Zohar Prologue Section 11 - You are My Partner

It is recommended to read / study / scan the section prior to reading the Synopsis.

Zohar Commentary on the Prologue Section of the Zohar


From this section of the Zohar we learn that our primary purpose in life is to complete and perfect creation through our own spiritual transformation and growth. In addition, Rabbi Shimon implores his students not to share or speak of spiritual wisdom that is not derived directly from the mouth of their teacher. Doing so, he warns, can cause death and bring destruction to our physical world. The strength to make our own spiritual corrections in life and to complete the thought of creation is given to us the moment we scan this section. We acquire the discipline to always remain on the true path of wisdom, and we gain the strength to avoid temptation by easier but less powerful teachings.

Pasook 61 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

בְּרֵאשִׁית. ר' שִׁמְעוֹן פְּתַח, וָאָשִׂים דְּבָרַי בְּפִיךָ. כַּמָּה אִית לֵיהּ לְבַר נָשׁ לְאִשְׁתַּדְּלָא בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא יְמָמָא וְלֵילְיָא, בְּגִין דְּקָדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא צַיֵּית לְקָלְהוֹן דְּאִינוּן דְּמִתְעַסְּקֵי בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, וּבְכָל מִלָּה דְאִתְחַדֵּשׁ בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, עַל יְדָא דְהַהוּא דְּאִשְׁתַּדַּל בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, עָבֵיד רְקִיעָא חָדָא.

Beresheet. Rabbi Shimon opened the discussion with the verse, "And I have put My words in your mouth" (Yeshayah 51:16). How important it is for a person to study laboriously the Torah day and night. Very important, because the Holy One, blessed be He, listens attentively to the voices of those who occupy themselves with the study of the Torah. And every word that receives a new interpretation by a person who delves into the study of the Torah creates a new Firmament.

chanoch's Commentary

How corrupting is the English Translation of the Zohar. Why does the English translation call the Hebrew concept of a Chidush - interpretation. What is the connotation of interpretation? The Bing dictionary defines interpretation as "find meaning of something: to establish or explain the meaning or significance of something". Do you think a human being can explain the meaning of an attribute of the Creator? Can a Creation explain the Creator of itself? In common usage the word interpretation brings the essence of the Torah to a lower level and reduces ones perception of AWE for the Creator. Ultimately each person has a Chidush חידוש of the Torah to reveal. This is one aspect of why he is Created. The gematria of Chidush is 328. 328 = 228 + 100. Kabbalah teaches that 100 represents a complete structure or a full partzuf. 228 is the gematria of Baruch = Blessing. Please do not refer to a Chidush as an interpretation. Call it a teaching of the Torah revealed by a particular person if you know the original revealers name. This helps to maintain and enhance ones AWE of the Creator. Kabbalah teaches that the words we use are important and define our consciousness. Learn this well.

Pasook 62 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

תְּנַן בְּהַהִיא שַׁעֲתָא דְּמִלָּה דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא אִתְחַדְּשַׁת מִפּוּמֵיהּ דְּבַר נָשׁ, הַהִיא מִלָּה סַלְקָא, וְאִתְעַתְּדַת קַמֵּיהּ דְּקָדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא. וְקָדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא נָטֵיל לְהַהִיא מִלָּה, וּנְשֵׁיק לָהּ, וְעַטַּר לָהּ בְּשַׁבְעִין עִטְרִין גְּלִיפִין וּמְחַקְּקָן. וּמִלָּה דְּחָכְמְתָא דְּאִתְחַדְּשָׁא, סַלְקָא וְיַתְבָא עַל רֵישָׁא דְּצַדִּיק חַי עַלְמִין. וְטָסָא מִתַּמָּן, וְשָׁטָא בְּשִׁבְעִין אֶלֶף עַלְמִין, וּסְלֵיקַת לְגַבֵּי עַתִּיק יוֹמִין וְכָל מִלִּין דְּעַתִּיק יוֹמִין, מִלִּין דְּחָכְמְתָא אִינוּן בְּרָזִין סְתִימִין עִלָּאִין.

