Zohar Pinchas - Section 15 - The Patients Pulse in the Exile of Edom

It is recommended to study the section prior to reading the Synopsis.

Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas Section 15

It is best to study the Zohar in the following manner:

1. Read out loud the Aramaic Verse. If you need to transliterate in order to read with the sounds of the lettersthe verse see below. If you use the transliteration tool than make sure you scan the Aramaic first and last.

2. Read the English Translation - if you desire to understand and realize that your understanding will limit the energy you receive. This is why it is important to scan the aramaic verse first.

3.Write out your understanding of the verse. Send it to yeshshem@hotmail.com in an email. Use the Parasha Name and verse number in the subject. By sending your understanding you give yeshshem.com permission to post this to web page and any other uses Yeshshem may see a beneficial use.

4. Now read chanoch's Commentary or additions to enhance and or modify your own personal understanding.


The metaphor of Yisrael as a sick patient is used to show how the children of Yisrael are faring while in exile. With the description of the ten blowings of the Shofar we see how the length of the exile and the coming redemption are indicated.

Relevance of the Passage

Each of us, individually, is Israel. The exile spoken of in the Zohar is our exile; namely, the lack of health, fulfillment, and joy in our life. Healing, redemption, and freedom begin here with the mighty and majestic blast of the Shofar. The duress that has marked our exile is hereby decimated, for the Redemption is now upon us. Our hearts are healed, spiritually and physically. Cardiovascular ailments are remedied. The pulse of man begins to beat strong and slowly like that of an Olympic champion. The Zohar comments on an oath that concerns the Creator waging war with Amalek. Amalek signifies the doubts and uncertainties that blemish our hearts and disconnect us from the truth of the Light. Amalek is now slain by the laser-like beams of Light that shoot out from the Shofar. The song of freedom is heard around the world through the musical arrangement of the Yud Hei Vav Hei, the 72 Names, and the pulsing, rhythmic reverberations of the ram's horn.The Zohar reveals that the righteous suffer sickness to atone for the sins of their generation. Here, the Zohar plays the role of the Righteous, absorbing illnesses on our behalf. The Light of Healing is ignited by this phenomenon and we use it heal our ailments. But Light is limitless, endless. Therefore, a deadly surprise is in store for the Other Side: We now utilize this Light of Healing and shine it back upon the virtuous souls among us who suffer for our generation. And this is all blessedly ironic that we, the common reader, can now heal the Righteous, using their own Light and sharing it back with them in deep gratitude for their unconditional support. In addition, this dramatic display of energy destroys all disease and sickness that exists in the collective body and soul of man. All sins "“ from the time of Adam until now "“ are atoned by the Light of these divinely inspired verses. They nullify the power of the Other Side.

Pasook 104. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas

וּכְעַן צָרִיךְ אַסְיָא, לְמִנְדַּע בְּכַמָּה דַּרְגִּין אִסְתָּלַּק דְּפִיקוּ דְּהַהוּא חוֹלֶה בְּגָלוּתָא דֶּאֱדוֹם, דְּאִתְּמַר עָלֵיהּ שֶׁחוֹלַת אַהֲבָה אָנִי. דְּהָא כַּמָה אַסְיָין אִתְכְּנָשׁוּ עָלֵיהּ, לְמִנְדַּע קֵץ דְּמַרְעָא דִּילֵיהּ, בְּאִלֵּין דְּפִיקִין, וְלָא הֲוָה חַד מִנַּיְיהוּ דְּאִשְׁתְּמוֹדַע בְּהוֹן, דִּדְפִיקוּ דְּהַהוּא חוֹלֶה, לָא כָּל אַסְיָא בָּקִי לְאִשְׁתְּמוֹדַע בֵּיהּ, דְּאִית דְּפִיקִין דקשר"ק קש"ק קר"ק, דְּאָמַר נָבִיא עָלַיְיהוּ כְּמוֹ הָרָה תַּקְרִיב לָלֶדֶת תָּחִיל תִּזְעַק בַּחֲבָלֶיהָ.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


And now there is need of a doctor to know by how many degrees the pulse of the patient, YISRAEL, has increased in the exile of Edom, for it is said about him "that I am sick with love" (Shir Hashirim 5:8). For a number of doctors gathered over him to consider the pulse rate in order to know when his illness would come to an end, but not one of them could understand them, for no doctor is competent to read the pulse beats of this particular patient, for there are beats of T'kiah Sh'varim T'ruah T'kiah, T'kiah Sh'varim T'kiah, T'kiah T'ruah T'kiah, as the prophet said about them: "Like as a woman with child, whose time of delivery draws near, is in pain and cries out in her pangs" (Yeshayah 26:17).

chanoch's Commentary

When you understand the secret of the Shofar this pasuk becomes clear as written to students of Kabbalah.

