּלֶךְ, וְאָחֳרָנִין לִפְנַי לִפְנִים.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


Some PROPHETS are superior IN THEIR PROPHECIES, which are from the limbs of the King's body, NAMELY OF THE GRADES OF THE WORLD OF BRIYAH CALLED 'BODY'. Of them it says, "and I saw," SINCE THEY PROPHECY through eye sight, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH. ALSO, "Hashem, I have heard the report of You, and I was afraid" (Chavakuk 3:2), pertains to hearing, NAMELY BINAH. Ezekiel saw and prophesied from the eyes, and Habakkuk from ears by hearing. Ezekiel therefore saw all the sights of the Divine Chariot in the vision of his mind's eye; Habakkuk by hearing, AS HE SAID, "HASHEM, I HAVE HEARD THE REPORT OF YOU, AND I WAS AFRAID." There is a prophecy coming from the mouth, WHICH IS IN MALCHUT, as is written: "and he laid it upon my mouth" (Yeshayah 6:7). Another prophecy comes from the breath of the nose, TIFERET, as it says, "And a spirit (also: 'breath') entered into me" (Yechezkel 2:2). There is he who prophecies from the hand, GVURAH, as is written: "and used similes by the hands of the prophets" (Hoshea 12:11). ALL THESE GRADES PERTAIN TO THE WORLD OF BRIYAH. There are some inside the King's life, NAMELY IN THE WORLD OF ATZILUT, and others in the innermost, NAMELY BINAH OF ATZILUT.

chanoch's Commentary

This pasuk is teaching us how to know where in the Sefirot each Prophets Prophecies come from.

Pasook 43. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

וְהָכִי בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, פְּשָׁטִי"ם, רְאָיוֹ"ת, דְּרָשׁוֹ"ת, סוֹדוֹ"ת דְּסִתְרֵי תּוֹרָה, וּלְעֵילָּא סִתְרֵי סְתָרִים לַה’ הָכִי בְּקָרְבְּנִין אע"ג דְּקָרְבְּנִין כֻּלְּהוּ לַיְהֹוָ"ה, אִיהוּ נָטִיל כֹּלָּא, וּפָלִיג קָרְבְּנִין לְמַשִׁירְיָין דִּילֵיהּ. מִנְּהוֹן פָּלִיג לַכְּלָבִים, אִינוּן קָרְבְּנִין פְּסוּלִין, דְּיָהִיב לְהוֹן לְסָמָאֵ"ל כֶּלֶב, וּלְמַשִּׁרְיָיתֵיהּ. וּבְגִין דָּא הֲוָה נָחִית דִּיּוּקְנָא דְּכַלְבָּא. וּמִנְּהוֹן לְשֵׁדִים, דְּאִית בְּהוֹן כִּבְעִירָן, וּמִנְּהוֹן כְּמַלְאָכֵי הַשָּׁרֵת, וּמִנְּהוֹן כִּבְנֵי נָשָׁא. לְאִינּוּן דְּעוֹבָדֵהוֹן כַּשֵׁדִּים, פָּלִיג קָרְבְּנֵהוֹן לַשֵׁדִים.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


It is so with the Torah THAT THERE ARE SEVERAL GRADES, plain meanings; THE SECRET OF ASIYAH, evidences; THE SECRET OF YETZIRAH, homiletics; THE SECRET OF BRIYAH, secrets of the mysteries of the Torah; THE SECRET OF ATZILUT, above ATZILUT are the mysteries of mysteries of Hashem. It is the same with sacrifices. Though all the sacrifices are to Hashem, He receives them and distributes the sacrifices among His legions. Some He gives to the dogs the unfit offerings which He gives to Samael CALLED 'a dog' and to his legions. A FIRE then descended UPON THE ALTAR in the shape of a dog. Some He gives to the demons, some of which are like beasts, while others are like the ministering angels, and some yet are like men. For those who act like demons, He deals their offerings to the demons.

chanoch's Commentary

Sacrifices heals the separation within the worlds and the Name of HaShem. That healing requires the energy from the negative side that was received from the mistaken action. They receive the energy from the human bringing the sacrifice in exchange for returning the energy to the human.