We have already learned that at the moment when a novel interpretation in the Torah is presented by any person, that word ascends and is met before the Holy One, blessed be He. And the Holy One, blessed be He, receives this matter and kisses it. He also adorns it with seventy graven and inscribed crowns. And this new word of wisdom that is revealed is then set upon the head of the Righteous who lives forever. Then it flies off and floats through 70,000 worlds until it reaches Atik Yomin, WHICH IS THE SFIRAH OF KETER. And all the words of Atik Yomin are words of wisdom comprising sublime and hidden mysteries.

chanoch's Commentary

The Righteous person is the person who reveals the New Teaching. This pasook is not a metaphor. The Chidush has a consciousness which is the consciousness of the person doing the revealing at that first moment that the Chidush occurs to him. This consciousness is what is met before the Creator. If someone is feeling egotistic about his new teaching then that teaching will have to be cleansed of this ego. This ego garment can lead astray many people depending on how important the teachig is. This is what the Talmud teaches about the Man from Nazareth. His teaching was a revelation about the three columns of the Tree of LIfe - an important teaching. It was presented with the Aramaic term Galgalta. We see how many people have been led astray over the centuries with the ego garment to the Galgalta. Bing dictionary defines Galgalta as What is Galgalta. Partzuf Keter and the Kli where Yechida is clothed are called Galgalta. The Catholic Church has a different definition.

Pasook 63 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

וְהַהִיא מִלָּה סְתִימָא דְחָכְמְתָא דְּאִתְחַדְּשַׁת הָכָא, כַּד סַלְקָא אִתְחַבְּרַת בְּאִינוּן מִלִּין דְּעַתִּיק יוֹמִין, וְסַלְקָא וְנַחְתָא בַּהֲדַיְיהוּ, וְעָאלַת בְּתַמְנֵיסַר עָלְמִין גְּנִיזִין דְּעַיִן לֹא רָאֲתָה אֱלֹהִים זוּלָתֶךָ, נַפְקֵי מִתַּמָּן, וְשָׁאטָן וְאַתְיָין מְלֵיאָן וּשְׁלֵמִין, וְאִתְעַתָּדוּ קַמֵּי עַתִּיק יוֹמִין. בְּהַהִיא שַׂעֲתָא אָרַח עַתִּיק יוֹמִין בְּהַאי מִלָּה וְנִיחָא קַמֵּיהּ, מִכֹּלָא. נָטֵיל לְהַהִיא מִלָּה, וְאַעְטַר לָהּ בִּתְלַת מְאָה וְשַׁבְעִין אֶלֶף עִטְרִין. הַהִיא מִלָּה טָסַת וְסַלְקָא וְנַחְתָא וְאִתְעֲבִידָא רְקִיעָא חָדָא.

When this concealed matter of wisdom is revealed here IN THIS WORLD as it ascends, it joins the words of Atik Yomin and goes up and down together with them. Then it enters 18 hidden worlds that "neither has the eye seen, Elohim, beside You" (Yeshayah 64:4). Afterward, they leave there to float around before they are presented in full perfection to Atik Yomin. At this stage, Atik Yomin smells the odor of the matter, and He finds it most desirable - MORE DESIRABLE, IN FACT, THAN ANYTHING ELSE. He then takes it and crowns it with 370,000 crowns. And the phrase, WHICH REVEALS A NEW IDEA OF THE TORAH, flies on high - going up and down before landing. Thus, a heaven is made OUT OF IT.

chanoch's Commentary

Use your knowledge of gematria to interpret what the Zohar is teaching in this Pasook. 18 is the Hebrew word Chai = LIfe. 37 is the concealed aspect of Binah since 63 = 26 + 37. Do i need to explain where 63 comes from? Or 26? 1000 is a teaching of the Sefira Cochmah. 10000 represents a higher order of wisdom within Chochmah. In Hebrew there is no number larger than 10000. Now put into your own words what is this Pasook teaching you. What is its Chidush?

Pasook 64 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

וְכֵן כָּל מִלָּה וּמִלָּה דְּחָכְמְתָא, אִתְעַבְדִּין רְקִיעִין קַיָּימִין בְּקִיּוּמָא שְׁלִים קַמֵּי עַתִּיק יוֹמִין, וְהוּא קָרֵי לוֹן שָׁמַיִם חֲדָשִׁים: שָׁמַיִם מְחוּדָשִׁים, סְתִימִין דְּרָזִין דְּחָכְמְתָא עִלָּאָה. וְכָל אִינוּן שְׁאָר מִלִּין דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא דְּמִתְחַדְּשִׁין, קַיָּימִין קַמֵּי קֻדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא, וְסָלְקִין וְאִתְעֲבִידוּ אַרְצוֹת הַחַיִּים. וְנַחְתִין, וּמִתְעַטְּרִין לְגַבֵּי אֶרֶץ חַד, וְאִתְחַדַּשׁ וְאִתְעֲבֵיד כֹּלָא אֶרֶץ חֲדָשָׁה, מֵהַהִיא מִלָּה דְּאִתְחַדַּשׂ בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא.