Pasook 105. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas

וְכֻלְּהוּ עֶשֶׂר שׁוֹפָרוֹת, כְּלִילָן בִּתְלַת, דְּאִינּוּן סִימַן קש"ר, דְּאִיהוּ תְּקִיעָה שְׁבָרִים תְּרוּעָה. וּתְקִיעָה אַחְזֵי אֲרִיכוּ דְּגָלוּתָא, שְׁבָרִים קְרִיבוּ דְּגָלוּתָא. תְּרוּעָה בֵּיהּ יֵיתֵי פּוּרְקָנָא, דְּאַחְזֵי דּוֹחֲקָא בָּתַר דּוֹחֲקָא, וְלֵית רְוָוחָא בֵּין דָּא לְדָא, דְּוַדַּאי כֵּיוָן דִּשְׁאַר עַמִּין מְעַכְּבִין לוֹן לְיִשְׂרָאֵל בְּגָלוּתָא, דּוֹחֲקָא דִּלְהוֹן מְקָרֵב לוֹן פּוּרְקָנָא. אוֹף הָכִי מְהִירוּ דִּדְפִיקוּ דָּא בָתֶר דָּא, בֵּיהּ נָפִיק נַפְשָׁא דב"נ, בָּתַר דְּלֵית רֶיוַח בֵּין דָּא לְדָא.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


And all the ten Shofar blows, WHICH ARE T'KIAH SH'VARIM-T'RUAH T'KIAH, T'KIAH SH'VARIM T'KIAH, T'KIAH T'RUAH T'KIAH, are included in three T'kiah Sh'varim T'ruah. FOR THEY INCLUDE ONLY THESE THREE DIFFERENT VARIATIONS IN BLOWS. T'kiah stands for the length of the exile. Sh'varim TEACHES ABOUT the proximity of the exile, and T'ruah about the coming redemption, FOR THE SOUNDS OF THE T'RUAH teach about duress after duress with no respite between them. And clearly, since the other nations make Yisrael's exile more difficult, it is the duress that they suffer that brings the redemption closer. And so it is, too, in our case of the patient's pulse: AS the beats come faster, one after the other, with no space between them, the man's soul leaves him.

chanoch's Commentary

this is a secret that is still known to the healers of the East. How to read the pulse to diagnose the illness which then provides the healer knowledge of how to heal the illness.

Pasook 106. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas

קשר"ק קש"ק קר"ק, אִיהוּ דְּשַׁוֵּי קש"ר, תְּקִיעָה שְׁבָרִים תְּרוּעָה. דְּאִתְעַבָּר בֵּיהּ שֶׁקֶר מִן עָלְמָא, דְּבֵיהּ אוֹמָאָה, מִלְחָמָה לַיְיָ' בַּעֲמָלֵק. יִתְּעַר בְּעָלְמָא. שִׁיר פָּשׁוּט, וְכָפוּל, וּמְשׁוּלָשׁ, וּמְרוּבָּע. דְּאִיהוּ סָלִיק אַתְוָון דִּילֵיהּ, י', י"ה, יה"ו, יהו"ה, ע"ב. בְּהַהוּא זִמְנָא, וּבְכֵן צַדִּיקִים יִרְאוּ וְיִשְׂמָחוּ וִישָׁרִים יַעֲלוֹזוּ וַחֲסִידִים בְּרִנָּה יָגִילוּ. ו' תּוֹסֶפֶת, אֲלַף שְׁתִיתָאָה. קוֹדֶם דִּילֵיהּ עָקֵ"ב, חָרַב בֵּי מַקְדְּשָׁא, וּלְבָתַר דִּילֵיהּ, עַד תַּשְׁלוּם רָעָב, יִהְיֶה עֶרֶב. הה"ד עֶרֶב וִידַעְתֶּם כִּי יְיָ' הוֹצִיא אֶתְכֶם וְגוֹ'. כִּי עַבְדֶּךָ עָרַב אֶת הַנַּעַר וְגוֹ'. ע"כ רעיא מהימנא