Pasook 44. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

אִלֵּין דְּעוֹבָדֵיהוֹן כְּמַלְאָכִין, פָּלִיג קָרְבְּנִין דִּלְהוֹן לְמַלְאָכִים, הה"ד אֶת קָרְבָּנִי לַחְמִי לְאִשַּׁי. דְּאִינּוּן קָרְבְּנִין דִּלְהוֹן, לָאו תַּלְיָין בִּבְעִירָן. דְּקָרְבְּנִין דִּבְעִירָן, אִינּוּן דְּעַמֵּי הָאָרֶץ. אִינּוּן קָרְבְּנִין דִּבְנֵי נָשָׁא, צְלוֹתִין וְעוֹבָדִין טָבִין. קָרְבְּנִין דת"ח, מָארֵי מִדּוֹת, אִלֵּין מָארֵי רָזֵי דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, וְסִתְרִין גְּנִיזִין דִּבְהוֹן, קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא נָחִית הוּא בְּגַרְמֵיהּ, לְקַבְּלָא קָרְבְּנִין דִּלְהוֹן, דְּאִיהִי תּוֹרַת ה' תְּמִימָה, שְׁכִינְתָּא קַדִּישָׁא, מֵי’ מִדּוֹת.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


Those whose deeds are like those of the angels, He distributes their sacrifices among the angels. Hence, it says, "My offering, the provision of My sacrifices made by (also: 'to my') fires" (Bemidbar 28:2), NAMELY TO THE ANGELS CALLED 'FIRES,' as their offerings are not of animals, since animal offerings are made by the illiterate. Human offerings are prayers and good deeds, the offerings of students of the Law, men of virtue, those who know secrets of the Torah and the mysteries hidden therein. The Holy One, blessed be He, Himself descends to receive their sacrifices, which are "The Torah of Hashem is perfect" (Tehilim 19:8), the Holy Shechinah, WHICH HAS ten Sfirot.

chanoch's Commentary

This pasuk is describing how our modern day sacrifices - daily prayers are distributed. It is indicating that prayers are received directly by the Creator. It also says that animal sacrifices are made by the illiterate - The Hebrew word that is translated as illiterate is important to truly know how accurate is this statement. If it is true it is consistent with the Prophecy that after the Temple is rebuilt there will be two levels of humans. One will fly about Jerusalem and the other will need to continue to study the Torah and bring animal sacrifices. In my opinion, if this prophecy was better known and understood there would be more students of Kabbalah.

Pasook 45. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

וְתַלְמִידֵי דְּרַבָּנָן, אִינּוּן מִלִּין דִּלְהוֹן כַּאֲכִילַת שְׁיָרֵי מְנָחוֹת, וְאִית אָחֳרָנִין דְּמִתְגַּבְּרִין עָלַיְיהוּ, דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא דִּלְהוֹן כַּאֲכִילַת מְנָחוֹת עַצְמָן, וְלָא שְׁיָרֵי מְנָחוֹת. וְאִית אָחֳרָנִין דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא דִּלְהוֹן אֲכִילַת קֳדָשִׁים, מַאֲכָלִים מִכַּמָּה מִינִין לְמַלְכָּא. וְכָל מְנָחוֹת דְּמַאֲכָלִין דְּקָרְבְּנִין, מָנֵּי קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא לְקָרְבָא לֵיהּ כֻּלְּהוּ בְּבֵיתָא דִּילֵיהּ, דְּאִיהִי שְׁכִינְתָּא. וְהַאי אִיהוּ פִּקּוּדָא לְקָרְבָא קָרְבָּנוֹת בְּבֵית הַבְּחִירָה, לְקַיֵּים כִּי אִם בְּזֹאת יִתְהַלֵּל הַמִּתְהַלֵּל וְגוֹ'.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


The words of the students of the teachers are like the remnants of the meal offerings. Others of greater strength, their Torah study is like the meal offerings proper, not their remnants. There are others whose Torah is eating the holy things and several victuals that are before the King. All the meal offerings and the dishes of offerings the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded to offer in His House, the Shechinah. This is the precept of bringing offering in the Temple, THE SHECHINAH, so that the verse will be fulfilled, "but let him that glories glory in this" (Yirmeyah 9:23), NAMELY IN THE SHECHINAH CALLED 'THIS'.

chanoch's Commentary

This pasuk is describing the level of consciousness of the Students of Kabbalah and their prayers. Prayers without unifications is a lesser level. Prayers with unifications are a higher level. Yet all of these levels will have a connection to the Shechinah.