And from every matter of wisdom many heavens are made. They stand in full perfection in front of Atik Yomin, who calls them 'New Heavens'. IN OTHER WORDS, 'Renewed Heavens' BECAUSE THEY ARE concealed by the hidden secrets of the sublime wisdom. While all the other phrases and sayings of the Torah that are newly revealed THAT DO NOT BELONG TO THIS ASPECT OF SUBLIME WISDOM stand before the Holy One, blessed be He, these words of wisdom ascend and become the lands of the living. They then descend and are put as a crown upon a certain land. Thus, all is renewed and it becomes a new land BY MEANS of that phrase of the Torah that was freshly discovered.

chanoch's Commentary

Remember, all aspects of wisdom is composed of a hierarchy. The outermost aspect of that hierarchy is referred to as a garment. i hope this will help you to understand the inner message of this Pasook. To help you the hint is to define Lands as it relates to garments.

Pasook 65 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

וְעַל דָּא כְּתִיב כִּי כַּאֲשֶׁר הַשָּׁמַיִם הַחֲדָשִׁים וְהָאָרֶץ הַחֲדָשָׁה אֲשֶׁר אֲנִי עוֹשֶׂה, עוֹמְדִים לְפָנַי וגו'. עָשִׂיתִי לָא כְתִיב, אֶלָּא עוֹשֶׂה, דַּעֲבֵיד תָּדִיר מֵאִינוּן חִדּוּשִׁין וְרָזִין דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, וְעַל דָּא כְתִיב וָאָשִׂים דְּבָרַי בְּפִיךָ וּבְצֵל יָדִי כִּסִּיתִיךָ לִנְטֹעַ שָׁמַיִם וְלִיסוֹד אָרֶץ. הַשָּׁמַיִם לָא כְתִיב, אֶלָּא שָׁמָיִם.

On this subject, it is written, "For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me, says Hashem, so shall your seed and your name remain" (Yeshayah 66:22). He does not say 'I have made,' but rather "I make," IN THE PRESENT TENSE, BECAUSE, He constantly makes NEW HEAVENS AND EARTH from the secrets and the new teachings of the Torah. And on this subject, it is written, "And I have put My words in your mouth, and I have covered you in the shadow of My hand, that I may plant heavens, and lay the foundations of earth" (Yeshayah 51:16). He does not say 'the heavens,' but rather "heavens," WITHOUT THE DEFINITE ARTICLE. THIS MEANS THAT HE IS NOT ENCOMPASSING THE ACTUAL HEAVENS, BUT THE HEAVENS THAT ARE MADE ANEW FROM THE TEACHINGS AND THE UTTERANCES OF THE TORAH.

chanoch's Commentary

i also direct you the verse from Isaiah that became so corrupted which calls for a New Israel. Perhaps the meaning of that term is associated and explained relating to the New Heavens and the New Earths created from the various Chidushim - plural of Chidush. i also point out to you the idea of the English interpretation saying i will make - future tense while Rabbi Ashlag says it is in the present tense. How do we reconcile this issue? How uncomfortable the Religious teachings are with this concept of Creation being in the present. The world that is coming is here now, if only one is willing to receive it. For the Religiously trained a future creation is easier to accept than a present creation. After all Mashiach will come and teach something in the future. The future actually never comes - HaShem forbid - since the future is always being created by the present moment. This needs to be contemplated and reconciled for yourself.

