Zohar Prologue Section 7 - Wisdom on Which the World is Based

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Zohar Prologue Commentary on the PORTION PROLOGUE


The Zohar teaches that all Creation occurred through the power of great wisdom. This secret is found in Beresheet, the Hebrew word for Creation. We can now open ourselves to receive true spiritual wisdom in our own lives.

Pasook 40 from the Zohar Commentary on the Zohar Prologue

בְּרֵאשִׁית, רַבִּי יוּדָאי אֲמַר, מַאי בְּרֵאשִׁי"ת, בְּחָכְמָ"ה, דָּא חָכְמָ"ה דְּעָלְמָא קָיְימָא עֲלָהּ לְעָאלָא גוֹ רָזִי סְתִימִין עִלָּאִין. וְהָכָא אִגְלִיפוּ שִׁית סִטְרִין רַבְרְבִין עִלָּאִין, דְּמִנְהוֹן נָפֵיק כֹּלָא, דְּמִנְהוֹן אִתְעֲבִידוּ שִׁית מְקוֹרִין וְנַחֲלִין לְעָאלָא גוֹ יַמָּא רַבָּא. וְהַיְינוּ בָּרָא שִׁי"ת, מֵהָכָא אִתְבְּרִיאוּ. מַאן בָּרָא לוֹן הַהוּא דְּלָא אִדְכַּר, הַהוּא סָתִים דְּלָא יְדִיעַ.

Beresheet. Rabbi Yudai asks, What is Beresheet? It means 'with wisdom'. And this is the wisdom upon which the world, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF ZEIR ANPIN, is established and allowed to enter the deep and secretive mysteries, NAMELY THE LIGHTS OF BINAH. Here the six supernal directions are engraved, WHICH ARE THE SIX EXTREMITIES OF BINAH, from which everything emerges. From them were formed the six sources and rivers, WHICH ARE THE SIX EXTREMITIES OF ZEIR ANPIN that flow into the great sea, WHICH IS MALCHUT. THEREFORE, Bara Sheet (Eng. 'He created six') SUGGESTS THE SIX LETTERS OF BERESHEET, FOR THE SIX EXTREMITIES were created from here. And who created them? He who is not mentioned; He who is concealed and unknown, WHO IS CALLED ARICH ANPIN.

chanoch's Commentary

There are 70 other explanations for the word Beraisheet. This is the important one since wisdom is a code word for Beginning. The Psalms and the Proverbs both say the Beginning is Wisdom. So what is above Chochmah? What recreated the beginning. This verse says it is Arich Anpin. What is Arich Anpin - the large face? It is Keter with a complete structure of 10 Sefirot. Keter is always concealed. This is a great secret and must be contemplated.