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


T'kiah Sh'varim-T'ruah T'kiah, T'kiah Sh'varim T'kiah, T'kiah T'ruah T'kiah, WHICH ARE THE SECRET OF THE EXILE'S BEATS, AS ABOVE, make Kof Shin Resh (Heb. kesher - Eng. 'tie'), the initials of T'kiah Sh'varim T'ruah, by which falsehood (Heb. sheker, Shin Kof Resh) is removed from the world. Concerning this was the oath: "Hashem will have war with Amalek" (Shemot 17:16), FOR THE REDEMPTION WILL COME BY THE BEATS HINTED AT T'KIAH SH'VARIM-T'RUAH T'KIAH, T'KIAH SH'VARIM T'KIAH, T'KIAH T'RUAH T'KIAH. AND THEN a simple, double, triple and quadruple song will arise in the world, where the letters OF THE YUD HEI VAV HEI will multiply AND JOIN TOGETHER. FIRST WILL COME Yud, THEN Yud-Hei, THEN Yud-Hei-Vav AND THEN Yud Hei Vav Hei, WHERE YUD IS THE SIMPLE SONG, YUD-HEI DOUBLE, YUD-HEI-VAV IS TRIPLE AND YUD HEI VAV HEI IS QUADRUPLE, AND THEIR NUMERICAL VALUE TOGETHER TOTALS 72. AT THE TIME OF THE REDEMPTION THIS NAME OF 72 WILL AWAKEN. At that time THE PRAYER WILL BE ANSWERED: 'And therefore (Heb. uv'chen) the righteous shall see and be glad, the upright exult and the pious rejoice in song'. THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF 'UV'CHEN', IS 78, NAMELY 72 WITH THE ADDITION OF SIX, WHICH IS THE VALUE OF VAV. This added Vav REFERS TO the sixth millennium. The Second Temple was destroyed 172 years before THE FIFTH MILLENNIUM. THAT IS, THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE CAME 172 YEARS EARLY, BEFORE THE FIFTH MILLENIUM. And after it IT WILL ARRIVE AFTER THE FIFTH MILLENNIUM at the end of Resh Ayin Bet (272) YEARS OF THE SIXTH MILLENNIUM. FOR THE EXILE IS SUPPOSED TO LAST 1,200 YEARS, TO FULFIL: "YOU, O SOLOMON, MAY HAVE THE THOUSAND, AND THOSE THAT KEEP ITS FRUIT TWO HUNDRED" (SHIR HASIRIM 8:12). WITH THE REVELATION OF THE NAME OF 72, IT AMOUNTS TO 1,272. THE 172 YEARS PRCEDING THE FIFTH MILLENIUM MAY OR MAY NOT BE PART OF THIS COUNT. HENCE IT SAYS "UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF 272...(HEB. RA'AV RESH, AYIN, BET)." As in the verse "At evening (Heb. erev, Ayin Resh Bet) and you shall know that Hashem has brought you out, etc." (Shemot 16:6), and, "For your servant became surety (Heb. arav, Ayin Resh Bet) for the lad" (Beresheet 44:32). You should know that all those dates mentioned in the Zohar refer to an awakening from above, which will occur at these times for redemption. But certainly it depends on the people actions and repentance.

End of Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd)

chanoch's Commentary

With Rabbi Ashlag's Comments the pasuk is clear as written. The awakening from above causes the female waters - human action to manifest the redemption. The timing of the redemptrion may be 5828. This would be the year 2138. The process requires these openings to bring more and more female waters.

A Synopsis

Rabbi Aba recalls a time when he asked Rabbi Shimon why the righteous are punished for the sins of a generation, and was told that this atones for the sins of the world. He had said that all mortals are parts of the one body. Rabbi Aba learned that usually one righteous man is sufficient to atone for everyone, but if there is too much sin then more righteous men are stricken. When the righteous die then everything is healed and atoned for.

Pasook 107. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas

עַד דַּהֲווֹ יַתְבֵי, חָמוּ חַד טוּלָא דְּקַיְימָא עָלַיְיהוּ, אַזְלָא וְאַתְיָא, אַזְלָא וְאַתְיָא, בְּגוֹ בֵּיתָא. תַּוְּוהוּ. א"ר אַבָּא, יוֹסֵי בְּנִי, אֵימָא לָךְ מַה דַּהֲוָה לִי עִם בּוּצִינָא קַדִּישָׁא. יוֹמָא חַד הֲוֵינָן אַזְלִינָן בְּבִקְעָתָא דְּאוֹנוֹ, וַהֲוֵינָן לָעָאן בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, כָּל הַהוּא יוֹמָא, וּמִגּוֹ תּוּקְפָּא דְּשִׁמְשָׁא אוֹתְבֵנָין גַּבֵּי חַד טִינָרָא, בְּגוֹ נוּקְבָּא חֲדָא.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


While they were still sitting, they saw a shade standing over them that came and went, hither and thither in the house. They were astonished. Rabbi Aba said: Yosi, my son, I shall tell you what happened to me when I was with the Holy Luminary, THAT IS RABBI SHIMON, one day when we were walking in the Valley of Ono, and engaging in Torah the whole of that day, and because of the intensity of the sun's heat, we sat in a niche under a rock.

chanoch's Commentary

The valley of Ono is an energy of "teaching to see desires". This is my opinion.