Pasook 66 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

אָמָר רָבִּי אֶלְעָזָר מַהוּ וּבְצֵל יָדִי כִּסִּיתִיךָ. אֲמַר לֵיהּ בְּשַׁעֲתָא דְאִתְמְסַר אוֹרַיְיתָא לְמֹשֶׁה, אֲתוֹ כַּמָּה רִבּוֹא דְּמַלְאֲכֵי עִלָּאִין, לְאוֹקְדָא לֵיהּ בְּשַׁלְהוֹבָא דְפוּמְהוֹן, עַד דַּחֲפָא עֲלֵיהּ קָדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא. וְהַשְׁתָּא דְהַאי מִלָּה סָלְקָא וְאִתְעַטְּרָא וְקָיְימָא קַמֵּי קָדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, אִיהוּ חָפֵי עַל הַהִיא מִלָּה, וְכַסֵּי עַל הַהוּא בַּר נָשׁ, דְּלָא יִשְׁתְּמוֹדַע לְגַבַּיְיהוּ, אֶלָּא קָדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא. וְלָא יְקַנְּאוּן לְגַבֵּיהּ, עַד דְּאִתְעֲבֵיד מֵהַהִיא מִלָּה, שָׁמַיִם חֲדָשִׁים וְאֶרֶץ חֲדָשָׁה. הה"ד וּבְצֵל יָדִי כִּסִּיתִיךָ לִנְטוֹעַ שָׁמַיִם וְלִיסוֹד אָרֶץ. מִכָּאן דְּכָל מִלָּה דְסָתִים מֵעֵינָא, סָלְקָא לְתוֹעַלְתָּא עִלָּאָה. הה"ד וּבְצֵל יָדִי כִּסִּיתִיךָ. וַאַמַּאי אִתְחֲפֵי וְאִתְכַּסֵּי מֵעֵינָא, בְּגִין לְתוֹעַלְתָּא עִלָּאָה. הה"ד לִנְטוֹעַ שָׁמַיִם וְלִיסוֹד אָרֶץ, כְּמָה דְּאִתְּמָר.

Rabbi Elazar then asked, what is the meaning of "I have covered you in the shadow of My hand?" He told him, when the Torah was given to Moses, many tens of thousands of angels on high were about to burn him with the flames of their mouths, but the Holy One, blessed be He, protected him. So now, when the new explanation on the Torah is uttered, the saying rises up, is crowned, and then stands before the Holy One, blessed be He. And He guards that saying and shelters the person who said it so that it may be known only to Him and to stop the angels from envying him until new heaven and earth are made from that saying. So it says, "I have covered you in the shadow of My hand, that I may plant heavens, and lay the foundations of earth." And from this we learn that everything which is hidden from the eye has a supernal advantage, as expressed in "I have covered you in the shadow of My hand." But why should it be covered and hidden out of sight? So that it may receive the supernal advantage. As it says, "that I may plant heavens and lay the foundations of earth," as we have learned. IN OTHER WORDS, TO MAKE NEW HEAVENS AND EARTH OUT OF IT.

chanoch's Commentary

Actually the shadow of My Hand relates to manifestation. This Pasook is saying that HaShem takes the Chidush and conceals it within a Heaven and Earth by building something which has at its core the Chidush to be initially concealed and then revealed by the inhabitants of this world. During this process of concealment in order to be re revealed HaShem is protecting the person who initially revealed the Chidush because a Chidush is energy and that energy and the person is vulnerable to the negative system until th eitem - energy is concealed. Contemplate why people wear clothes? It is not to keep warm. That can be done with body consciousness regulation as demonstrated by the Yogi's of the Hindu religions as well as the Righteous of any religion.

Pasook 67 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

וְלֵאמֹר לְצִיּוֹן עַמִּי אָתָּה. וְלֵאמֹר לְאִינוּן תַּרְעִין וּמִלִּין דִּמְצוּיָינִין אִלֵּין עַל אִלֵּין, עַמִּי אָתָּה. אַל תִּקְרֵי עַמִּי אָתָּה, אֶלָּא עִמִּי אָתָּה, לְמֶהֱוֵי שׁוּתָּפָא עִמִּי, מָה אֲנָא בְּמִלּוּלָא דִילִי עֲבָדִית שָׁמַיִם וָאָרֶץ, כד"א בִּדְבַר ה' שָׁמַיִם נַעֲשׂוּ אוֹף הָכֵי אַתְּ. זַכָּאִין אִינוּן דְּמִשְׁתַּדְּלֵי בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא.