Pasook 46. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

לְמַלְכָּא דַּהֲווֹ עַבְדוֹי וַאֲפַרְכְּסוֹי וְשׁוּלְטָנֵי מַלְכוּתָא שַׁלְחֵי לֵיהּ כַּמָה דּוֹרוֹנֵי, אָמַר, מַאן דְּבָעֵי לְמִשְׁלַח לִי דּוֹרוֹנָא, לָא יִשְׁלַּח אֶלָּא בִּידָא דְּמַטְרוֹנִיתָא, לְקַיֵּים בָּהּ וּמַלְכוּתוֹ בַּכֹּל מָשָׁלָה. ובג"ד אִתְקְרִיאַת שְׁכִינְתָּא קָרְבָּן לַה', עוֹלָה לַה', אָשָׁם לַה', וַאֲפִילּוּ קָרְבָּן נִדּוֹת וְיוֹלְדוֹת וּמְצוֹרָעִים וְזָבִים וְזָבוֹת, כֹּלָּא צָרִיךְ לְקָרְבָא לַיְיָ', וּשְׁכִינְתֵּיהּ, וּלְבָתַר אִיהִי פְלִיגַת לְכֹלָּא הה"ד וַתִּתֵּן טֶרֶף לְבֵיתָהּ וְחֹק לְנַעֲרוֹתֶיהָ, וַאֲפִילּוּ מְזוֹנָא דְּחֵיוָון, כְּגוֹן קָרְבָּן שְׂעוֹרִים מַאֲכָל בְּעִירָן, וּמַאֲכַל עֲבָדִים וּשְׁפָחוֹת דְּבֵי מַלְכָּא, וַאֲפִילּוּ דְּכַלְבֵי וּדְחֲמָרֵי וּגְמַלֵּי, לְקַיֵּים בָּהּ וּמַלְכוּתוֹ בְּכֹל מָשָׁלָה. וּמְנָלָן דְּעַל יְדָהָא פָּלִיג כֹּלָּא, דִּכְתִּיב וַתִּתֵּן טֶרֶף לְבֵיתָהּ וְחֹק לְנַעֲרוֹתֶיהָ.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


THIS IS LIKE a king whose servants, ministers, and governors sent him gifts. He said, 'he who wishes to send me a gift shall do so solely through the queen, so that the verse shall be fulfilled by her, "and His kingdom rules over all" (Tehilim 103:19). The Shechinah is therefore called 'an offering to Hashem', 'a burnt offering to Hashem', 'a guilt offering to Hashem', and even 'offerings for an unclean thing'. For mothers, lepers, and men and women who have an issue, everything should be sacrificed to Hashem and His Shechinah. THE SHECHINAH then distributes to everybody, as is written: "and gives food to her household, and a portion to her maidens" (Mishlei 31:15). She even gives the food for the animals, such as an offering of barley, which is food for animals, and the food of slaves and maids of the King's house, and even of dogs, mules, and camels, WHICH ARE KLIPOT. SHE GIVES EVERYTHING, so that it shall be fulfilled by Her, "and His kingdom rules over all." Whence do we know that through Her everything is distributed? As it is written: "and gives food to her household, and a portion to her maidens."

chanoch's Commentary

The verse is clear as written. Everything will flow through the Shechinah.

Pasook 47. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

בְּגִין דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא בֶּן י"ה, ו' בֶּן י"ה, כָּלִיל יה"ו. וּשְׁלִימוּ דִּילֵיהּ ה', אִיהִי עוֹלָה לַיְדֹוָ"ד. קָרְבָּן לַיְדֹוָ"ד. שְׁלָמִים לַיְיָ'. קְרִיבוּ דִּילֵיהּ, שְׁלִימוּ דִּילֵיהּ, דְּבֵיהּ אַשְׁלִים יה"ו, לְמֶהֱוֵי יְדֹוָ"ד.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


Since the Holy One, blessed be He, ZEIR ANPIN, is the son of Yud-Hei, CHOCHMAH AND BINAH, NAMELY Vav, the son of Yud-Hei, ZEIR ANPIN, THEN comprises Yud-Hei-Vav and is perfected by Hei, MALCHUT, SINCE THEN THE NAME YUD HEI VAV HEI IS COMPLETED. MALCHUT therefore is a burnt offering to Yud Hei Vav Hei; an offering to Yud Hei Vav Hei; peace offerings to Yud Hei Vav Hei. For she is brought near (Heb. kirvah) Him, NAMELY AN OFFERING (HEB. KORBAN), His perfection (Heb. shlemut), NAMELY PEACE OFFERINGS (HEB. SHLAMIM), since through her Yud-Hei-Vav is completed into Yud Hei Vav Hei.

chanoch's Commentary

To a student of Kabbalah this pasuk is clear as written. It is reinforcing the idea that the Shechinah which is the Malchut completes the Name of HaShem.