Pasook 108. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas

אֲמֵינָא לֵיהּ, מַאי הַאי, דִּבְכָל שַׁעֲתָא דְּחַיָּיבִין אַסְגִּיאוּ בְּעָלְמָא, וְדִינָא שַׁרְיָיא בְּעָלְמָא, זַכָּאִין דִּבְּהוֹן לָקָאן עָלַיְיהוּ. דְּהָכִי תָּנֵינָן, בְּחוֹבָא דְּדָרָא, קַדִּישַׁיָּיא וְצַדִּיקַיָּיא יִתָּפְסוּן. אֲמַאי, אִי בְּגִין דְּאִינּוּן דְּלָא מוֹכִיחִין לְעָלְמָא עַל עוֹבָדַיְיהוּ, כַּמָּה אִינּוּן דְּמוֹכִיחִין, וְלָא מְקַבְּלֵי מִנַּיְיהוּ, וְצַדִּיקַיָּיא אִתְכַּפְיָין קַמַּיְיהוּ. וְאִי בְּגִין דְּלָא הֲוֵי מַאן דְּיָגִין עַל עָלְמָא, לָא יֵהוֹן מֵתִין, וְלָא יִתָּפְסוּן בְּחוֹבַיְיהוּ, דְּהָא חֶדְוָוה אִיהוּ לְצַדִּיקַיָּיא בְּאִבּוּדָא דִּלְהוֹן.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


I asked him to explain to me why it is that, whenever the number of wicked in the world increases and Judgment rests on the world, the righteous among them are smitten on their account. For this is what we have learned about the sins of the generations: that it is the holy and righteous who are punished. Why should this be so. Could it be because they do not admonish the world about their deeds? For there are many who do admonish, but they will not accept it from them so they are subdued before those WHO DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. THUS WHY THEY ARE PUNISHED FOR THE SIN OF THE GENERATION. Or maybe it is because the world has no protector AND THE RIGHTEOUS ARE PUNISHED AND DIE SO THAT THE WICKED CAN EXIST ON THEIR MERIT? AND I ASKED HIM: Were the righteous not to die and not to be punished for the sins OF THE WICKED, BUT IF THE WICKED WERE TO PERISH, then would not this be a cause of joy for the righteous that the wicked should perish? AS WRITTEN "BUT WHEN THE WICKED PERISH, THERE IS JUBILATION" (MISHLEI 11:10).

chanoch's Commentary

The question is raised as to what is the reason that the righteous are punished for the sins of the wicked? The answer is not yet revealed.

Pasook 109. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas

א"ל, בְּחוֹבָה דְּדָרָא וַדַּאי מִתָּפְסִין צַדִּיקַיָּיא, וְהָא אוֹקִימְנָא הָנֵי מִילֵי. אֲבָל בְּשַׁעֲתָא דְּיִתָּפְסוּן צַדִּיקַיָּיא בְּמַרְעִין, אוֹ בְּמַכְתְּשִׁין, בְּגִין לְכַפְּרָא עַל עָלְמָא הֲוֵי, כְּדֵין יִתְכַּפְּרוּן כָּל חוֹבֵי דָּרָא, מְנָלָן. מִכָּל שַׁיְיפֵי גּוּפָא, בְּשַׁעֲתָא דְּכָל שַׁיְיפִין בְּעָאקוּ, וּמְרָע סַגֵּי שַׁרְיָיא עָלַיְיהוּ, שַׁיְיפָא חֲדָא אִצְטְרִיךְ לְאַלְקָאָה, בְּגִין דְּיִתְסּוּן כֻּלְּהוּ, וּמַנוּ. דְּרוֹעָא. דְּרוֹעָא אַלְקֵי וְאַפִּיקוּ מִינֵּיהּ דָּמָא, כְּדֵין הָא אַסְוָותָא לְכָל שַׁיְיפֵי גּוּפָא.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


