Zohar Ki Teitzei - Section 5 - "I Will Cause the Unclean Spirit to Pass Out of the Land"

It is recommended to study the section prior to reading the Synopsis.

Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Ki Teitzei Section 5

It is best to study the Zohar in the following manner:

1. Read outloud the Aramaic Verse. If you need to transliterate in order to read with the sounds of the lettersthe verse see below. If you use the transliteration tool than make sure you scan the Aramaic first and last.

2. Read the English Translation - if you desire to understand and realize that your understanding will limit the energy you receive. This is why it is important to scan the aramaic verse first.

3.Write out your understanding of the verse. Send it to yeshshem@hotmail.com in an email. Use the Parasha Name and verse number in the subject. By sending your understanding you give yeshshem.com permission to post this to web page and any other uses Yeshshem may see a beneficial use.

4. Now read chanoch's Commentary or additions to enhance and or modify your own personal understanding.


Moses talks about the foreign maidservants that correspond to the Shechinah and that are from the aspect of the poison of death. He says they are the female aspect of Samael, and we learn that Samael and his female used to be servants of God until they made themselves into deities. They became deities because the people on earth worshipped them, and they are materialized in this world among the mixed multitudes. We learn that God will destroy them in the future.

Pasook 39. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Ki Teitzei

וְאִלֵּין שְׁפָחוֹת נָכְרִיּוֹת, מִסִּטְרָא דְּסַם הַמָּוֶת, נוּקְבָּא דְּסָמָאֵל. דְּשִׁפְחָה הֲוַת לְמַטְרוֹנִיתָא. נוּקְבָּא וְסָמָאֵל אֵל אַחֵר, עֶבֶד הֲוָה לֵיהּ לְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, לְבָתַר דַּעֲבִידוּ גַּרְמַיְיהוּ אֱלוֹהוּת, וְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא עָתִיד לְאַעְבָּר לוֹן מֵעָלְמָא, וּלְמִמְחֵי לוֹן.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


These foreign maidservants THAT CORRESPOND TO THE SHECHINAH are from the aspect of the poison of death. They are the female aspect of Samael, where the maidservant became the Matron, NAMELY A MAIDSERVANT WHO TAKES THE PLACE OF HER MATRON. Samael and his female, who is another El, were servants to the Holy One, blessed be He, but later made themselves into deities. And the Holy One, blessed be He, will remove them out of the world and wipe them away.

chanoch's Commentary

In my opinion, when Azazel, who is Satan, fell to the physical world He presented himself to the pagan worshippers as A God - Elohim. Then people who wanted to be seen as important in the eyes of other people presented themselves as serving Azazel, who they described as "The" God Chas v'shalom". Azazel did not reprimand her servants for this and that enhanced the mistake.

Pasook 40. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Ki Teitzei

וְאִי תֵּימְרוּן, אִי בְּנֵי נָשָׁא עַבְדִּין לוֹן אֱלֺהוּת, וְלָא בִּרְעוּתָא דִּלְהוֹן, אֲמַאי אִתְעֲנָשׁוּ. אֶלָּא כַּד הֲווֹ דּוֹר הַמַּבּוּל וְדוֹר הַפְלָגָה יַדְעֵי בְּהוֹן, וַהֲווֹ מְקַטְּרִין לוֹן, וְסַגְדִּין לוֹן, וּבְהַהוּא חֵילָא דַּהֲווֹ מְקַטְּרִין לוֹן, וְסַגְדִּין לוֹן, הֲווֹ נַחְתֵּי לְגַבַּיְיהוּ, וְעַבְדֵי רְעוּתַיְיהוּ, וּמְמַלְּלָן בְּהוֹן בְּאִינּוּן צוּלְמִין, הָא אִתְעָבֵידוּ אֱלוֹהוּת וַעֲבוֹדֺת כו"ם. בְּגִין דָּא, קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא עָתִיד לְאַעְבְּרָא לוֹן, וְיִמְחֵי לוֹן מֵעָלְמָא, צוּלְמִין דִּלְהוֹן דַּהֲווֹ פַּלְחִין בְּהוֹן, וְאִשְׁתַּאֲבוּ מִנְּהוֹן רוּחִין וְצוּלְמִין.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


If you argue that people made them into deities and it was not their own desire, why then were they punished BY BEING DESTROYED FROM THE WORLD? AND HE ANSWERS, when the generation of the Flood and the generation of the Tower of Babel knew of them they burned sacrifices to them and bowed before them. By the power of burning offerings to them and bowing to them, they would descend upon them and do their bidding and speak through the forms THEY MADE. Thus they became deities and idol worship. For that reason the Holy One, blessed be He, intended to wipe them away from the world, NAMELY their images that they worshipped from which they received spirits and images.

chanoch's Commentary

In the days when Prophecy existed in the world so also did the addiction to Idol Worship. That is what is being described above. Do you think my commentary on verse 39 needs to be reconciled with this pasuk or do you understand that they are the same?