Pasook 48. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

וְכֹלָּא אִתְהַדָּר בֵּיהּ, וּבְגִין דָּא זוֹבֵחַ לָאֱלֹהִים יָחֳרָם, בִּלְתִּי לַיְדֹוָ"ד לְבַדּוֹ, דְּלָא יָהִיב שׁוּלְטָנוּתָא לְסִטְרָא אָחֳרָא בְּקָרְבְּנָא, דְּכָל אֱלֹהִים אֲחֵרִים עָלְמָא דְּפֵרוּדָא אִינּוּן, וְלֵית לוֹן קְרִיבָא וְיִחוּדָא, וְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא אַפְרִישׁ לוֹן מִשְּׁמֵיהּ, כְּגוֹן דְּאַפְרִישׁ חֹשֶׁךְ מֵאוֹר, הה"ד וַיַּבְדֵּל אֱלֹהִים בֵּין הָאוֹר וּבֵין הַחֹשֶׁךְ. וּמַאן דְּקָרִיב לְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא מַה דְּאַפְרִישׁ, כְּמַאן דְּקָרִיב מְסָאֲבוּ דְּנִדָּה לְבַעְלָהּ, וְהַאי אִיהוּ רָזָא וְאֶל אִשָּׁה בְּנִדַּת טוּמְאָתָהּ לֹא תִּקְרַב לְגַלּוֹת עֶרְוָתָהּ.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


Everything comes back TO YUD HEI VAV HEI, and therefore, "He that sacrifices to any Elohim, save Hashem only, he shall be utterly destroyed" (Shemot 22:19). For he is not to give strength to the Other Side through a sacrifice, as all the other Elohim are of the world of separation and have no closeness and unison, and the Holy One, blessed be He, separated them from His Name. THAT IS, He separated darkness from light, as is written, "and Elohim divided the light from the darkness" (Beresheet 1:4). He who brings close that which the Holy One, blessed be He, separated, is like he who joins a woman impure with her menstrual flow to her husband. This is the secret meaning of "Also you shall not approach a woman in the impurity of her menstrual flow" (Vayikra 18:19).

chanoch's Commentary

This pasuk is discussing the very few people who serve / sacrifice to their personal idols. This is consistent with the idea that a human being can be moved to be so close to an Idol that the person is no longer human. this is proven by the story of the man from Germany who went into the bunker at the end of WW2 and disappeared since he was no longer human after causing the destruction of the 50 - 60 million human beings.

Pasook 49. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

וְהַאי לֹא תְגַלֶּה עֶרְוָתָן, קֵירוּב, דְּכָל עֶרְיָין שְׁקִילִין לע"ז, דְּכָל סִטְרִין אָחֳרָנִין, עָלַיְיהוּ אִתְּמַר, מֵאֵלֶּה נִפְרְדוּ אִיֵּי הַגּוֹיִם בְּאַרְצוֹתָם. וּכְתִיב לִלְשׁוֹנוֹתָם בְּאַרְצוֹתָם בְּגוֹיֵהֶם. וּכְתִיב כִּי שָׁם בָּלַל יְיָ' שְׂפַת כָּל הָאָרֶץ וּמִשָּׁם הֱפִיצָם יְדֹוָ"ד. וְכָל מַאן דְּקָרִיב שׁוּם קָרְבְּנָא לְסִטְרִין אָחֳרָנִין, קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא אַפְרִישׁ לֵיהּ מִשְּׁמֵיהּ, וְלֵית לֵיהּ חוּלָקָא בִּשְׁמֵיהּ. דְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא בָּחַר לוֹן לְיִשְׂרָאֵל מִכָּל שְׁאָר אוּמִין, הה"ד וּבְךָ בָּחַר ה'. וּפָלִיג לוֹן מִנַּיְיהוּ לְחוּלָקֵיהּ, הה"ד כִּי חֵלֶק יְיָ' עַמּוֹ.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


