Zohar Recordings for the Parasha of Pinchas

Our Zohar classes are unique. We read the Zohar Verse by Verse, Firs in the Aramaic, then in an English Translation which includes the Sulam commentary by Rabbi Ashlag and then (if necessary) some commentary by Chanoch to help people understand what is read. Our classes all start with saying/meditating on the Ana Bekoach to bring the essence of creation to our studies. All Zohar classes are approx 1 hour long.

Hand Outs for the Parasha Pinchas on the Zohar

There are no hand outs for sections 1 - 2 yet.

  • Zohar Pinchas Section 3 - Completely Righteous and Incompletely Righteous
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 4 - Preserve My Soul for I Am Pious
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 5 - Hei Added to Name of Joshua and the Yood Added to Pinchas
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 6 - Keeper of the Covenant
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 7 - Attire of the That World
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 8 - From Rosh HaShana to the Last Day of Sukkot
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 9 - "The Rainbow"
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 10 - Verse 45 - 51 "Levirate Marriage and Reincarnation"
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 10 A - Verse 52 - 63 "Levirate Marriage and Reincarnation"
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 11 - "Before the Giving of the Torah they Depended on the Constellations."
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 12 Verses 68 - 77 - "Wine Makes Glad the Heart of Man - The Cypress Trees"
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 12 A - Starts at Verse 68 - "Wine Makes Glad the Heart of Man - The Cypress Trees"
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 13 - "For the Wind Passes Over It and It is Not"
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 14 - "Why the Righteous are Punished For the Iniquity of the Generation"
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 15 - The Patients Pulse in the Exile of Edom
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 16 - All Nations Do Not Sway - Just Israel
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 17 - Rejoice with Him Who Made Him
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 18 - 3 Craftsmen - Heaven, Earth, and Water
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 19 - 3 Partners in Creation - The Holy One, One's Father, One's Mother
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 20 - Behold I Give Him My Covenant of Peace
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 21 - Whatever Your Hands Find To Do - Do It With Strength
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 22 - Your Eyes Like The Pools Of Cheshbon
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 23 - In the Evening She Would Go and Return On the Morrow
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 24 - 3rd Temple Not Mentioned In the Torah
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 25 - Trouble Than Other Nations
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 26 - Why the people of Yisrael, who do not partake of animals found dead or not ritually slaughtered, are weak
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 27 - "Now the name of the man of Yisrael that was slain"
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 28 - What is now first will be last at the resurrection of the dead
  • Zohar Pinchas Section 29 - The resurrection of the dead
  • Recordings for the of Pinchas from the Zohar

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