"And say to Zion, You are My people" (Yeshayah 51:16). The phrase "and say to Zion," MEANS TO SAY to those gates and those words that are stated one by the other, REFERRING TO THE NEW TEACHINGS OF THE TORAH, 'You are My people' (Heb. ami ata). Do not pronounce it ami ata but rather imi Ata (Eng. 'you are with Me') WHICH MEANS, 'be My partner.' Just as I have made the heavens and the earth with My words, as is written, "By the word of Hashem the heavens were made" (Tehilim 33:6), so shall you BY YOUR WORDS OF WISDOM MAKE NEW HEAVENS AND EARTH. Happy are those who occupy themselves in the Torah.

chanoch's Commentary

Here we again learn that the purpose of Creation is to learn to be a co-creator with HaShem. That is why each one of us has the responsibility to reveal a new teaching of the Torah. Are you looking for yours?

Pasook 68 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

וְאִי תֵימָא דְּמִלָּה דְכָל ב"נ דְּלָא יָדַע עָבֵיד דָּא. תָּא חֲזֵי, הַהוּא דְּלָא אוֹרְחֵיהּ בְּרָזִין דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, וְחִדֵּשׁ מִלִּין דְּלָא יְדַע עַל בּוּרְיֵיהוֹן כִּדְקָא יָאוֹת הַהִיא מִלָּה סַלְקָא, וְנָפֵיק לְגַבֵּי הַהִיא מִלָה אִישׁ תַּהְפּוּכוֹת לְשׁוֹן שָׁקֶר, מִגּוֹ נוּקְבָא דִתְהוֹמָא רַבָּא, וְדָלֵג חֲמֵשׁ מְאָה פַּרְסֵי לְקַבְּלָא לְהַהִיא מִלָּה, וְנָטֵיל לָהּ וְאָזֵיל בְּהַהִיא מִלָּה לְגוֹ נוּקְבֵיהּ, וְעָבֵיד בָּהּ רְקִיעָא דְשָׁוְא, דְּאִקְרֵי תֹּהוּ.

And so, you may say that the words OF A NEW EXPLANATION by any person, EVEN one who does not know WHAT HE IS SAYING, have the same effect. Come and see, however, what happens when a person who is not familiar with the secrets of the Torah brings forth a new explanation of which he does not know the exact truth, as he should. Under those circumstances, that word OF THE NEW EXPLANATION rises upward, and "a perverse man" (Mishlei 16:29), 'a lying tongue' goes forth to grab it. He emerges from the cavern of the great abyss, makes a leap of 500 parasangs to receive that word, then grabs it, returns with it to his female partner, and makes a false heaven out of it, which is called Tohu (Chaos).

chanoch's Commentary

500 parasangs is a phrase that is used in all of the early writings of the Kabbalah. It is a distance related to time which is mercy. This pasook is a caution to only reveal your Chidush when it is complete and you have been given permission to reveal it publicly. Rabbi Ashlag wrote his ten luminous emanations teaching of the 4 phases with that purpose in mind. All Chidushim needs to follow the Creative aspect of the 4 phases. If you have not studied this tool you will be limited in your spiritual growth in Torah - Chas V' Shalom.

Pasook 69 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

וְטָס בְּהַהוּא רְקִיעָא, הַהוּא אִישׁ תַּהְפּוּכוֹת, שִׁיתָּא אַלְפֵי פַּרְסֵי בְּזִמְנָא חָדָא, כֵּיוָן דְּהַאי רְקִיעָא דְשָׁוְא קָאֵים, נָפְקַת מִיָּד אֵשֶׁת זְנוּנִים, וְאַתְקֵיף בְּהַהוּא רְקִיעָא דְשָׁוְא, וְאִשְׁתַּתְּפַת בֵּיהּ. וּמִתַּמָּן, נָפְקַת וְקָטְלַת כַּמָּה אֲלָפִין וְרִבְוָון, בְּגִין דְּכַד קָיְימַת בְּהַהוּא רְקִיעָא, אִית לָהּ רְשׁוּ וִיכָלְתָּא לְמֶהֱוֵי טָס כָּל עָלְמָא בְּרִגְעָא חֲדָא.