This is the reason for not uncovering their nakedness, WHICH MEANS nearness, as every kind of incest is equal to worshipping idols of all the Other Side, of which it says, "By these were the isles of the nations divided in their lands" (Beresheet 10:5), and, "after their tongues, in their lands, in their nations" (Ibid. 20.) It is also written, "because Hashem did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did Hashem scatter them" (Beresheet 11:9). The Holy One, blessed be He, separates whoever brings an offering to Other Sides from His Name, and he has no portion in His Name, since the Holy One, blessed be He, chose Yisrael from the other nations, as written, "and Hashem has chosen you" (Devarim 14:2) and took them from among them as His portion. Hence it says, "For Hashem's portion is His people" (Devarim 32:9).

chanoch's Commentary

The laws of Incest in Chapter 18 and 20 is very misunderstood. This explanation that "Nakedness means Nearness" is very helpful in understanding the kabbalistic teaching that the laws of incest refers to the Sefirot and not people.

Pasook 50. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

וּבְגִין דָּא יָהִיב לוֹן אוֹרַיְיתָא מִשְּׁמֵיהּ. זֶה שְּׁמִי לְעָלַם וְזֶה זִכְרִי לְדֹר דֹּר, וְהָא אוּקְמוּהָ י"ה עִם שְׁמִי, שׂ"ה. ו"ה עִם זִכְרִי, רמ"ח. בְּכָל מִצְוָה וּמִצְוָה, קָשִׁיר לוֹן לְיִשְׂרָאֵל בִּשְׁמֵיהּ, לְמֶהֱוֵי כָּל אֵבֶר וְאֵבֶר דִּלְהוֹן, חוּלַק עַדְבֵיהּ וְאַחֲסָנְתֵּיהּ. וּבְגִין דָּא זוֹבֵחַ לָאֱלֹהִים יָחֳרָם וְגוֹ'.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


He therefore gave them the Torah from His own Name, AS IS WRITTEN: "this is My Name (Heb. shmi) forever, and this is My memorial (Heb. zichri) to all generations" (Shemot 3:15). We have explained this. Yud-Hei, together with shmi, is 365 IN NUMERICAL VALUE, CORRESPONDING TO THE 365 NEGATIVE PRECEPTS OF THE TORAH. Vav-Hei, together with zichri, is 248 IN NUMERICAL VALUE, CORRESPONDING TO THE 248 POSITIVE PRECEPTS. With each and every precept, He bound Yisrael to His name, so that each of their members would be a part of His lot and portion. Therefore, "He that sacrifices to any Elohim... he shall be utterly destroyed."

chanoch's Commentary

The verse is clear as written.

Pasook 51. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Behar

צְרִיכִין יִשְׂרָאֵל לְשַׁתְּפָא לַיְיָ', בַּהֲלִיכָה דִּלְהוֹן, בְּהָקִיץ דִּלְהוֹן. הֲדָא הוּא דִּכְתִּיב, בְּהִתְהַלֶּכְךָ תַּנְחֶה אוֹתָךְ בְּשָׁכְבְּךָ תִּשְׁמוֹר עָלֶיךָ וַהֲקִיצוֹתָ הִיא תְשִׂיחֶךָ. קָם הַהוּא תַּלְמִידָא וְאִשְׁתְּטַח קַמֵּיהּ, וְאָמַר זַכָּאָה אִיהוּ חוּלָקֵיהּ, דְּמַאן דְּזָכֵי לְמִשְׁמַע מִלִּין אִלֵּין, כֻּלְּהוּ שֵׁם יְיָ’ בְּכָל סִטְרָא, וְלָא נָפִיק מִנֵּיהּ לְבַר בְּכָל סִטְרוֹי. ע"כ רעיא מהימא


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


Yisrael should make themselves partners with Hashem, in their walking and in their waking, as is written: "When you walk, it shall lead you; when you lie down, it shall keep you; and when you awake, it shall talk with you" (Mishlei 6:22). The student rose, prostrated before him and said: Happy is the portion of he who is worthy of hearing these words, which are all the Name of Hashem on every side, of which nothing comes outside any of His sides.

chanoch's Commentary

The verse is clear as written.