Pasook 41. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Ki Teitzei

וְכַד אִית בְּעָלְמָא עֵרֶב רַב, נַחְתִּין לְאִתְגַּשְּׁמָא בְּהוֹן, וְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא יַעְבַּר לוֹן מִן עָלְמָא, הה"ד וְאֶת רוּחַ הַטּוּמְאָה אַעֲבִיר מִן הָאָרֶץ. וְאִי תֵּימְרוּן, בְּזִמְנָא דְּגָלוּתָא בַּתְרָאָה, לֵית עכו"ם, בְּגִין דְּלָא יַדְעִין בְּנֵי עָלְמָא בְּהוֹן. וְאִינּוּן דְּיַדְעִין בְּעֵרֶב רַב תַּמָּן, אִשְׁתְּכַח לוֹן דְּמַכְעִיסִין לְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא וּשְׁכִינְתֵּיהּ, וְיִשְׂרָאֵל בֵּינַיְיהוּ, וְעֵרֶב רַב מַצְלִיחִין בְּהוֹן, לְקַיֵּים מַאי דִּכְתִּיב וּמְשַׁלֵּם לְשׂוֹנְאָיו אֶל פָּנָיו לְהַאֲבִידוֹ.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


When mixed multitudes live in the world, SAMAEL AND HIS FEMALE descend INTO THOSE IMAGES to be materialized in them. THEREFORE the Holy One, blessed be He, will remove them from the world. This is the meaning of the words, "and also I will cause the unclean spirit to pass out of the land" (Zecharyah 13:2). If you say that during the last exile there is no idol worship because people don't know about them, HE ANSWERS, those among the mixed multitudes who do know anger the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Shechinah and Yisrael that are among them. And they have success against the mixed multitudes to fulfill the words, "and repays them that hate Him to their face, to destroy them" (Devarim 7:10).

chanoch's Commentary

The verse is clear as written.

Pasook 42. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Ki Teitzei

קָמוּ כֻּלְּהוּ תַּנָאִין וַאֲמוֹרָאִין וּבָרִיכוּ לְרַעְיָא מְהֵימָנָא, וְאָמְרוּ לֵיהּ סִינַי סִינַי, מַאן יָכִיל לְמַלְּלָא קֳדָמָךְ, דְּאַנְתְּ בְּדִיּוּקְנָא דְּמָארָךְ, דִּבְזִמְנָא דְּמַלִּיל בְּטוּרָא דְּסִינַי, כָּל חֵיוָן דְּמַלְאָכִין, וְחֵיוָן דְּכֻרְסְיָיא, וְעִלָּאִין וְתַתָּאִין, שַׁתְקוּ, וְלָא אִשְׁתְּכַח דִּבּוּר אָחֳרָא אֶלָּא דִּילֵיהּ. וּבְגִין דְּאַתְּ בְּרֵיהּ בְּדִיּוּקְנָא דִּילֵיהּ, צָרִיךְ לְמִשְׁמַע כֻּלְּהוּ מָארֵי מְתִיבְתָּא מִלִּין מִפּוּמָךְ, אַל תִתֵּן שְׁתִיקָה לְמִלּוּלָךְ.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


All the Tannaim and Amoraim rose and blessed the Faithful Shepherd, and said to him, Sinai, Sinai, who could speak before you, for you have your Master's form. When He spoke on Mount Sinai, all the living creatures among the angels and all the living creatures of the throne, the higher and lower were silent. And there was no other speech but his. Since you are his son of his form, all the heads of the Yeshivah need to hear things from you. Do not silence your words.

chanoch's Commentary

If you ask why they would say Sinai twice to Moshe Rabainu, Sinai has a gematria of 130 which represents the Sulam - ladder of spiritual growth. Saying it twice is a gematria of 260 which is 26 x 10. This is a strong and completed connection to the Light of HaShem.