He said to me: The righteous are certainly caught for the sins of the generation, and we have already discussed these matters. But when the righteous are caught with diseases and pestilence, it is in order to atone for the sins of the world, for then atonement is effected for the sins of the generation, SINCE THE SIDE OF HOLINESS IS THEREBY UPLIFTED AND THE OTHER SIDE SURRENDERS. How do we know about this? We learn it from all the parts of the body, for when all parts of the body are in trouble and a serious illness prevails in them, one limb has to suffer so that all of them should be healthy. And which IS THE LIMB THAT IS TO SUFFER? It is of course the arm, from which blood is let, and then all parts of the body regain health.

chanoch's Commentary

When the righteous suffer do the wickeed come back nto balance where they again have free will? The answer is yes.

Pasook 110. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas

אוֹף הָכִי בְּנֵי עָלְמָא אִינּוּן שַׁיְיפִין דָּא עִם דָּא. בְּשַׁעֲתָא דְּבָעֵי קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא לְמֵיהַב אַסְוָותָא לְעָלְמָא, אַלְקֵי לְחַד צַדִּיקָא בֵּינַיְיהוּ, בְּמַרְעִין וּבְמַכְתְּשִׁין, וּבְגִינֵיהּ יָהִיב אַסְוָותָא לְכֹלָּא. מְנָלָן. דִּכְתִּיב וְהוּא מְחוֹלָל מִפְּשָׁעֵינוּ מְדוּכָּא מֵעֲוֹנוֹתֵינוּ וְגוֹ'. וּבַחֲבוּרָתוֹ נִרְפָּא לָנוּ. וּבַחֲבוּרָתוֹ, אֲקָזוּתָא דְּדָמָא, כְּמַאן דְּאָקִיז דְּרוֹעָא, וּבְהַהוּא חַבּוּרָא נִרְפָא לָנוּ, אַסְוָותָא הוּא לָנָא לְכָל שַׁיְיפִין דְּגוּפָא.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


And so it is that all people are body parts together. When the Holy One, blessed be He, wishes to grant healing to the world, He inflicts diseases and pestilence on one righteous man from among them, and, for his sake, gives healing to everyone. Where do we learn this from? From the verse: "But he was wounded because of our transgressions and by his injury we are healed" (Yeshayah 53:5). "and by his injury": this refers to the letting of blood, as one who lets blood from the arm, for in that injury "we are healed," that is to say, we, all the parts of the body, find healing.

chanoch's Commentary

This verse is clear as written.

Pasook 111. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas

וּלְעוֹלָם לָא אַלְקֵי צַדִּיקָא, אֶלָּא לְמֵיהַב אַסְוָותָא לְדָרָא, וּלְכַפְּרָא עָלַיְיהוּ. דְּהָא נִיחָא לְסִטְרָא אַחֲרָא דְּדִינָא שַׁלְטָא עַל זַכָּאָה יַתִּיר מִכֹּלָּא, דְּלָא חָיִישׁ כְּדֵין לְכָל עָלְמָא, וְלָא אַשְׁגַּח בְּהוּ, מֵחֶדְוָה דְּשַׁלִּיט עָלֵיהּ. וְהַהוּא זַכָּאָה זָכֵי לְשׁוּלְטָנָא עִלָּאָה, בְּהַאי עָלְמָא, וּבְעָלְמָא דְּאָתֵי. צַדִּיק וְטוֹב לוֹ, דְּלָא חָיִישׁ קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא לְכַפְּרָא עַל עָלְמָא.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


And He never smites the righteous man unless it is in order to grant healing to the generation and to make atonement for their sins, for the Other Side prefers MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE that Judgment should have control over the righteous, for he does not then consider the rest of the world important and he doesn't watch over them because of his great joy that he has control OVER THE RIGHTEOUS. And the righteous person WHO SUFFERS BECAUSE OF THE GENERATION merits heavenly rule, in this world and in the World to Come. And WHERE THERE IS a righteous man with whom things are going well, the explanation is that the Holy One, blessed be He, is not concerned to make atonement for the world.

chanoch's Commentary

This pasuk is also written clear.