The perverse one then flies in that FALSE heaven, traversing 6,000 parasangs in one bound. And as soon as this false heaven is formed, a wife of harlotry emerges, seizes onto this false heaven, and joins it. From there, she leaves to slay by the thousands and tens of thousands. Because as long as she appends herself to this heaven, she has the authority and the ability to fly and traverse the whole world in an instant.

chanoch's Commentary

Did you use your understanding of gematria. 6 represents the 6 Sefirot of Zeir Anpin. Remember the world was created with 10 dimensions and 6 collapsed in the first moments of the Big Bang - so teaches modern physics. How does this relate to Kabbalah. How does this Pasook explain the leading astray of people. It is through incomplete and false teachings. See the various ways the theories of science are used to explain a current truth which is then changed a few years later. In the process the current truth leads astray many school children who learn this truth as ultimate truth. This is a mistake that people make all the time in both the secular and religious worlds. All truths must pass the test of time. That test of time must be at least 600 years so that all of the aspects of Zeir Anpin are revealed.

Pasook 70 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

וְעַל דָּא כְּתִיב, הוֹי מוֹשְׁכֵי הֶעָוֹן בְּחַבְלֵי הַשָׁוְא. הֶעָוֹן, דָּא דְכוּרָא. וְכַעֲבוֹת הָעֲגָלָה חַטָּאָה. מַאן חַטָּאָה, דָּא נוּקְבָא דְאִקְרֵי חַטָּאָה. אִיהוּ מָשִׁיךְ, הַהוּא דְאִקְרֵי עָוֹן, בְּאִינוּן חַבְלֵי הַשָּׁוְא, וּלְבָתַר, כַּעֲבוֹת הָעֲגָלָה חַטָּאָה, לְהַהִיא נוּקְבָא דְאִקְרֵי חַטָּאָה, דְּתַמָּן אִתְתַּקְפַת לְמֶהֱוֵי טָס לְקַטְלָא בְּנֵי נָשָׁא, וְעַל דָּא כִּי רַבִּים חֲלָלִים הִפִּילָה, מַאן הִפִּילָה, דָּא הַהִיא חַטָּאָה דְּקָטְלַת בְּנֵי נְשָׁא. מָאן גָּרֵים דָּא, תַּלְמִיד חָכָם דְּלָא מָטֵי לְהוֹרָאָה וּמוֹרֶה, רַחֲמָנָא לִשֵּׁזְבָן.

And on this subject, it is written, "Woe to them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity" (Yeshayah 5:18). "Iniquity" is related to the Male. "and sin as it were with a cart rope" (Ibid.). What is sin? This is the female, namely the wife of harlotry. The gender is implied in the phrase, "and sin as it were with a cart rope." He, WHO SINS, draws iniquity, NAMELY THE MALE OF THE KLIPAH, with these cords of vanity. And afterwards: "draws sin as it were with a cart rope." SO HE DRAWS UPON HIMSELF that female, who is called "sin," as she grows strong and flies off to slay human beings. Therefore, "she has cast down many deadly wounded" (Mishlei 7:26). Who "has cast down?" That sin that slays human beings. And who caused all this? The student of the law who did not earn the right to teach, but does so. So may the Merciful One save us!

chanoch's Commentary

Rabbi Ashlag learned from this Zohar Pasook to write his Introduction to the Ten Luminous Emanations. It is what will help you know what is the right methods of revelations for your personal Chidushim.

Pasook 71 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

אָמַר רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן לְחַבְרַיָיא בְּמָטוּתָא מִנַּיְיכוֹ, דְּלָא תִפְקוּן מִפּוּמַיְיכוּ מִלָּה דְאוֹרַיְיתָא דְלָא יְדַעְתּוּן וְלָא שְׁמַעְתּוּן מֵאִילָנָא רַבְרְבָא כִּדְקָא יָאוֹת, בְּגִין דְּלָא תֶהֱווֹן גָּרְמִין לְהַהוּא חַטָּאָה לְקַטְלָא אֻכְלוֹסִין דְּב"נ לְמַגָּנָא. פָּתְחוּ כָּלְהוֹן וַאֲמָרוּ, רַחֲמָנָא לִשֵּׁזְבָן, רַחֲמָנָא לִשֵּׁזְבָן.

Rabbi Shimon said to all the friends, I beg of you all not to utter any words of the Torah which you did not hear from a great tree and did not learn properly. So that you may not be the cause of that wife of harlotry slaying multitudes of human beings without reason! They all answered: May the Merciful One save us all!

chanoch's Commentary

The Zohar says do no teach anything you did not hear from a teacher. How does one know that what he sees as a Chidush comes from a teacher? You have heard of the idea of being exposed to and being taught by Eliyahu HaNavi. If you are not being taught there then first teach your Chidush to your teacher and get him to approve and given you permission to teach this to the world. This is why the books that we buy have approbations in the beginning. This is the corruption that has slipped into our society. One Rabbi provides an approbation that says i have read this teaching and attest that it is proper kosher Torah. Does this make it so? Can we trust that there was no fee paid for this approbation? Do we have truly honest men and women in our midst? Is there a better system? Yes - Use your own discernment for what is Kosher Torah or ask your teacher.

Pasook 72 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

תָּא חֲזֵי, בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא בְּרָא קָדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא עָלְמָא, וְהָא אוֹקְמוּהָ, דִּכְתִיב וָאֶהְיֶה אֶצְלוֹ אָמוֹן, וָאֶהְיֶה שַׁעֲשׁוּעִים יוֹם יוֹם. וְאִיהוּ אִסְתַּכַּל בָּהּ זִמְנָא, וּתְרֵין וּתְלָתָא וְאַרְבַּע זִמְנִין, וּלְבָתַר אֲמַר לוֹן, וּלְבָתַר עָבֵיד בָּהּ עַבִידְתָּא. לְאוֹלְפָא לִבְנֵי נְשָׁא דְּלָא יֵיתוֹן לְמִטְעֵי בָּהּ. כד"א אָז רָאָהּ וַיְסַפְּרָהּ הֱכִינָהּ וְגַם חֲקָרָהּ וַיֹּאמֶר לָאָדָם.

Come and see, the Holy One, blessed be He, created the world using the Torah. And this has been explained in the verse, "Then I was by Him as a nurseling, and I was daily all His delight" (Mishlei 8:30). THIS APPLIES TO THE TORAH, WITH WHICH THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, AMUSED HIMSELF FOR 2,000 YEARS BEFORE THE CREATION OF THE WORLD. He looked at the Torah once, twice, and thrice. The fourth time He addressed them. Eventually, He used the Torah to teach people how not to be misled and how to misunderstand it. As it is written, "Then He saw and declared it; He established it and searched it out. And He said to man..." (Iyov 28:27-28). "THEN HE SAW," THIS IS ONCE; "DECLARED IT," THIS IS TWICE; "HE ESTABLISHED IT," THIS IS THRICE; AND "SEARCHED IT OUT," THIS IS THE FOURTH. THEN HE TOLD THEM, AS IT IS WRITTEN, "AND HE SAID TO MAN..."

chanoch's Commentary

We learn from this that all Chidushim must follow the 4 phases. have you evaluated all the Torah you learn from this truth?

Pasook 73 of the Zohar Commentary on the Prologue to the Zohar

וְלָקֳבֵיל אַרְבַּע זִמְנִין אִינוּן, דִּכְתִיב, אָז רָאָהּ, וַיְסַפְּרָהּ, הֱכִינָהּ, וְגַם חֲקָרָהּ, בְּרָא קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא מַה דִּבְרָא. וְעַד לָא אַפֵּיק עֲבִידְתֵּיהּ, אָעֵיל אַרְבַּע תֵּבִין בְּקַדְמֵיתָא, דִּכְתִיב, בְּ'רֵאשִׁית בָּ'רָא אֱ'לֹהִים אֶ'ת, הָא אַרְבַּע. וּלְבָתַר הַשָּׁמַיִם. אִינוּן לָקֳבֵיל אַרְבַּע זִמְנִין דְּאִסְתַּכַּל קָדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא עַד לָא יָפֵיק עֲבִידְתֵּיהּ לְאוּמְנוּתֵיהּ.

So according to these four times (or steps), expressed as, "Then He saw it and declared it; He established it and searched it out." The Holy One created what He had created. And He did not accomplish His mission until He brought forth four words. Therefore it is written, "In the beginning Elohim created the..." (Beresheet 1:1) which contains four words. After that, THE NEXT WORD WRITTEN IS "heaven." So these correspond to the four times that the Holy One, blessed be He, looked into the Torah before He brought his works into actuality.

chanoch's Commentary

The purpose of Creation is manifestation or Malchut. Yet we must first go through the 4 phases of creation in order to truly manifest anything including a Chidush. Good Luck!