Pasook 112. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas

אֲמֵינָא לֵיהּ, אִלּוּ לָא הֲווֹ בְּחַד זִמְנָא, יָאוּת. אֲבָל אִית צַדִּיק הָכָא, וְאִית צַדִּיק הָכָא, לְדָא אִית מַרְעִין וּמַכְתְּשִׁין, וּלְדָא אִית כָּל טִיבוּ דְּעָלְמָא. אָמַר לִי, בְּחַד מִנַּיְיהוּ אוֹ תְּרֵין סַגֵּי, דְּלָא בָּעָא קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא לְאַלְקָאָה כֹּלָּא, כְּמָה דְּלָא אִצְטְרִיךְ אֶלָּא דְּרוֹעָא חֲדָא, לְאַלְקָאָה וּלְאָקָזָאָה לְמֵיהַב אַסְוָותָא לְכָל שַׁיְיפִין. אוֹף הָכָא, בְּחַד צַדִּיקָא סַגֵּי.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


I said to him: BUT IF THERE ARE TWO RIGHTEOUS MEN, WHERE ONE OF THEM IS RIGHTEOUS WHO SUFFERS BADLY FOR HIM, WHILE THE OTHER IS RIGHTEOUS WHO FLOURISHES? If they do not live at the same time, THEN WHAT YOU HAVE SAID makes sense THAT IS, THAT THE RIGHTEOUS MAN WHO FLOURISHES LIVES AT A TIME WHEN THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, IS NOT CONCERNED TO MAKE ATONEMENT FOR THE WORLD, WHILE THE RIGHTEOUS MAN WHO SUFFERS LIVES AT A TIME WHEN THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, IS CONCERNED TO MAKE ATONEMENT FOR THE WORLD. But what about the case where there are two righteous men, one here and one here, both living AT THE SAME TIME, and the one suffers from diseases and pestilences while the other enjoys all the good things of the world? He said to me: One, or possibly two, righteous men are sufficient FOR THE ATONEMENT OF THE GENERATION, for the Holy One, blessed be He, does not need to smite all of them, just as it is unnecessary to smite and draw blood from more than one arm in order to grant health to all parts OF THE BODY. Similarly, here too, one righteous man suffices.

chanoch's Commentary

The verse is clear as written although a question occurs how is the righteous person chosen?

Pasook 113. from the Zohar Sulam Commentary on Parasha Pinchas

וְאִי אִתְּקַף בֵּיהּ מְרָע, עַל כָּל שַׁיְיפִין, כְּדֵין אִצְטְרִיךְ תְּרֵין דְּרוֹעִין לְאָקָזָאָה. אוֹף הָכִי, אִי אַסְגִּיאוּ חוֹבִין יַקִּירִין עַל עָלְמָא, כְּדֵין כָּל זַכָּאִין אַלְקוּן, לְמֵיהַב אַסְוָותָא עַל כָּל דָּרָא. אֲבָל בִּזְמַן דְּלָא אַסְגִּיאוּ כָּל כַּךְ, כְּדֵין חַד זַכָּאָה אַלְקֵי, וּשְׁאַר צַדִּיקַיָּא בִּשְׁלָם, דְּהָא לָא אִצְטְרִיךְ עָלְמָא דְּיִלְקוּן כֻּלְּהוּ. אִתְסִיאוּ עַמָּא. אִתְסִיאוּ צַדִּיקַיָּיא. וּלְזִמְנִין דְּכָל יוֹמֵיהוֹן קַיְימִין בְּמַרְעִין, לְאַגָּנָא עַל דָּרָא. מִיתוּ, הָא אַתְּסֵי כֹּלָּא, וְאִתְכְּפַּר. לְזִמְנִין דְּחוֹבִין אִינּוּן יַקִּירִין יַתִּיר.


Please use a Transliteration tool to read the Aramaic Verses. This enhances the energy transfer since it uses both sight of the Hebrew Letters and Sound as well. You may find a transliteration tool on the dailyzohar website or through an internet search for "Hebrew Transliteration".


But if the illness strikes all parts of the body, it is then necessary to let blood from both of the arms. So also in our case. If the number of serious sins in the world increases, then all the righteous have to be smitten in order to grant healing to the whole generation. But when they are not so many, then only one righteous man is smitten, and the other righteous live in peace, for the world is not in such need that all of them need to be smitten. And if the people are healed, the righteous are also healed, but it sometimes happens that THE RIGHTEOUS are inflicted with diseases throughout their lives in order to protect the generation, at a time WHEN THE SINS ARE HEAVIER. When THE RIGHTEOUS die, then everything is healed, and atoned for.

chanoch's Commentary

When a righteous person dies the world is healed. One the spiritual l3vel this is true. We see a different effect on the physical level. We see the effect of the Chabd Rebbe leaving and others getting into conflict because when a righteous leaves the Light he revealed leaves with him, leaving greater darkness. This is my opinion.